
Diary time.

When I'm just about to write this diary... I had, kind of, an intention to go reading some nonsense/gossip first -- cuz it's really easy easy staff, and I can terminate anytime I want(therefore controlable). However, luckily I came and write my precious diary -- which requires more work, less control of time(cuz once start, hard to stop); but this is the most rewarding one -- note down and re-think about my ideas in one day long.

Several things.
1. Talked with PhD student, happily.
We've basically discussed about the university life as an PhD, choose a what to do for an undergraduate, about how to applying studying abroad, etc.
Several important notes:
a) Going SEP is to get familiar with the prof there; while here in NUS I should also go talk with the profs, to know them better and learn things beter(like what I did in my high school time).
b) As for applying an PhD, the more important part, is to have some research result, and get it published.

2. Talked with Yezhen, about communication.
He is out in Huang Shan now. He has a very good idea on communication: two ways' of good communication: a) showing one's strong S-Value; b) trying to repaire others mind. Though both sounds evil, but it's proved to be efficient.

3. Great work on Debugging -- the romance of pureness in working
Finally I've done something important on the current system -- something others can use. I've fixed the bug of the Not-showing-content-when-error-occur-while-sending-email problem, by improving the current base module.
It's more important to know what your client is really saying, than programing.

5. About learning and the exam -- cuz I'll know about the exam result tomorrow.
I nearly forgot about the exam these days, and suddenly I found that, I'd be knowing the result tomorrow.
I'm quite sure the result is very bad; and for the purpose of learning, I didn't do good in that sem also -- wasting too much time on the nonsense.
Hopefully like what the year-4 sis said -- finally one day can I realise that, I cannot live on with my old style; from that point on, I'll be really  starting a new life. For now, the great effort I've put into CVWO seems giving me an "Yes" answer; but partically it's because that.. I'm under time pressure, not purely out of my inner desire of learning (mean while, when I"m really doing the project, I really miss the old golden days -- when I can seat down and learn something like math, without concerning about due date; while the truth is... when the golden time comes, I've just simply wasted with too much of playing.)

Work hard, enjoy life by getting a great sense of fulfillment.


1)Fei Yue - VMS:detailed User Requirement; Workflow chart;

2) 继续学习Email的部分;争取能够理解Pear的结构。

明天的site visit我还是不去了先。


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