• 2048AI设计与实现

    • 1. 摘要
    • 2. 问题描述
      • 2.1 2048游戏简介
      • 2.2 2048智能提示实现
    • 3. 建模
    • 4. 算法分析
    • 5. 算法实现
      • 5.1 格局评估指标
      • 5.2 Minimax Search和Alpha Beta Pruning的实现
      • 5.3 己方格局评价函数实现
        • 5.3.1 平滑性
        • 5.3.2 单调性
        • 5.3.3 空格数
        • 5.3.4 最大数
      • 5.4 对方格局评价函数实现
      • 5.5 迭代深搜
    • 6. 运行效果
    • 7. 结论
    • 8. 源码和apk
    • 9. References


1. 摘要


2. 问题描述

2.1 2048游戏简介

《2048》是一款比较流行的数字游戏,最早于2014年3月20日发行。原版2048首先在GitHub上发布,原作者是Gabriele Cirulli,后被移植到各个平台。



2.2 2048智能提示实现



3. 建模

Since the game is a discrete state space, perfect information, turn-based game like chess and checkers, I used the same methods that have been proven to work on those games, namely minimax search with alpha-beta pruning. Since there is already a lot of info on that algorithm out there, I’ll just talk about the two main heuristics that I use in the static evaluation function and which formalize many of the intuitions that other people have expressed here.


4. 算法分析


5. 算法实现

5.1 格局评估指标

    /*** 格局评估函数* * @return 返回当前格局的评估值,用于比较判断格局的好坏*/private double evaluate() {double smoothWeight = 0.1, //平滑性权重系数monoWeight = 1.3, //单调性权重系数emptyWeight = 2.7, //空格数权重系数maxWeight = 1.0; //最大数权重系数return grid.smoothness() * smoothWeight+ grid.monotonicity() * monoWeight+ Math.log(getEmptyNum(grid.getCellMatrix())) * emptyWeight+ grid.maxValue() * maxWeight;}


