
Physically-based surface shaders in the Asset Store

Asset Store中基于物理的表面着色器

So… physically-based surface shaders. Physically-based what? I hear you say. Even though we consider ourselves a company with its finger firmly on the gaming pulse, some of us had to have this explained (not the graphics team I hasten to add).

因此……基于物理的表面着色器。 基于身体的是什么? 我听到你说。 即使我们认为自己是一家牢牢把握游戏脉搏的公司,我们中的一些人也必须对此进行解释(不是我要加急的图形团队)。

Physically-based surface shaders are a revolutionary (and really cool) way of doing shading that generate far more realistic and vibrant results. What distinguishes them from other shaders is that they actually mimic the behaviour of surfaces in the real world by following the law of energy conservation: the total amount of specular and diffuse reflection always equals the amount of incoming lighting energy.

基于物理的表面着色器是一种革命性的(而且非常酷)的着色方法,可产生更加逼真的生动效果。 它们与其他着色器的不同之处在于,它们实际上遵循能源守恒定律来模仿现实世界中表面的行为:镜面反射和漫反射的总量始终等于传入的照明能量。

The huge advantage of physically-based surface shaders isn’t just the exceptional visual fidelity they achieve, it’s that they look incredibly lifelike irrespective of the lighting conditions under which they’re used. Steel will look like steel whether it’s reflecting bright sunlight off a knight’s breastplate or used in a handrail on a dark and dreary New York backstreet. There’s no need to adjust your shader settings to get things looking ‘right’ when authoring different environments.

基于物理的表面着色器的巨大优势不仅在于它们实现了非凡的视觉保真度,还在于无论使用何种照明条件,它们都具有令人难以置信的逼真的外观。 无论是从骑士的胸甲反射明亮的阳光,还是在黑暗沉闷的纽约后街的扶手中使用钢,钢都将看起来像钢。 创作不同的环境时,无需调整着色器设置即可使事情看起来“正确”。

Physically based surfaces can have a wide range of reflective behaviour, making it easier to give shiny plastic, metal, wet stone and everything in between a unique visual identity. The Alloy Physical Shader Framework by RUST LTD, available now on the Unity Asset Store, brings this technology to Unity Pro.

基于物理的表面可以具有广泛的反射行为,从而更容易赋予光泽的塑料,金属,湿石以及介于两者之间的独特视觉识别。 现在可以在Unity Asset Store上购买的 RUST LTD的Alloy Physical Shader Framework将这项技术带入Unity Pro。

Physically-based surface shaders are finding their way into many of the latest AAA productions like Killzone 3, Metal Gear Solid 5 and RYSE. RUST LTD’s Asset Store product is different in that it makes this technology accessible to small teams – or even individuals. By the way, RUST LTD are the team behind Museum of the Microstar – our DX11 contest winning entry. Museum of the Microstar used an earlier version of Alloy and showed its use scaled to intense heights.

基于物理的表面着色器正在进入许多最新的AAA产品中,例如Killzone 3,Metal Gear Solid 5和RYSE。 RUST LTD的Asset Store产品的不同之处在于,它使小型团队甚至个人都可以使用此技术。 顺便说一下,R​​UST LTD是微星博物馆(Museum of the Microstar)的团队-我们的DX11竞赛得奖作品。 Microstar博物馆使用了早期版本的Alloy,并显示其使用范围已达到很高的高度。

The workaholic perfectionists at RUST LTD have spent 2 years working day and night to get the product to the point where they’re happy enough to release it, and somehow they’ve also found the time to come up with lots of learning material to help you guys get started. The Alloy package ships with a comprehensive sample scene, including over 30 complete materials with interactive controls so you can get up to speed fast on how to get the most out the set. Also, if you find yourself needing even more out of Alloy, the set is configured to make extending it with your own variants as easy as possible.

RUST LTD的工作狂完美主义者日夜花了两年的时间才能使产品达到他们满意的程度,以至于他们可以满意地发布它,并且他们还找到了一些时间来拿出 很多学习材料来帮助您你们开始 。 Alloy套件附带了全面的示例场景,包括30多种带有交互式控件的完整材料,因此您可以快速掌握如何充分利用场景。 另外,如果您发现自己需要的甚至更多,请配置该套件,以使其尽可能容易地扩展自己的变型。

“Being indie, and having worked so much with small teams and students, we wanted to make a tool that people like us could use. Artists and game designers without the resources of a full studio behind them now have accessible tools.”Anton Hand, Beard Warrior at RUST LTD.

“作为独立者,并且与小型团队和学生进行了如此多的合作,我们希望开发一种像我们这样的人可以使用的工具。 现在,艺术家和游戏设计师可以在没有足够工作室支持的情况下使用易于使用的工具。” RUST LTD的Beard Warrior Anton Hand

Alloy is built around a Normalized Blinn-Phong BRDF, which provides a great balance of speed and sophistication, and is fully compatible with DX9 and the light pre-pass renderer of Unity’s deferred mode. The Alloy set contains variants for all the common visual characteristics you might need including rim lighting, separated occlusion maps, detail maps, and several types of translucency.

Alloy围绕规范化的Blinn-Phong BRDF构建,它在速度和复杂度之间实现了很好的平衡,并且与DX9和Unity延迟模式的光线预渲染器完全兼容。 合金套装包含您可能需要的所有常见视觉特征的变体,包括边缘照明,分离的遮挡图,细部图和几种类型的半透明。

Lastly, for those who don’t want the headache of managing cubemaps in complex environments, Alloy includes a complete set that uses Radially Symmetric Reflection Maps (RSRMs), a general-purpose blurred reflection texture that makes baked surfaces look shiny, without looking like perfect mirrors.


In an upcoming post we’ll dive deeper into both the technical details of Alloy, and the implications of developing content for a physically-based pipeline… stay tuned!


So, whether you’re a large team looking for that AAA graphics punch for your next-gen console game, or an indie trying to add wow factor, Alloy is ready for you. Check out these downloadable projects and demos made with Alloy, or simply purchase directly from the Asset Store.

因此,无论您是要为下一代主机游戏寻求AAA图形打Kong的大型团队,还是想添加哇哇声的独立游戏开发商,Alloy都已准备就绪。 查看这些由Alloy制作的可下载项目和演示 ,或直接从Asset Store购买 。




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