timer cancel

计时器类cancel()方法 (Timer Class cancel() method)

  • cancel() method is available in java.util package.


  • cancel() method is used to cancel this Timer and discard any task scheduled currently.


  • cancel() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • cancel() method does not throw an exception at the time of canceling timer.




    public void cancel();



  • It does not accept any parameter.


Return value:


The return type of the method is void, it returns nothing.

该方法的返回类型为void ,不返回任何内容。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of void cancel() method
// of Timer
import java.util.*;
class CancelTimer extends TimerTask {// Task defined in this method
public void run() {System.out.println("In Stock...Stop Working");
public class CancelOfTimer {public static void main(String[] args) {// Instantaites a TimerTask and
// Timer object
TimerTask task = new CancelTimer();
Timer tmr = new Timer();
// By using scheduleAtFixedRate() method isto
// schedule the task at a constant rate in a
// repeated manner
tmr.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, new Date(), 330);
// By using cancel() method is to
// cancel this timer and stop
// the scheduled task
System.out.println("tmr.cancel(): " + "Cancelled");



tmr.cancel(): Cancelled
In Stock...Stop Working

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/timer-cancel-method-with-example.aspx

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