
Your Mac’s serial number is a unique identifier that distinguishes your Mac from all others. You have to provide your Mac’s serial number when requesting warranty service. You may also want to look up your Mac’s serial number if you’re reporting it stolen.

Mac的序列号是一个唯一的标识符,可将Mac与其他所有Mac区别开。 要求保修服务时,必须提供Mac的序列号。 如果您报告Mac的序列号被盗,则可能还需要查找。

The easiest way to find your serial number depends on your situation. If your Mac turns on, you can find the serial number right in the interface. If it doesn’t turn on, you’ll need to locate it on the case or original packaging. And if you don’t have access to your Mac at all—say, it’s been stolen—you can probably still find the serial number through Apple’s website.

查找序列号的最简单方法取决于您的情况。 如果Mac开启,则可以在界面中找到序列号。 如果无法打开,则需要将其放在箱子或原始包装上。 而且,如果您根本无法访问Mac(例如,它已被盗),您可能仍然可以通过Apple网站找到序列号。

如果您的Mac打开 (If Your Mac Turns On)

If your Mac is working properly, finding the serial number is easy. Just click the Apple menu icon at the top of the screen and select “About This Mac”.

如果您的Mac正常运行,查找序列号很容易。 只需单击屏幕顶部的Apple菜单图标,然后选择“关于本机”。

You’ll see the serial number displayed along with your Mac’s model number, hardware specifications, and the version of macOS you have installed.


如果您的Mac无法打开 (If Your Mac Won’t Turn On)

Your Mac’s serial number is printed somewhere on the Mac itself, so you’ll be able to find it if you can’t turn your Mac on.


Flip over a MacBook and you’ll see the serial number printed on the Mac itself, near the “Designed by Apple in California” text. On a Mac Mini, you’ll find the serial number on the bottom. On the Mac Pro, you’ll find it on the back panel.

翻转MacBook,您将看到Mac本身上印有的序列号,靠近“ Apple由加利福尼亚设计”字样。 在Mac Mini上,您会在底部找到序列号。 在Mac Pro上,您可以在背面板上找到它。

如果您没有Mac (If You Don’t Have Your Mac)

If you don’t have access to your Mac, you can still find the serial number in a variety of locations.


If you signed into your Mac with an Apple ID account, the serial number is tied to your Apple ID account online. Head to the Apple ID account website and sign in with the Apple ID account you used on the Mac. Click the name of the Mac under “Devices” on the page that appears and you’ll see the Mac’s serial number.

如果您使用Apple ID帐户登录Mac,则序列号将在线绑定到您的Apple ID帐户。 转到Apple ID帐户网站,并使用您在Mac上使用的Apple ID帐户登录。 在出现的页面上的“设备”下,单击Mac的名称,您将看到Mac的序列号。

If you enabled Find My Mac on the Mac and it’s been stolen or misplaced, you can track or lock it using the Find My Mac feature in iCloud.


If you still have the box your Mac originally came in, look on the box. The serial number is printed on the barcode label on your Mac’s original packaging.

如果仍然有Mac最初随附的包装盒,请查看包装盒。 序列号印在Mac原包装上的条形码标签上。

The serial number is also printed on the purchase receipt if you purchased your Mac from an Apple Store in person or in the email receipt if you purchased it from Apple’s online store. Some other stores may also print the serial number of your Mac on the receipt, so check the receipt no matter where you bought your Mac from.

如果您是亲自从Apple Store购买Mac的,则序列号也会打印在购买收据上;如果是从Apple的在线商店购买的Mac,则在电子邮件收据中也会打印。 其他一些商店可能还会在收据上打印Mac的序列号,因此无论您从何处购买Mac都应检查收据。

Also, if you’ve ever submitted a warranty or service request for the Mac, you’ll see the Mac’s serial number displayed in the Apple Store service confirmation email.

另外,如果您曾经提交过Mac的保修或服务请求,您将在Apple Store服务确认电子邮件中看到Mac的序列号。




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