


/* 5-13(b)-10-28-21.17.c -- 第五章第十三题 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define NEITHER 0 #define WORD 1 #define PREFIX 2 #define ROW 4 #define COLS 4 #define NUL '/0' #define PF '/n' #define CONSTANT 5 #define TABLESIZE 107 /* 数据类型定义 */ typedef struct cell { char * word ; int word_or_prefix ; } Cell ; typedef struct hashtable { int size ; Cell * cell ; } * HashTable ; /* ADT声明 */ long int Hash (const char * word, const int size) ; int InitializeTable (HashTable * const ph, const int size) ; Cell * Find (const HashTable * const ph, const char * const word) ; int Insert (const HashTable * const ph, const char * word, const int mode) ; void Release (const HashTable * const ph) ; int leaner (const int i) ; /* 局部函数声明 */ int main (void) ; char * eat_enter (char * const word) ; int either_word_or_prefix (const HashTable * const ph, const char * const word) ; int is_prefix (const HashTable * const ph, const char * const word) ; int main (void) { HashTable h ; FILE * fp ; char riddle[ROW][COLS] = { "this", "wats", "oahg", "fgdt" } ; char word[ROW * COLS] ; int size = TABLESIZE, lenth = ROW * COLS ; int i, j, i_max, j_max, i_temp, j_temp, w ; // 将一个词典读入表中 InitializeTable (&h, size) ; fp = fopen ("word.txt", "r") ; while (fgets (word, lenth, fp) != NULL) { strcpy (word, eat_enter (word)) ; if (0 == Insert (&h, word, WORD)) puts ("Insert failed") ; } fclose (fp) ; // 将词典中单词的所有前缀读入表中 fp = fopen ("prefix.txt", "r") ; while (fgets (word, lenth, fp) != NULL) { strcpy (word, eat_enter (word)) ; if (0 == Insert (&h, word, PREFIX)) puts ("Insert failed") ; } fclose (fp) ; // 开始测试 for (i = 0, i_max = ROW; i < i_max; i++) { for (j = 0, j_max = COLS; j < j_max; j++) { // 左 for (j_temp = j, w = 0; j_temp >= 0; j_temp--, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 右 for (j_temp = j, w = 0; j_temp < j_max; j_temp++, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 上 for (i_temp = i, w = 0; i_temp >= 0; i_temp--, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 下 for (i_temp = i, w = 0; i_temp < i_max; i_temp++, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 左上 for (i_temp = i, j_temp = j, w = 0; i_temp >= 0 && j_temp >= 0; i_temp--, j_temp--, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 右上 for (i_temp = i, j_temp = j, w = 0; i_temp >= 0 && j_temp < j_max; i_temp--, j_temp++, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 左下 for (i_temp = i, j_temp = j, w = 0; i_temp < i_max && j_temp >= 0; i_temp++, j_temp--, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } // 右下 for (i_temp = i, j_temp = j, w = 0; i_temp < i_max && j_temp < j_max; i_temp++, j_temp++, w++) { word[w] = riddle[i_temp][j_temp] ; word[w + 1] = NUL ; if (WORD == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) printf ("%s/n", word) ; else if (NEITHER == either_word_or_prefix (&h, word)) break ; } } } Release (&h) ; return 0 ; } char * eat_enter (char * const word) { int count = 0; while (word[count] != PF) { count++ ; if (NUL == word[count]) return word ; } word[count] = NUL ; return word ; } int either_word_or_prefix (const HashTable * const ph, const char * const word) { Cell * cell ; cell = Find (ph, word) ; if (cell -> word && 0 == strcmp (cell -> word, word)) { if (WORD == cell -> word_or_prefix) return WORD ; else if (PREFIX == cell -> word_or_prefix) return PREFIX ; } return NEITHER ; } /* ADT定义 */ long int Hash (const char * word, const int size) { long int hash_value = 0 ; while (*word != PF && *word != NUL) hash_value = (hash_value << CONSTANT) + *word++ ; return hash_value % size ; } int InitializeTable (HashTable * const ph, const int size) { int temp ; *ph = (struct hashtable *) malloc (sizeof (struct hashtable)) ; if (NULL == *ph) { puts ("Out of space.[1]") ; return 0 ; } temp = sizeof (Cell) ; (*ph) -> cell = (Cell *) calloc (temp, size) ; if (NULL == (*ph) -> cell) { puts ("Out of space.[2]") ; free (*ph) ; return 0 ; } (*ph) -> size = size ; return 1 ; } Cell * Find (const HashTable * const ph, const char * const word) { long int hash_value ; int size, i, index ; size = (*ph) -> size ; i = 0 ; do { hash_value = Hash (word, size) ; index = (hash_value + leaner (i++)) % size ; } /* 数据域不为空并且字符串不相同 */ while ((*ph) -> cell[index].word != NULL && strcmp (word, (*ph) -> cell[index].word) != 0) ; return (*ph) -> cell + index ; } int Insert (const HashTable * const ph, const char * word, const int mode) { Cell * cell ; int size = (*ph) -> size ; // 不添加换行符 if (PF == *word) return 0 ; cell = Find (ph, word) ; if (NULL == cell -> word) { cell -> word = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char)) ; if (NULL == cell -> word) { puts ("out of space.[4]") ; return 0 ; } strcpy (cell -> word, word) ; cell -> word_or_prefix = mode ; return 1 ; } /* 不重复添加 */ else if (0 == strcmp (cell -> word, word)) return 1 ; return 0 ; } void Release (const HashTable * const ph) { free ((*ph) -> cell) ; free (*ph) ; } int leaner (const int i) { return i ; }


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