群体稳定性指标PSI(Population Stability Index)是衡量模型的预测值与实际值偏差大小的指标。

PSI = sum((实际占比-预期占比)* ln(实际占比/预期占比))







Load libraries and data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import re
# sample data
df = pd.read_csv('dev.csv')# holdout data(without target variable)
dfo = pd.read_csv('oot0.csv')
Define PSI function
def psi(bench, comp, group):
bench: sample[variable]
comp: holdout[variable]
group: how many groups with in the variablesuggestion: group=max(2,min((len(set(df[var_name]))),10))at least 2,at max 10,so if continuous variable, it will be maximum at 10and if categorical variable with less than 10 cats, it will be number of categories
"""# get the number of rows of the sample and holdoutben_len=len(bench);comp_len=len(comp);# sort the valuesbench.sort();comp.sort();psi_cut=[];# calculate sample_size / number_groupsn=int(math.floor(ben_len/group));# from 1 to number_groupsfor i in range(1,group):# as bench has been sorted, we can get the spot of cutting edge values# for example i=1 ⇒ bench[1] will be the first lowercut# and bench[1*n] or bench[-1] will be the first uppercut# count how many values in each benchlowercut=bench[(i-1)*n+1];# when i < groupif i!=group:uppercut=bench[(i*n)];ben_cnt=n;# when i==group else:uppercut=bench[-1];ben_cnt=ben_len-group*(n-1)# count for values in corresponding intervals in holdout datasetcomp_cnt = len([i for i in comp if i > lowercut and i<=uppercut]);# calculate percentage of counts_in_interval / total_valuesben_pct=(ben_cnt+0.0)/ben_len;comp_pct=(comp_cnt+0.0)/comp_len;# if in the corresponding interval, there is value, calculate the psi for this intervalif comp_pct > 0.0:psi_cut.append((ben_pct-comp_pct)*math.log(ben_pct/(comp_pct)));else:psi_cut.append(0);# sum up all the psi, and check the totalpsi=sum(psi_cut);return psi;
Run the psi function to every input variable
list_inputs = list()
# get all the input variables
for var_name in df.columns:if re.search('^i',var_name):list_inputs.append(var_name)
# iter the function through them
for var_name in list_inputs:psi_value=psi(bench=list(df[var_name]),comp=list(dfo[var_name]),group=max(2,min((len(set(df[var_name]))),10)));print ("psi for ", var_name, " = ", psi_value)


  1. 模型稳定度指标PSI

    群体稳定性指标PSI(Population Stability Index)是衡量模型的预测值与实际值偏差大小的指标. PSI = sum((实际占比-预期占比)* ln(实际占比/预期占比)) 举例 ...

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  9. 模型稳定性指标—PSI

    由于模型是以特定时期的样本所开发的,此模型是否适用于开发样本之外的族群,必须经过稳定性测试才能得知.稳定度指标(population stability index ,PSI)可衡量测试样本及模型开发 ...

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