
To keep healthy, strong and younger, in parallelize to age growing, people needs different nutrition. Metabolisms, concentration ability, bone mass, and the endurance against diseases will be dropped in the middle age of 30s. Some dropping causes are hormonal changes and free radicals attack. And the good news, most of these dropping could be corrected by eating good foods.
In facts, there are so many conditions related to the aging. Obesities, coronary, cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes also related to the foods. The nutritionist said the most effective arm containing hundred of nutrients is food; include antioxidant to avoiding free radical attack influences. These are the great foods and should be consumed to keep strong and healthy.

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Omega-3 fatty acid could help for depression preventing and brain membranes damage attacked by free radical and causing dementia. Fish is the best Omega-3 resource which has low calorie, and high protein content, good calcium and vitamin D resource.
Green Tea
In the past, research about the anti cancer strengths of green tea focused to the antioxidant. But the newest research said that the green tea has useful for body system detoxification. Chemical contents inside green tea working to paralyze the carcinogen that increases DNA damage inside cells in the liver.

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This vegetable has folic acid fully, a kind of vitamin B which can help to prevent heart attack. Spinach consists of very high antioxidant and can prevent and/or neurons damage recovery increased by aging. Spinach can also prevent macular degeneration, an eye disease related to aging. It is possible to eat them raw or cooked but eat both are the best way.
Eat 7 ~ 10 kinds of fruit and vegetable everyday to keep healthy and delay some aging effects are the best way to do. Some of them and broccoli are superstars. Beside antioxidant, vitamin A and D, broccoli is a good vegetarian calcium resource. And it has isothiocyanate, an anti cancer compounds.
The antioxidant strength of this super berry can be indicated by the dark color itself. Blueberry can be connected to the people concentration improvement as well as spinach, and indicates promising to prevent brain degeneration caused by aging.
It was another omega-3 fatty acid alternative resource. Walnut excelling all kind of bean and can prevent heart disease. The unique antioxidant inside walnut is playing important role for peoples health.
Chickpea also called garbanzo bean. It has good fiber resource, maintaining blood glucose levels stabilities and can help to prevent diabetes type 2. Bean chemical contents called saponin which can increase immune system and decrease cholesterol levels.
Yogurt is a high calcium and low fat milk product. It could prevent osteoporosis, obesities, hypertension and colon cancer. 2 ~ 3 times non-fat yogurt consumption everyday are the best way.

Previous: Glutathione Is Our Bodies Master Antioxidant

For most people that are aware of toxins and free radicals in our bodies then you are likely to try products that contain antioxidants in them to try and reduce the cellular damage that is constantly bombarding us. The most common ways of battling these free radicals is to supply the body... more

Next: Anti Ageing Skin Care Products

The use of anti-ageing skin care products these days is on the increase and all things considered it is perfectly natural; it is not unreasonable to want to continue looking youthful for as long as possible when you consider how much longer most of us are living! This is achieved in beauty...


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