5.2 Minimax Search和Alpha Beta Pruning的实现

private SearchResult search(int depth, double alpha, double beta, int positions, int cutoffs) {double bestScore;int bestMove = -1;SearchResult result = new SearchResult();int[] directions = {0, 1, 2, 3};if (this.grid.playerTurn) {  // Max 层bestScore = alpha;for (int direction : directions) {  // 玩家遍历四个滑动方向,找出一个最好的GameState newGrid = new GameState(this.grid.getCellMatrix());if (newGrid.move(direction)) {positions++;
//                if (newGrid.isWin()) {//                    return new SearchResult(direction, 10000, positions, cutoffs);
//                }AI newAI = new AI(newGrid);newAI.grid.playerTurn = false;if (depth == 0) { //如果depth=0,搜索到该层后不再向下搜索result.move = direction;result.score = newAI.evaluate();} else { //如果depth>0,则继续搜索下一层,下一层为电脑做出决策的层result = newAI.search(depth - 1, bestScore, beta, positions, cutoffs);if (result.score > 9900) { // 如果赢得游戏result.score--; // 轻微地惩罚因为更大的搜索深度}positions = result.positions;cutoffs = result.cutoffs;}//如果当前搜索分支的格局分数要好于之前得到的分数,则更新决策,同时更新bestScore,也即alpha的值if (result.score > bestScore) {bestScore = result.score;bestMove = direction;}//如果当前bestScore也即alpha>beta时,表明这个节点下不会再有更好解,于是剪枝if (bestScore > beta) {cutoffs++;  //剪枝return new SearchResult(bestMove, beta, positions, cutoffs);}}}} else {// Min 层,该层为电脑层(也即我们的对手),这里我们假设对手(电脑)足够聪明,总是能做出使格局变到最坏的决策bestScore = beta;// 尝试给每个空闲块填入2或4,然后计算格局的评估值List<Candidate> candidates = new ArrayList<>();List<int[]> cells = this.grid.getAvailableCells();int[] fill = {2, 4};List<Double> scores_2 = new ArrayList<>();List<Double> scores_4 = new ArrayList<>();for (int value : fill) {for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {this.grid.insertTitle(cells.get(i)[0], cells.get(i)[1], value);if (value == 2) scores_2.add(i, -this.grid.smoothness() + this.grid.islands());if (value == 4) scores_4.add(i, -this.grid.smoothness() + this.grid.islands());this.grid.removeTile(cells.get(i)[0], cells.get(i)[1]);}}// 找出使格局变得最坏的所有可能操作double maxScore = Math.max(Collections.max(scores_2), Collections.max(scores_4));for (int value : fill) {if (value == 2) {for (Double fitness : scores_2) {if (fitness == maxScore) {int index = scores_2.indexOf(fitness);candidates.add(new Candidate(cells.get(index)[0], cells.get(index)[1], value));}}}if (value == 4) {for (Double fitness : scores_4) {if (fitness == maxScore) {int index = scores_4.indexOf(fitness);candidates.add(new Candidate(cells.get(index)[0], cells.get(index)[1], value));}}}}// 然后遍历这些操作,基于这些操作向下搜索,找到使得格局最坏的分支for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {int pos_x = candidates.get(i).x;int pos_y = candidates.get(i).y;int value = candidates.get(i).value;GameState newGrid = new GameState(this.grid.getCellMatrix());// 电脑即对手做出一个可能的对于电脑来说最好的(对于玩家来说最坏的)决策newGrid.insertTitle(pos_x, pos_y, value);positions++;AI newAI = new AI(newGrid);// 向下搜索,下一层为Max层,轮到玩家进行决策newAI.grid.playerTurn = true;// 这里depth没有减1是为了保证搜索到最深的层为Max层result = newAI.search(depth, alpha, bestScore, positions, cutoffs);positions = result.positions;cutoffs = result.cutoffs;// 该层为Min层,哪个分支的局势最不好,就选哪个分支,这里的bestScore代表betaif (result.score < bestScore) {bestScore = result.score;}// 如果当前bestScore也即beta<alpha时,表明这个节点下不会再有更好解,于是剪枝if (bestScore < alpha) {cutoffs++;  //减枝return new SearchResult(-1, alpha, positions, cutoffs);}}}return new SearchResult(bestMove, bestScore, positions, cutoffs);

5.3 己方格局评价函数实现

5.3.1 平滑性

/*** 测量网格的平滑程度(这些块的值可以形象地解释为海拔)。* 相邻两个方块的值差异越小,格局就越平滑(在log空间中,所以它表示在合并之前需要进行的合并的数量)。** @return*/
public double smoothness() {int smoothness = 0;for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {if (this.cellMatrix[x][y] != 0) {double value = Math.log(this.cellMatrix[x][y]) / Math.log(2);// 计算水平方向和垂直方向的平滑性评估值for (int direction = 1; direction <= 2; direction++) {int[] vector = this.vectors[direction];int cnt_x = x, cnt_y = y;do {cnt_x += vector[0];cnt_y += vector[1];} while (isInBounds(cnt_x, cnt_y) && isCellAvailable(cnt_x, cnt_y));if (isInBounds(cnt_x, cnt_y)) {if (cellMatrix[cnt_x][cnt_y] != 0) {double targetValue = Math.log(cellMatrix[cnt_x][cnt_y]) / Math.log(2);smoothness -= Math.abs(value - targetValue);}}}}}}return smoothness;

