一 需求描述




根据具体业务谨慎选型吧,个人不建议用,详细请查阅‘四 实验步骤’。

二 参数介绍

2.1 causal_reads



Enable causal reads. This parameter is disabled by default and was introduced in MaxScale 2.3.0.

If a client connection modifies the database and causal_reads is enabled, any subsequent reads performed on slave servers will be done in a manner that prevents replication lag from affecting the results. This only applies to the modifications done by the client itself.

Note: This feature requires MariaDB 10.2.16 or newer to function. In addition to this, the session_track_system_variables parameter must be set to last_gtid.

Note: This feature does not work with prepared statements. Only SQL statements executed individually (inside a COM_QUERY packet) can be handled by the causal read mechanism.

Note: This feature does not work with Galera or any other non-standard replication mechanisms. As Galera does not update the gtid_slave_pos variable when events are replicated via the Galera library, the MASTER_GTID_WAIT function used by MaxScale to synchronize reads will wait until the timeout. With Galera this is not a serious issue as it, by nature, is a mostly-synchronous replication mechanism.

A practical example can be given by the following set of SQL commands executed with autocommit=1.

As the statements are not executed inside a transaction, from the load balancers point of view, the latter statement can be routed to a slave server. The problem with this is that if the value that was inserted on the master has not yet replicated to the server where the SELECT statement is being performed, it can appear as if the value we just inserted is not there.

By prefixing these types of SELECT statements with a command that guarantees consistent results for the reads, read scalability can be improved without sacrificing consistency.

The set of example SQL above will be translated by MaxScale into the following statements.

The SET command will synchronize the slave to a certain logical point in the replication stream (see MASTER_GTID_WAIT for more details).

If the slave has not caught up to the master within the configured time, it will be retried on the master. In MaxScale 2.3.0 an error was returned to the client when the slave timed out.

2.2 causal_reads_timeout

The timeout for the slave synchronization done by causal_reads. The default value is 10 seconds.

The timeout is specified as documented here. If no explicit unit is provided, the value is interpreted as seconds in MaxScale 2.4. In subsequent versions a value without a unit may be rejected. Note that since the granularity of the timeout is seconds, a timeout specified in milliseconds will be rejected, even if the duration is longer than a second.

三 解决办法

3.1 修改mariadb里session_track_system_variables变量



set global session_track_system_variables='autocommit,character_set_client,character_set_connection,character_set_results,time_zone,last_gtid';






3.2 修改maxscale参数





systemctl restart maxscale

四 实验步骤

4.1 修改配置前的表现


flush tables with read lock;


4.2 修改配置后的表现



在10秒内在从库上解锁(unlock tables)了的话,很快就能返回数据了,不用等十秒。






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