






cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.0 )option( PLUGIN_STANDARD_qStar  "Check to install example plugin" ON )if ( PLUGIN_STANDARD_qStar )# Name the pluginproject( qStar)include( ../../../CMakePluginTpl.cmake )endif()


{"type": "Standard","core": true,"name": "qStar","icon": ":/CC/plugin/qStar/images/qStar.png","description": "This is a description of the  qStar.","authors": [{"name": "beidoustars","email": "beidou_stars@163.com"}],"maintainers": [{"name": "beidoustars","email": ""},{"name": ""}],"references": [{"text": "","url": ""},{"text": "","url": ""},{"text": ""}]


//#                                                                        #
//#                CLOUDCOMPARE PLUGIN: ExamplePlugin                      #
//#                                                                        #
//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
//#  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               #
//#                                                                        #
//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
//#  GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
//#                                                                        #
//#                             COPYRIGHT: XXX                             #
//#                                                                        #
//##########################################################################// First:
//  Replace all occurrences of 'ExamplePlugin' by your own plugin class name in this file.
//  This includes the resource path to info.json in the constructor.// Second:
//  Open ExamplePlugin.qrc, change the "prefix" and the icon filename for your plugin.
//  Change the name of the file to <yourPluginName>.qrc// Third:
//  Open the info.json file and fill in the information about the plugin.
//   "type" should be one of: "Standard", "GL", or "I/O" (required)
//   "name" is the name of the plugin (required)
//   "icon" is the Qt resource path to the plugin's icon (from the .qrc file)
//   "description" is used as a tootip if the plugin has actions and is displayed in the plugin dialog
//   "authors", "maintainers", and "references" show up in the plugin dialog as well#include <QtGui>#include "qStar.h"// Default constructor:
//  - pass the Qt resource path to the info.json file (from <yourPluginName>.qrc file)
//  - constructor should mainly be used to initialize actions and other members
qStar::qStar( QObject *parent ): QObject( parent ), ccStdPluginInterface( ":/CC/plugin/qStar/info.json" ), m_action( nullptr )
}// This method should enable or disable your plugin actions
// depending on the currently selected entities ('selectedEntities').
void qStar::onNewSelection( const ccHObject::Container &selectedEntities )
{if ( m_action == nullptr ){return;}// If you need to check for a specific type of object, you can use the methods// in ccHObjectCaster.h or loop and check the objects' classIDs like this://// for ( ccHObject *object : selectedEntities )//  {//     if ( object->getClassID() == CC_TYPES::VIEWPORT_2D_OBJECT )//      {//         // ... do something with the viewports//        }// }// For example - only enable our action if something is selected.m_action->setEnabled( !selectedEntities.empty() );
}// This method returns all the 'actions' your plugin can perform.
// getActions() will be called only once, when plugin is loaded.
QList<QAction *> qStar::getActions()
{// default action (if it has not been already created, this is the moment to do it)if ( !m_action ){// Here we use the default plugin name, description, and icon,// but each action should have its own.m_action = new QAction( getName(), this );m_action->setToolTip( getDescription() );m_action->setIcon( getIcon() );// Connect appropriate signalconnect( m_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &qStar::doAction );}return { m_action };
}// This is an example of an action's method called when the corresponding action
// is triggered (i.e. the corresponding icon or menu entry is clicked in CC's
// main interface). You can access most of CC's components (database,
// 3D views, console, etc.) via the 'm_app' variable (see the ccMainAppInterface
// class in ccMainAppInterface.h).
void qStar::doAction()
{   if ( m_app == nullptr ){// m_app should have already been initialized by CC when plugin is loadedQ_ASSERT( false );return;}/*** HERE STARTS THE ACTION ***/// Put your code here// --> you may want to start by asking for parameters (with a custom dialog, etc.)// This is how you can output messagesccLog::LogMessage("hello", 1);// Display a standard message in the consolem_app->dispToConsole( "[qStar] Hello world!", ccMainAppInterface::STD_CONSOLE_MESSAGE );// Display a warning message in the consolem_app->dispToConsole( "[qStar] Warning: example plugin shouldn't be used as is", ccMainAppInterface::WRN_CONSOLE_MESSAGE );// Display an error message in the console AND pop-up an error boxm_app->dispToConsole( "Example plugin shouldn't be used - it doesn't do anything!", ccMainAppInterface::ERR_CONSOLE_MESSAGE );/*** HERE ENDS THE ACTION ***/


#define Q_STAR_PLUGIN_HEADER//##########################################################################
//#                                                                        #
//#                CLOUDCOMPARE PLUGIN: ExamplePlugin                      #
//#                                                                        #
//#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
//#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
//#  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               #
//#                                                                        #
//#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
//#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
//#  GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
//#                                                                        #
//#                             COPYRIGHT: XXX                             #
//#                                                                        #
//###########################################################################include "ccStdPluginInterface.h"//! Example qCC plugin
/** Replace 'ExamplePlugin' by your own plugin class name throughout and thencheck 'ExamplePlugin.cpp' for more directions.Each plugin requires an info.json file to provide information about itself -the name, authors, maintainers, icon, etc..The one method you are required to implement is 'getActions'. This shouldreturn all actions (QAction objects) for the plugin. CloudCompare willautomatically add these with their icons in the plugin toolbar and to theplugin menu. If your plugin returns several actions, CC will create adedicated toolbar and a    sub-menu for your plugin. You are responsible forconnecting these actions to    methods in your plugin.Use the ccStdPluginInterface::m_app variable for access to most of the CCcomponents (database, 3D views, console, etc.) - see the ccMainAppInterfaceclass in ccMainAppInterface.h.
class qStar : public QObject, public ccStdPluginInterface
{Q_OBJECTQ_INTERFACES(ccStdPluginInterface)// Replace "Example" by your plugin name (IID should be unique - let's hope your plugin name is unique ;)// The info.json file provides information about the plugin to the loading system and// it is displayed in the plugin information dialog.Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "cccorp.cloudcompare.plugin.qStar" FILE "info.json")public:explicit qStar( QObject *parent = nullptr );~qStar() override = default;// inherited from ccStdPluginInterfacevoid onNewSelection( const ccHObject::Container &selectedEntities ) override;QList<QAction *> getActions() override;private:/*** ADD YOUR CUSTOM ACTIONS HERE ***/void doAction();//! Default action/** You can add as many actions as you want in a plugin.Each action will correspond to an icon in the dedicatedtoolbar and an entry in the plugin menu.**/QAction* m_action;


<RCC><qresource prefix="/CC/plugin/qStar"><file>images/qStar.png</file><file>info.json</file></qresource>


qStar文件夹创建完成后,采用cmake 编译生成CloudCompareProjects.sln,然后采用vs生成解决方案(具体步骤可参考我的另外一篇博客:cloudcompare插件编译)。注意vs生成解决方案时要选择Debug模式。






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