5.3.2 单调性

/*** 测量网格的单调性。* 这意味着在向左/向右和向上/向下的方向,方块的值都是严格递增或递减的。** @return*/
public double monotonicity() {// 保存四个方向格局单调性的评估值int[] totals = {0, 0, 0, 0};// 左/右 方向for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {int current = 0;int next = current + 1;while (next < 4) {while (next < 4 && this.cellMatrix[x][next] == 0) next++;if (next >= 4) next--;double currentValue = (this.cellMatrix[x][current] != 0) ? Math.log(this.cellMatrix[x][current]) / Math.log(2) : 0;double nextValue = (this.cellMatrix[x][next] != 0) ? Math.log(this.cellMatrix[x][next]) / Math.log(2) : 0;if (currentValue > nextValue) {totals[0] += nextValue - currentValue;} else if (nextValue > currentValue) {totals[1] += currentValue - nextValue;}current = next;next++;}}// 上/下 方向for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {int current = 0;int next = current + 1;while (next < 4) {while (next < 4 && this.cellMatrix[next][y] == 0) next++;if (next >= 4) next--;double currentValue = (this.cellMatrix[current][y] != 0) ? Math.log(this.cellMatrix[current][y]) / Math.log(2) : 0;double nextValue = (this.cellMatrix[next][y] != 0) ? Math.log(this.cellMatrix[next][y]) / Math.log(2) : 0;if (currentValue > nextValue) {totals[2] += nextValue - currentValue;} else if (nextValue > currentValue) {totals[3] += currentValue - nextValue;}current = next;next++;}}// 取四个方向中最大的值为当前格局单调性的评估值return Math.max(totals[0], totals[1]) + Math.max(totals[2], totals[3]);

5.3.3 空格数

private int getEmptyNum(int[][] matrix) {int sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++)for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j++)if (matrix[i][j] == 0) sum++;return sum;

5.3.4 最大数

/*** 取最大数,这里取对数是为与前面其它指标的计算保持一致,均在log空间进行** @return*/
public double maxValue() {return Math.log(ArrayUtil.getMax(cellMatrix)) / Math.log(2);

5.4 对方格局评价函数实现


/*** 递归调用计算当前格局的连通块个数* * @return*/
public int islands() {int islands = 0;marked = new boolean[4][4];for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {if (this.cellMatrix[x][y] != 0) {this.marked[x][y] = false;}}}for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {if (this.cellMatrix[x][y] != 0 && !this.marked[x][y]) {islands++;mark(x, y, this.cellMatrix[x][y]);}}}return islands;
}private void mark(int x, int y, int value) {if (x >= 0 && x <= 3 && y >= 0 && y <= 3 && (this.cellMatrix[x][y] != 0)&& (this.cellMatrix[x][y] == value) && (!this.marked[x][y])) {this.marked[x][y] = true;for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {int[] vector = this.vectors[direction];mark(x + vector[0], y + vector[1], value);}}

5.5 迭代深搜

// 执行搜索操作,返回最好的移动方向
public int getBestMove() {return this.iterativeDeep(100);
}// 基于alpha-beta的Minimax搜索,进行迭代深搜,搜索时间设定为0.1秒,即决策的思考时间为0.1秒
private int iterativeDeep(long minSearchTime) {long start = new Date().getTime();int depth = 0;int best = -1;do {SearchResult newBest = this.search(depth, -10000, 10000, 0, 0);if (newBest.move == -1) break;else best = newBest.move;depth++;} while (new Date().getTime() - start < minSearchTime);return best;

6. 运行效果


7. 结论

游戏AI的决策过程,是标准的Minimax Search 结合 Alpha Beta Pruning的实现。 所有的方向(上下左右)都会去尝试。然而在对手做决策时,不是每个空格都去尝试填2或4。 而是选择了最坏的局面,做为搜索分支的剪枝条件,选择性地丢弃了很多搜索分支。对于选择性忽略搜索节点,在某些情况下,会失去获取最优解的机会。不过砍掉了很多分支后, 其搜索深度大大加强,生存能力更强大。另外,超时判断在每个深度探索结束后进行, 这未必会精确,甚至误差很大,但不管如何游戏AI基本达到了每100ms决策一步的要求。最后,根据原作者ovolve创造性的思维和建模,把环境拟人化的对弈模型,使得传统的博弈树模型能应用于此,这是面对反馈类场景的一种很好的评估决策思路。

8. 源码和apk


9. References





《Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach》 (Third Edition) 第5章 对抗搜索











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