

过去式: changed

过去分词: changed

现在分词: changing



change的用法2:change可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构; 用作不及物动词时,可表示“改变; 换衣; 换车”。


change的用法4:change宾语后面接介词for,表示“(以…)换…”,动词宾语和介词宾语都为物。接介词into,表示“将…变成…”,动词宾语和介词宾语可为人、物或事。接介词into或to,介词宾语为衣服时表示“换上”; 介词宾语为人、物或事时表示“变成,换成”。接介词with,动词宾语为物(表示物的名词需用复数),介词宾语为人,表示“与某人交换…”。


1. She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.


2. The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.


3. Johnson's smashing victory in 1964 changed the political horizon substantially.


4. But by the year 2020 business computing will have changed beyond recognition.


5. He changed our world through the force of his ideas.


6. Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.


7. Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press.


8. Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject.


9. My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years.


10. In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage.


11. They changed their minds at the last moment and refused to go.


12. Johnny has changed his image to fit the times.


13. The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.


14. The engine note changed as the aircraft landed, taxied and halted.


15. "I changed my mind," Blanche said, resuming her seat.


change的英文阅读:如果你无法改变环境 那么就改变心境

As a recent college grad, I was starting to figure out this adult life thing — I got a job, found a place to live and managed to balance a social life with these new 9-5 responsibilities. Things were going according to plan, until they weren't. I lost my dad suddenly to cancer, and that's when it felt as if nothing would ever be good again.


I second-guessed all of my choices and simultaneously assumed that everyone else had it all figured out. I counted the ways I felt cheated: My grief felt crippling; my job started to lose its luster; I didn't have the bank account I wanted; I didn't like the way I felt on the inside, which translated to how I felt about how I looked and how I acted. I was cranky... a lot. I was tired of seeing friends accelerating into adult life while each day felt like a challenge I had to overcome. I was sad from top to bottom and from the inside out — until I heard a quote that quite literally changed my life.


"If you can't change a situation, change your mind."


I was in the middle of a yoga class, and it felt like the teacher was speaking directly to me. I can't remember which pose I was in, the song that was playing or the day of the week, but I do remember feeling his words reverberate in my bones. It was a wake up call, and I chose to listen.


Grief is real. And the things dragging me down were mostly out of my control, but my attitude was something only I could manage. So I started over. I fiercely protected my attitude and reactions to situations the way a mother bear might care for her cub. I had always been such a happy person and I wanted to be that person again.


I wrote the quote down on post-it notes and stuck them everywhere: on my bedroom mirror, across the back of my phone case and even on my laptop keyboard. I doodled it on my to-do lists and wrote it in my journal. I repeated it to myself constantly. I wanted to feel better, and now I had a plan. Timing is everything. If I wasn't ready, the best advice of my life might have fallen on deaf ears. But I wanted so badly to feel better.


Slowly, I formed a new habit. "If you can't change a situation, change your mind" became my go-to response for everything from a claustrophobic subway car to a terrible date to a disagreement with a friend. Of course there were days when I felt awful despite my best efforts. And there are still moments when negativity gets the best of me.


But I made a promise to myself to wake up every day and try. Feeling angry and upset won't change anything about so many situations I found myself in — in fact, it usually made things worse. Changing something I could control, like my mind, made all the difference.




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