import net.ssehub.easy.varModel.confModel.IDecisionVariable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類


* Sets a reference value on slotName of var, e.g., for initializing a configuration

* appropriately.


* @param var the variable to modify

* @param slotName the slot name within var to modify

* @param availableSlotName the name of the slot in var containing valid resources

* @param elementName the name of the element to select, else the first value in availableSlotName

* shall be taken


protected void setReference(IDecisionVariable var, String slotName, String availableSlotName,

String elementName) {

try {

IDecisionVariable slot = var.getNestedElement(slotName);

IDecisionVariable availables = var.getNestedElement(availableSlotName);

Value value = null;

if (null != slot && null != availables) {

if (null == elementName) {

if (availables.getNestedElementsCount() > 0) {

value = availables.getNestedElement(0).getValue();


} else {

for (int n = 0; null == value && n < availables.getNestedElementsCount(); n++) {

IDecisionVariable nested = availables.getNestedElement(n);

IDecisionVariable deref = Configuration.dereference(nested);

if (elementName.equals(VariableHelper.getName(deref))) {

value = nested.getValue(); // yes, nested - take the reference





if (null != value) {

slot.setValue(value, AssignmentState.ASSIGNED);

} else {"cannot set value '" + elementName + "' for " + slotName

+ " as related variable does not exist");


} catch (ConfigurationException e) {"cannot set value for " + slotName + ": " + e.getMessage());



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