Redis源码解析(1) 动态字符串与链表
Redis源码解析(2) 字典与迭代器
Redis源码解析(3) 跳跃表
Redis源码解析(4) 整数集合
Redis源码解析(5) 压缩列表
Redis源码解析(6) 键的过期处理策略
Redis源码解析(7) 发布订阅机制
Redis源码解析(8) AOF持久化
Redis源码解析(9) RDB持久化
Redis源码解析(10) 网络框架
Redis源码解析(11) 内存淘汰策略
Redis源码解析(12) 命令执行过程
Redis源码解析(13) 主从复制
Redis源码解析(14) 哨兵机制[1] 结构与初始化
Redis源码解析(15) 哨兵机制[2] 信息同步与TILT模式
Redis源码解析(16) 哨兵机制[3] 判断下线
Redis源码解析(17) 哨兵机制[4] 故障转移
Redis源码解析(18) 集群[1]初始化,握手与心跳检测
Redis源码解析(19) 集群[2] 主从复制,故障检测与故障转移
Redis源码解析(20) 集群[3] 键的存储,重新分片与重定向
Redis源码解析(21) 集群[4] 故障转移failover与slave迁移
Redis源码解析(22) 事务
Redis源码解析(23) SCAN命令实现




  1. 首先用文字简要的阐述如何可以做到信息同步
  2. 对于每一步进行源码分析




PUBLISH __sentinel__:hello "<s_ip>, <s_port>, <s_runid>, <s_epoch>,<m_name>,<m_ip>, <m_port>,<m_epoch>"

参数 意义
s_ip sentinel本身的IP
s_port sentinel本身的port IP和port使得其他sentinel可以发起连接
s_runid sentinel运行时ID
s_epoch sentinel的纪元 用于故障转移 默认两秒更新一次
m_name 主服务器名称由配置文件加载 从服务自动生成 格式为<IP:port>
m_ip 服务器IP
m_port 服务器port
m_epoch 服务器当前纪元





void sentinelTimer(void) {// 记录本次 sentinel 调用的事件,// 并判断是否需要进入 TITL 模式sentinelCheckTiltCondition();// 执行定期操作// 比如 PING 实例、分析主服务器和从服务器的 INFO 命令// 向其他监视相同主服务器的 sentinel 发送问候信息// 并接收其他 sentinel 发来的问候信息// 执行故障转移操作,等等sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(sentinel.masters);//脚本相关操作..................../* We continuously change the frequency of the Redis "timer interrupt"* in order to desynchronize every Sentinel from every other.* This non-determinism avoids that Sentinels started at the same time* exactly continue to stay synchronized asking to be voted at the* same time again and again (resulting in nobody likely winning the* election because of split brain voting). *///用一个巧妙的操作降低选举sentinel时重新选举的概率server.hz = REDIS_DEFAULT_HZ + rand() % REDIS_DEFAULT_HZ;


Redis Sentinel is heavily dependent on the computer time: for instance in order to understand if an instance is available it remembers the time of the latest successful reply to the PING command, and compares it with the current time to understand how old it is.
However if the computer time changes in an unexpected way, or if the computer is very busy, or the process blocked for some reason, Sentinel may start to behave in an unexpected way.
The TILT mode is a special “protection” mode that a Sentinel can enter when something odd is detected that can lower the reliability of the system. The Sentinel timer interrupt is normally called 10 times per second, so we expect that more or less 100 milliseconds will elapse between two calls to the timer interrupt.
What a Sentinel does is to register the previous time the timer interrupt was called, and compare it with the current call: if the time difference is negative or unexpectedly big (2 seconds or more) the TILT mode is entered (or if it was already entered the exit from the TILT mode postponed).
When in TILT mode the Sentinel will continue to monitor everything, but:

  • It stops acting at all.
  • It starts to reply negatively to SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr requests as the ability to detect a failure is no longer trusted.

If everything appears to be normal for 30 second, the TILT mode is exited.
Note that in some way TILT mode could be replaced using the monotonic clock API that many kernels offer. However it is not still clear if this is a good solution since the current system avoids issues in case the process is just suspended or not executed by the scheduler for a long time.


