
Hello world!
Another way to get started is to work through the ExoPlayer codelab.
开始上手的另一种方式是通过ExoPlayer codelab.

For simple use cases, getting started with ExoPlayer consists of implementing the following steps:

1.Add ExoPlayer as a dependency to your project.
2.Create a SimpleExoPlayer instance.
3.Attach the player to a view (for video output and user input).
4.Prepare the player with a MediaSource to play.
5.Release the player when done.
These steps are described in more detail below. For a complete example, refer to PlayerActivity in the main demo app.

Adding ExoPlayer as a dependency
Add repositories
The first step to getting started is to make sure you have the Google and JCenter repositories included in the build.gradle file in the root of your project.

repositories {google()jcenter()

Add ExoPlayer modules

Next add a dependency in the build.gradle file of your app module. The following will add a dependency to the full ExoPlayer library:

implementation ‘com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer:2.X.X’
where 2.X.X is your preferred version (the latest version can be found by consulting the release notes).

As an alternative to the full library, you can depend on only the library modules that you actually need. For example the following will add dependencies on the Core, DASH and UI library modules, as might be required for an app that plays DASH content:
implementation ‘com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer-core:2.X.X’
implementation ‘com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer-dash:2.X.X’
implementation ‘com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer-ui:2.X.X’
The available library modules are listed below. Adding a dependency to the full ExoPlayer library is equivalent to adding dependencies on all of the library modules individually.

exoplayer-core: Core functionality (required).
exoplayer-dash: Support for DASH content.
exoplayer-hls: Support for HLS content.
exoplayer-smoothstreaming: Support for SmoothStreaming content.
exoplayer-ui: UI components and resources for use with ExoPlayer.
In addition to library modules, ExoPlayer has multiple extension modules that depend on external libraries to provide additional functionality. Browse the extensions directory and their individual READMEs for details.

Turn on Java 8 support
If not enabled already, you need to turn on Java 8 support in all build.gradle files depending on ExoPlayer, by adding the following to the android section:

compileOptions {targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Creating the player

You can create an ExoPlayer instance using SimpleExoPlayer.Builder or ExoPlayer.Builder. The builders provide a range of customization options for creating ExoPlayer instances. For the vast majority of use cases SimpleExoPlayer.Builder should be used. This builder returns SimpleExoPlayer, which extends ExoPlayer to add additional high level player functionality. The code below is an example of creating a SimpleExoPlayer.
您可以ExoPlayer使用SimpleExoPlayer.Builder或 创建实例ExoPlayer.Builder。这些构建器提供了一系列用于创建ExoPlayer实例的定制选项。对于绝大多数用例, SimpleExoPlayer.Builder都应使用。此构建器返回 SimpleExoPlayer,它扩展ExoPlayer为添加其他高级播放器功能。以下代码是创建的示例SimpleExoPlayer。

SimpleExoPlayer player = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build();

A note on threading
ExoPlayer instances must be accessed from a single application thread. For the vast majority of cases this should be the application’s main thread. Using the application’s main thread is a requirement when using ExoPlayer’s UI components or the IMA extension.
The thread on which an ExoPlayer instance must be accessed can be explicitly specified by passing a Looper when creating the player. If no Looper is specified, then the Looper of the thread that the player is created on is used, or if that thread does not have a Looper, the Looper of the application’s main thread is used. In all cases the Looper of the thread from which the player must be accessed can be queried using Player.getApplicationLooper.
If you see “Player is accessed on the wrong thread” warnings, some code in your app is accessing a SimpleExoPlayer instance on the wrong thread (the logged stack trace shows you where!). This is not safe and may result in unexpected or obscure errors.
For more information about ExoPlayer’s treading model, see the “Threading model” section of the ExoPlayer Javadoc.


