My C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync was almost 25 gigs and on a 256 gig hard drive, that's 10% and that's tight. I wanted to move it but there's no officially support way.

我的C:\ Users \ Scott \ AppData \ Roaming \ Apple Computer \ MobileSync差不多是25个演出,而在256个演出的硬盘上,这是10%,而且很紧。 我想移动它,但没有正式的支持方法。

Here's a way. It's totally not supported and could totally screw up your computer, so you've been warned. Remember that you googled your way to this blog and I'm just a random guy. No warranty, Dear Reader. If you are reasonably savvy and you understand that this Works On My Machine, then we'll get along fine.

这是一种方法。 完全不支持它,并且可能完全破坏您的计算机,因此已警告您。 记住,您用谷歌搜索了此博客,而我只是个随便的人。 不提供保修,亲爱的读者。 如果您比较精明,并且知道它可以在“我的机器”上运行,那么我们会相处得很好。

Here's the idea. You'll move it to a drive with more space, but you'll LIE to iTunes using a little-used Windows Utility that will make a LINK between the folder iTunes expects to find and the folder you want your backups in.

这是主意。 您将其移动到具有更多空间的驱动器上,但是您将使用很少使用的Windows实用程序在iTunes上说谎,该实用程序将在iTunes期望找到的文件夹和您要备份的文件夹之间建立链接。

  • First, make sure iTunes isn't running 首先,确保iTunes未运行
  • Now, move the C:\Users\(yourname)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ folder to your preferred location. My was F:\iTunesMobileSync. This is up to you.

    现在,将C:\ Users \(您的名字)\ AppData \ Roaming \ Apple Computer \ MobileSync \ Backup \文件夹移动到您的首选位置。 我是F:\ iTunesMobileSync。 这取决于你。

  • Finally, start a command prompt as an administrator. You can do this from the Start Menu, type cmd.exe, then right click and select Run As Administrator. From the command prompt, create an junction point as I do below, just change f:\yournewfolder with your new location.

    最后,以管理员身份启动命令提示符。 您可以从“开始”菜单中执行此操作,键入cmd.exe,然后右键单击并选择“以管理员身份运行”。 在命令提示符下,按照我在下面的操作创建一个交接点,只需将f:\ yournewfolder更改为您的新位置。

    • One thing to to make sure of, don't end up with a folder like f:\yournewbackupfolder\Backup\Backup, so be sure to check how your folders ended up when you moved them.

      要确保的一件事是,不要以f:\ yournewbackupfolder \ Backup \ Backup这样的文件夹结尾,因此请确保检查文件夹在移动时是如何结束的。

mklink /J "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "f:\yournewfolder\Backup"

You should see something like this in Windows 7. Note the little "shortcut" overlay icon? That's saying this is a link.

您应该在Windows 7中看到类似的内容。注意小小的“快捷方式”覆盖图标吗? 就是说,这是一个链接。

You can also confirm it with dir from the command line. Note the <junction>:

您也可以从命令行使用dir进行确认。 注意<junction>:

C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync>dir

 Directory of C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync

11/25/2011  10:10 PM    <DIR>          .11/25/2011  10:10 PM    <DIR>          ..11/25/2011  10:10 PM    <JUNCTION>     Backup [f:\iTunesMobileSync\Backup]               0 File(s)              0 bytes               3 Dir(s)  97,594,851,328 bytes free

If you are still on XP and not Vista or Windows 7, you don't have mklink, but you can use the junction utility in the same way.

如果您仍在XP上而不是Vista或Windows 7,则没有mklink,但是可以以相同方式使用结点实用程序。

Again, if these instructions don't make sense do you, I urge you to find a techie and please, be careful. You've been warned. That said, I've just opened up 25 gigs on my C: drive, so I'm happy.

同样,如果您对这些说明没有任何意义,我敦促您找到技术人员,请小心。 您已被警告。 就是说,我刚刚在我的C:驱动器上打开了25个演出,所以我很高兴。

相关链接 (Related Links)

  • Windows Vista, Junctions and moving My Documents to another drive.

    Windows Vista,连接点并将“我的文档”移动到另一个驱动器。

  • More on Vista Reparse Points

    有关Vista Reparse点的更多信息

  • Guide to Freeing up Disk Space under Windows Vista

    Windows Vista下释放磁盘空间的指南


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