字典排序:理解错了 以为每个单词都要排序 那就不用isWordOk 那个def了

class Solution(object):def isAlienSorted(self, words, order):dict = {}for index in range(len(order)):dict[order[index]] = indexif len(words) <= 1:return Truefor index in range(len(words)-1):if self.isTwoOk(words[index], words[index+1], dict):#self.isWordOk(words[index], dict) and self.isWordOk(words[index+1], dict) and continueelse:return Falsereturn Truedef isWordOk(self, words, dict):if len(words) <= 1:return Truefor index in range(1,len(words)):if  words[index] in dict:if dict[words[index]] < dict[words[index-1]]:return Falseelse:return Falsereturn Truedef isTwoOk(self, words, word2, dict):for index in range(min(len(words), len(word2))):if dict[word2[index]] > dict[words[index]]: return Trueelif dict[word2[index]] < dict[words[index]]:return False if len(words) > len(word2):return Falsereturn True
a = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
b = ["apple","app"]
t = Solution()
print(t.isAlienSorted(b, a))

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