

2客户端:然后在客户端运行 client.sh

4 服务端:在服务器端添加授权

qmgr -c 'set server allow_node_submit = True'qmgr -c 'set server submit_hosts = clientIP'qmgr -c 'set server allow_node_submit = true'
qmgr -c 'set acl_hosts=clientIP'   (这个不用执行,因为没起作用)

5 在服务端建立对应的用户,比如我客户端的用户是lsh,就在服务器端也建立同样的用户用户lsh,也不用将lsh用户做自动化登陆到服务器端(此处有错,需要做自动化登录,否则会有报错2)
usreadd lsh -u 550 -g3000

$ echo "echo a;sleep 100" |qsub
qsub: submit error (Bad UID for job execution MSG=User lsh does not exist in server password file
Unable to copy file /var/spool/torque/spool/73.jxq-10-0-0-94.ER to lsh@clientIP:/home/lsh/STDIN.e73,error 1
*** error from copy
Host key verification failed.
lost connection
*** end error output
Output retained on that host in: /var/spool/torque/undelivered/73.server.ERcomment = Job started on Sat Apr 16 at 11:00etime = Sat Apr 16 11:00:53 2016


1 qnodes -a
2 echo “echo a;sleep 100” |qsub

3qstat -f 74


cat /home/torque/torque/README.trqauthd
Introductiontrqauthd is a new daemon starting in TORQUE 4.0. It replaces pbs_iff which is used by TORQUE client utilities to authorize user connections to pbs_server. Unlike pbs_iff which is executed by the TORQUE client utilities each time the utility is run, trqauthdis started once and remains resident. TORQUE client utilities then communicate with trqauthd on port 15005 on the loopback interface. Unlike pbs_iff trqauthd is multi-threadedand is able to successfully handle a greater volume of simultaneous requests than pbs_iff.Running trqauthdtrqauthd MUST be run as root. It must be running on any host where TORQUE client commands will execute.By default trqauthd is installed to /usr/local/bin.trqauthd can be invoked directly from the command line or by the use of init.d scripts which are located in the contrib/init.d directory of the TORQUE source.There are three init.d scripts for trqauthd in the contrib/init.d directory of the TORQUE source tree. debian.trqauthdUsed for the apt based systems (debian, ubuntu are the most common variations of this)suse.trqauthdUsed for the rpm based systems. (redhat, suse, scientific, centos, fedora, are some common examples)trqauthdAn example for other packages managers. (anything that doesn't use rpm or apt)Inside each of the scripts are the variable PBS_DAEMON and PBS_HOME. These two variablesshould be updated to match your torque installation. PBS_DAEMON needs to point to thelocation of trqauthd. PBS_HOME needs to match your TORQUE installation. For more informationabout PBS_HOME please see the TORQUE documentation at www.adaptivecomputing.com.Choose the script that matches your dist system and copy it to /etc/init.d. If needed, renamed it to trqauthdTo start the daemon type:/etc/init.d/trqauthd startTo stop the daemon type:/etc/init.d/trqauthd stopYou can also use the following:service trqauthd start/stop


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