  • 停止所有的动作
  • 会开始否定SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr命令因为其不信任故障检测的能力



void sentinelCheckTiltCondition(void) {// 计算当前时间mstime_t now = mstime();// 计算上次运行 sentinel 和当前时间的差mstime_t delta = now - sentinel.previous_time;// 如果差为负数,或者大于 2 秒钟,那么进入 TILT 模式if (delta < 0 || delta > SENTINEL_TILT_TRIGGER) {// 打开标记sentinel.tilt = 1;// 记录进入 TILT 模式的开始时间sentinel.tilt_start_time = mstime();// 打印事件sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+tilt",NULL,"#tilt mode entered");}// 更新最后一次 sentinel 运行时间sentinel.previous_time = mstime();



void sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(dict *instances) {dictIterator *di;dictEntry *de;sentinelRedisInstance *switch_to_promoted = NULL;/* There are a number of things we need to perform against every master. */// 遍历多个实例,这些实例可以是多个主服务器、多个从服务器或者多个 sentineldi = dictGetIterator(instances);while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {// 取出实例对应的实例结构sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de);// 执行调度操作sentinelHandleRedisInstance(ri);// 如果被遍历的是主服务器,那么递归地遍历该主服务器的所有从服务器// 以及所有 sentinelif (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) {// 所有从服务器sentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(ri->slaves);// 所有 sentinelsentinelHandleDictOfRedisInstances(ri->sentinels);// 对已下线主服务器(ri)的故障迁移已经完成// ri 的所有从服务器都已经同步到新主服务器if (ri->failover_state == SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_UPDATE_CONFIG) {// 已选出新的主服务器switch_to_promoted = ri;}}}// 将原主服务器(已下线)从主服务器表格中移除,并使用新主服务器代替它if (switch_to_promoted)sentinelFailoverSwitchToPromotedSlave(switch_to_promoted);dictReleaseIterator(di); //释放迭代器
// 对给定的实例执行定期操作
void sentinelHandleRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {/* ========== MONITORING HALF ============ *//* ==========     监控操作    =========*//* Every kind of instance *//* 对所有类型实例进行处理 */// 如果有需要的话,创建连向实例的网络连接// 这也会在哨兵刚刚启动的时候连接所有的主服务器sentinelReconnectInstance(ri);// 根据情况,向实例发送 PING、 INFO 或者 PUBLISH 命令sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(ri);/* ============== ACTING HALF ============= *//* ==============  故障检测   ============= */........................


void sentinelReconnectInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {// 示例未断线(已连接)// 因为这个函数在每次定时器中断被调用,所以需要排除很多已连接的if (!(ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED)) return;/* Commands connection. */// 对所有实例创建一个用于发送 Redis 命令的连接if (ri->cc == NULL) {// 连接实例ri->cc = redisAsyncConnect(ri->addr->ip,ri->addr->port);// 连接出错if (ri->cc->err) {sentinelEvent(REDIS_DEBUG,"-cmd-link-reconnection",ri,"%@ #%s",ri->cc->errstr);sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->cc);// 连接成功} else {// 设置连接属性ri->cc_conn_time = mstime();ri->cc->data = ri;redisAeAttach(server.el,ri->cc);// 设置连线 callbackredisAsyncSetConnectCallback(ri->cc,sentinelLinkEstablishedCallback);// 设置断线 callbackredisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(ri->cc,sentinelDisconnectCallback);// 发送 AUTH 命令,验证身份sentinelSendAuthIfNeeded(ri,ri->cc);sentinelSetClientName(ri,ri->cc,"cmd");// 发送一个PINGsentinelSendPing(ri);}}/* Pub / Sub */// 对主服务器和从服务器,创建一个用于订阅频道的连接 sentinel不需要 if ((ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) && ri->pc == NULL) {// 连接实例ri->pc = redisAsyncConnect(ri->addr->ip,ri->addr->port);// 连接出错if (ri->pc->err) {sentinelEvent(REDIS_DEBUG,"-pubsub-link-reconnection",ri,"%@ #%s",ri->pc->errstr);sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->pc);// 连接成功} else {int retval;// 设置连接属性ri->pc_conn_time = mstime();ri->pc->data = ri;redisAeAttach(server.el,ri->pc);// 设置连接 callbackredisAsyncSetConnectCallback(ri->pc,sentinelLinkEstablishedCallback);// 设置断线 callbackredisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(ri->pc,sentinelDisconnectCallback);// 发送 AUTH 命令,验证身份sentinelSendAuthIfNeeded(ri,ri->pc);// 为客户端设置名字 "pubsub"sentinelSetClientName(ri,ri->pc,"pubsub");/* Now we subscribe to the Sentinels "Hello" channel. */// 发送 SUBSCRIBE __sentinel__:hello 命令,订阅频道retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->pc,sentinelReceiveHelloMessages, NULL, "SUBSCRIBE %s",SENTINEL_HELLO_CHANNEL);// 订阅出错,断开连接if (retval != REDIS_OK) {/* If we can't subscribe, the Pub/Sub connection is useless* and we can simply disconnect it and try again. */sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->pc);return;}}}/* Clear the DISCONNECTED flags only if we have both the connections* (or just the commands connection if this is a sentinel instance). */// 如果实例是主服务器或者从服务器,那么当 cc 和 pc 两个连接都创建成功时,关闭 DISCONNECTED 标识// 如果实例是 Sentinel ,那么当 cc 连接创建成功时,关闭 DISCONNECTED 标识 即此时已连接成功if (ri->cc && (ri->flags & SRI_SENTINEL || ri->pc))ri->flags &= ~SRI_DISCONNECTED;


