linux lilo

力乐 (LILO)

LILO is the LInux LOader, the most well-known boot loader for Linux. It is utilized to stack Linux into memory and start the OS. On a machine with the various OS, LILO can be set up to boot different OS too.

LILO是LInux LOader ,它是Linux最著名的引导加载程序 。 它用于将Linux堆栈到内存中并启动OS。 在具有各种操作系统的计算机上,也可以将LILO设置为引导不同的操作系统。

Ordinarily, LILO is at first configured for you during the Linux establishment process. Be that as it may, you may find that default configuration isn't right, or you wish to modify it. Also, there may even come when you have to expel LILO from your PC. Here are a few directions that should help you on your journey.

通常,首先在Linux建立过程中为您配置LILO 。 尽管如此,您可能会发现默认配置不正确,或者您希望对其进行修改。 另外,当您不得不从计算机中删除LILO时,甚至可能会出现。 这里有一些指示对您的旅程会有帮助。

Here, we would describe a basic LILO Dual Boot Configuration where windows are the primary OS installed in the first partition and Linux is to be on the second partition. The commands below can be used as it is except the image= and root= lines as it depends where you've installed the Linux.
The Command for LILO Dual Boot Configuration is,

在这里,我们将描述基本的LILO双启动配置 ,其中Windows是安装在第一个分区中的主要操作系统,而Linux将位于第二个分区中。 下面的命令可以按原样使用,但image =root =行除外,这取决于您在Linux上的安装位置。


We'll be explaining the use of each line step by step.


引导= / dev / hda (boot=/dev/hda)

This command is used to guide LILO the destination where the bootloader is to be installed. As per this command, it is going into the Master Boot Record available on the first drive i.e. LILO is going to control all the boot processes of all available OS on the target PC from the beginning.

此命令用于引导LILO安装引导加载程序的目标位置。 按照此命令,它将进入第一个驱动器上可用的主引导记录,即LILO将从头开始控制目标PC上所有可用OS的所有引导过程。

map = /启动/ map (map=/boot/map)

This is a map file automatically generated by LILO, it is recommended that you don't mess with it.


安装= / boot / boot.b (install=/boot/boot.b)

This informs LILO about the usage of the new boot sector, this file contains the "Bootstrap" code, don't mess with it as well.

这会通知LILO有关新引导扇区的用法,该文件包含“ Bootstrap”代码,也请不要与之混淆。

紧凑 (compact)

This makes the working of LILO faster but might hang your system if it is old enough. Don’t use it if you have one of them.

这样可以使LILO的工作速度更快,但是如果足够旧,则可能会挂起您的系统。 如果您有其中之一,请不要使用它。

提示 (prompt)

This will give the user the option of choosing OS or enter the parameters for the Linux Kernel. We recommend you to keep this.

这将使用户可以选择操作系统或输入Linux内核的参数。 我们建议您保留此设置。

超时= 50 (timeout=50)

This is the time duration given in the tenth of seconds measurement i.e. 50 means 5 Seconds to choose which OS to load while initial boot. If you use prompt and make it 0 or forget it then none of the OS is going to load as LILO will wait forever otherwise if the prompt is not used it loads the default OS.

这是十分之一秒的测量持续时间,即50表示5秒,用于选择在初始引导时加载哪个OS。 如果您使用提示并将其设置为0或忘记它,则将不会加载任何操作系统,因为LILO将永远等待,否则,如果不使用提示,它将加载默认操作系统。

映像= / boot / vmlinuz-2.0.36 (image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36)

This is basically the name of the Linux Kernel to boot. “image= *Kernel Name*

这基本上是要引导的Linux内核的名称。 “图片= *内核名称*

标签= Linux (label=linux)

This is used to identify the image of the ISO and select it at the boot process.


根= / dev / hda2 (root=/dev/hda2)

This command tells LILO where the root system files reside so that LInux kernel can be mounted during the boot process.


只读 (read-only)

Tells LILO to mount LInux kernel as read-only mode initially, it would change to read-write in the later boot process.


其他= / dev / hda1 (other=/dev/hda1)

This command tells LILO to boot an OS other than Linux.


标签=赢 (label=win)

Same as the above label.


恢复丢失的LILO (Recovering a lost LILO)

If you reinstall DOS or Windows after introducing LILO, you may find that the LILO: boot prompt never again shows up. This may likewise happen if certain disk utilities or hostile to virus utilities endeavor to "fix" your master boot record.
To fix this, you simply need to reinstall LILO. That implies you need to boot into Linux some other way, either utilizing Loadlin or a Linux boot floppy. At the Linux command prompt simply type/sbin/lilo as portrayed under Applying Changes. At the point when you reboot, LILO will be back where it has a place!

如果在引入LILO之后重新安装DOS或Windows,则可能会发现LILO:启动提示不再显示。 如果某些磁盘实用程序或对病毒实用程序怀有敌意的方法试图“修复”您的主启动记录,则同样可能发生这种情况。
要解决此问题,您只需要重新安装LILO。 这意味着您需要使用Loadlin或Linux引导软盘以其他方式引导到Linux。 在Linux命令提示符下,只需按照“应用更改”下的描述键入/ sbin / lilo。 当您重新启动时,LILO将回到原处!


linux lilo

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