Looper创建播放器时,可以通过传递a来显式指定必须访问ExoPlayer实例的线程。如果未Looper指定no ,则Looper使用创建播放器的线程的,或者如果该线程没有Looper,Looper则使用应用程序的主线程的。在所有情况下,Looper都可以使用来查询必须从中访问播放器的线程的线程 Player.getApplicationLooper。


有关ExoPlayer的踩踏模型的更多信息,请参见ExoPlayer Javadoc的 “线程模型”部分。

Attaching the player to a view
The ExoPlayer library provides a PlayerView, which encapsulates a PlayerControlView, a SubtitleView, and a Surface onto which video is rendered. A PlayerView can be included in your application’s layout xml. Binding the player to the view is as simple as:
ExoPlayer库提供了一个PlayerView,其中封装了 PlayerControlView,a SubtitleView和a Surface渲染视频。一个PlayerView可以包含在应用程序的布局XML。将播放器绑定到视图很简单:

// Bind the player to the view.

If you require fine-grained control over the player controls and the Surface onto which video is rendered, you can set the player’s target SurfaceView, TextureView, SurfaceHolder or Surface directly using SimpleExoPlayer’s setVideoSurfaceView, setVideoTextureView, setVideoSurfaceHolder and setVideoSurface methods respectively. You can also use PlayerControlView as a standalone component, or implement your own playback controls that interact directly with the player. SimpleExoPlayer’s addTextOutput method can be used to receive captions during playback.

如果您需要在播放器控制细粒度的控制和Surface 在其上渲染视频,可以设置玩家的目标SurfaceView, TextureView,SurfaceHolder或Surface直接使用SimpleExoPlayer的 setVideoSurfaceView,setVideoTextureView,setVideoSurfaceHolder和 setVideoSurface分别的方法。您还可以PlayerControlView用作独立组件,或实现自己的播放控件,这些控件直接与播放器进行交互。SimpleExoPlayer的addTextOutput方法可用于在播放期间接收字幕。

Preparing the player
In ExoPlayer every piece of media is represented by a MediaSource. To play a piece of media you must first create a corresponding MediaSource and then pass this object to ExoPlayer.prepare. The ExoPlayer library provides MediaSource implementations for DASH (DashMediaSource), SmoothStreaming (SsMediaSource), HLS (HlsMediaSource) and regular media files (ProgressiveMediaSource). The following code shows how to prepare the player with a MediaSource suitable for playback of an MP4 file.
在ExoPlayer中,每个媒体都由表示MediaSource。要播放某种媒体,您必须先创建一个对应的媒体MediaSource,然后将此对象传递给ExoPlayer.prepare。ExoPlayer库提供 MediaSource了DASH(DashMediaSource),SmoothStreaming(SsMediaSource),HLS(HlsMediaSource)和常规媒体文件(ProgressiveMediaSource)的实现。以下代码显示了如何准备MediaSource适合播放MP4文件的播放器。

// Produces DataSource instances through which media data is loaded.
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(context,Util.getUserAgent(context, "yourApplicationName"));
// This is the MediaSource representing the media to be played.
MediaSource videoSource =new ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(mp4VideoUri);
// Prepare the player with the source.

Controlling the player
Once the player has been prepared, playback can be controlled by calling methods on the player. For example setPlayWhenReady starts and pauses playback, the various seekTo methods seek within the media,setRepeatMode controls if and how media is looped, setShuffleModeEnabled controls playlist shuffling, and setPlaybackParameters adjusts playback speed and pitch.

If the player is bound to a PlayerView or PlayerControlView, then user interaction with these components will cause corresponding methods on the player to be invoked.
准备好播放器后,可以通过调用播放器上的方法来控制播放。例如,setPlayWhenReady开始和暂停播放,各种seekTo方法都可以在媒体中进行搜索,setRepeatMode控制是否循环媒体以及如何循环播放,setShuffleModeEnabled控制播放列表改组以及 setPlaybackParameters调整播放速度和音高。


Releasing the player
It’s important to release the player when it’s no longer needed, so as to free up limited resources such as video decoders for use by other applications. This can be done by calling ExoPlayer.release.


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