// INFO用于获取从服务器信息 PUBLISH用来获取其他哨兵的信息 PING用来检测现在的连接状况
void sentinelSendPeriodicCommands(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {mstime_t now = mstime();mstime_t info_period, ping_period;int retval;/* Return ASAP if we have already a PING or INFO already pending, or* in the case the instance is not properly connected. */// 函数不能在网络连接未创建时执行if (ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED) return;/* For INFO, PING, PUBLISH that are not critical commands to send we* also have a limit of SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS. We don't* want to use a lot of memory just because a link is not working* properly (note that anyway there is a redundant protection about this,* that is, the link will be disconnected and reconnected if a long* timeout condition is detected. */// 为了避免 sentinel 在实例处于不正常状态时,发送过多命令// sentinel 只在待发送命令的数量未超过 SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS 常量时// 才进行命令发送 在每次发送命令还未回复时会使pending_commands加一if (ri->pending_commands >= SENTINEL_MAX_PENDING_COMMANDS) return;/* If this is a slave of a master in O_DOWN condition we start sending* it INFO every second, instead of the usual SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD* period. In this state we want to closely monitor slaves in case they* are turned into masters by another Sentinel, or by the sysadmin. */// 对于从服务器来说, sentinel 默认每 SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD 秒向它发送一次 INFO 命令// 但是,当从服务器的主服务器处于 SDOWN 状态,或者正在执行故障转移时// 为了更快速地捕捉从服务器的变动, sentinel 会将发送 INFO 命令的频率该为每秒一次// 需要更快的发现一个从服务器升级为主服务器 从而进行故障转移if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && //减少INFO间隔是为了更快的获取其身份信息(ri->master->flags & (SRI_O_DOWN|SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS))) {info_period = 1000; //减小INFO命令时间间隔} else {info_period = SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD;}/* We ping instances every time the last received pong is older than* the configured 'down-after-milliseconds' time, but every second* anyway if 'down-after-milliseconds' is greater than 1 second. */// 这里就是把配置文件中的down_after_period的时间与正常PING的间隔作比较,最小为1秒ping_period = ri->down_after_period;if (ping_period > SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD) ping_period = SENTINEL_PING_PERIOD;// 实例不是 Sentinel (而是主服务器或者从服务器)// 并且以下条件的其中一个成立:// 1)SENTINEL 未收到过这个服务器的 INFO 命令回复// 2)距离上一次该实例回复 INFO 命令已经超过 info_period 间隔// 那么向实例发送 INFO 命令// sentinel会向其连接的哨兵发送PING,但不会发送PUBLISHif ((ri->flags & SRI_SENTINEL) == 0 &&(ri->info_refresh == 0 ||(now - ri->info_refresh) > info_period)) //间隔一般为十秒 特殊为1秒{/* Send INFO to masters and slaves, not sentinels. */retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc, //命令均为异步执行sentinelInfoReplyCallback, NULL, "INFO"); //回调为对INFO命令的回复if (retval == REDIS_OK) ri->pending_commands++; //已发送但尚未回复的命令} else if ((now - ri->last_pong_time) > ping_period) { //间隔一般为一秒 取决于down_after_period/* Send PING to all the three kinds of instances. */sentinelSendPing(ri);} else if ((now - ri->last_pub_time) > SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD) { //间隔两秒/* PUBLISH hello messages to all the three kinds of instances. */sentinelSendHello(ri);}


// 如果发现有新的从服务器出现,那么为它添加实例
if (sentinelRedisInstanceLookupSlave(ri,ip,atoi(port)) == NULL) {if ((slave = createSentinelRedisInstance(NULL,SRI_SLAVE,ip,atoi(port), ri->quorum, ri)) != NULL){sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+slave",slave,"%@");}



void sentinelProcessHelloMessage(char *hello, int hello_len) {/* Format is composed of 8 tokens:* 0=ip,1=port,2=runid,3=current_epoch,4=master_name,* 5=master_ip,6=master_port,7=master_config_epoch. */int numtokens, port, removed, master_port;uint64_t current_epoch, master_config_epoch;char **token = sdssplitlen(hello, hello_len, ",", 1, &numtokens);sentinelRedisInstance *si, *master;if (numtokens == 8) {/* Obtain a reference to the master this hello message is about */// 获取主服务器的名字,并丢弃和未知主服务器相关的消息。master = sentinelGetMasterByName(token[4]);if (!master) goto cleanup; /* Unknown master, skip the message. *//* First, try to see if we already have this sentinel. */// 看这个 Sentinel 是否已经认识发送消息的 Sentinelport = atoi(token[1]);master_port = atoi(token[6]);// 会遍历所有的输入实例 看是否存在 不存在返回NULLsi = getSentinelRedisInstanceByAddrAndRunID(master->sentinels,token[0],port,token[2]);current_epoch = strtoull(token[3],NULL,10);master_config_epoch = strtoull(token[7],NULL,10);if (!si) {// 这个 Sentinel 不认识发送消息的 Sentinel // 将对方加入到 Sentinel 列表中/* If not, remove all the sentinels that have the same runid* OR the same ip/port, because it's either a restart or a* network topology change. *//*删除所有具有相同runid或相同ip/port的实例,因为这是重新启动或网络拓扑更改。*/removed = removeMatchingSentinelsFromMaster(master,token[0],port,token[2]);if (removed) {sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"-dup-sentinel",master,"%@ #duplicate of %s:%d or %s",token[0],port,token[2]);}/* Add the new sentinel. */ //创建一个新实例 这里更新了sentinelsi = createSentinelRedisInstance(NULL,SRI_SENTINEL,token[0],port,master->quorum,master);if (si) {sentinelEvent(REDIS_NOTICE,"+sentinel",si,"%@");/* The runid is NULL after a new instance creation and* for Sentinels we don't have a later chance to fill it,* so do it now. */si->runid = sdsnew(token[2]);sentinelFlushConfig();}}/* Update local current_epoch if received current_epoch is greater.*/// 如果消息中记录的纪元比 Sentinel 当前的纪元要高,那么更新纪元// 这里的sentinel是此sentinel的主结构体 即 struct sentinelStateif (current_epoch > sentinel.current_epoch) {sentinel.current_epoch = current_epoch;sentinelFlushConfig();sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu",(unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch);}/* Update master info if received configuration is newer. */// 如果消息中记录的配置信息更新,那么对主服务器的信息进行更新// 这里也是主服务器信息改变的地方 if (master->config_epoch < master_config_epoch) { //纪元增大 下一轮投票master->config_epoch = master_config_epoch;if (master_port != master->addr->port ||  //端口变了strcmp(master->addr->ip, token[5])){sentinelAddr *old_addr;sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+config-update-from",si,"%@");sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+switch-master",master,"%s %s %d %s %d",master->name,master->addr->ip, master->addr->port,token[5], master_port);old_addr = dupSentinelAddr(master->addr); //复制并返回给定地址的一个副本//端口改变当然要改变信息啦sentinelResetMasterAndChangeAddress(master, token[5], master_port);sentinelCallClientReconfScript(master,SENTINEL_OBSERVER,"start",old_addr,master->addr);releaseSentinelAddr(old_addr);}}/* Update the state of the Sentinel. */// 更新我方 Sentinel 记录的对方 Sentinel 的信息。if (si) si->last_hello_time = mstime();}cleanup:sdsfreesplitres(token,numtokens);


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  8. Python 文件打开读取写入方法
  9. 记某环境SqlServer异地备份的坑(Server权限管控贼拉严格)
  10. 六年级计算机学情分析报告,六年级学生学情分析报告.doc