

def main():prompt = input("Enter the name: ").lower().split()P = ""num = 0for ch in prompt:P = P + chfor p in P:num = num + ord(p) - 96print(num)main()


def main():prompt = input("Enter the word: ").split()s = []key = int(input("Key: "))for p in prompt:q = []for i in range(len(p)):if ord(p[i]) + key <= ord("z"):q.append(chr(ord(p[i]) + key))else:q.append(chr(ord(p[i]) + key - 26))h = "".join(q)s.append(h)for ch in s:print(ch, end=" ")


def main():prompt=input("Enter the word: ").split()i = 0for p in prompt:i=i+1print("The number of the words is {0}.".format(i))


def main():A = input("Please enter the words: ").split()n = 0totalLength = 0for a in A:n = n + 1totalLength = totalLength+len(a)avg = j / iprint("The average length is {0:0.3f}.".format(avg))


def main():print("This program illlustrates a chaotic function")x1, x2 = eval(input("Enter two numbers between 0 and 1 seperated by a comma: "))n = int(input("Enter the change times: "))print("|{0:<7}|{1:<10}|{2:<9}|".format("index", x1, x2))print("_" * 30)for i in range(n):x1 = 3.9 * x1 * (1 - x1)x2 = 3.9 * x2 * (1 - x2)print("|{0:<7}|{1:<10.6f}|{2:<9.6f}|".format(i + 1, x1, x2))main()


def main():principal = eval(input("Enter the initial principal: "))apr = float(input("Enter the annual interest rate: "))years = int(input("Enter the number of years: "))print()print("Year     Value")print("-------------------")for i in range(years + 1):print("{0:<8}${1:.2f}".format(i, principal))principal = principal * (1 + apr)main()



def main():filename = input("Enter the filename: ")infile = open(filename, 'r')chars = infile.read()words = chars.split()lines = chars.split("\n")infile.close()print("Lines:", len(lines))print("Words:", len(words))print("Characters:", len(chars))main()


def mark(window, name, point, pos, m):a = 2Name = Text(Point(2, m+a - pos), name)Mark = Rectangle(Point(5, m +0.45 +a- pos), Point(5 + point / 10, m-0.45+a - pos))Mark.setWidth(2)Mark.setFill(color_rgb(144,144,255))Text(Point(18, m +a- pos), str(point)).draw(window)Name.draw(window)Mark.draw(window)def main():filename = input("Enter the name of the file: ")infile = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8")data = infile.read()data1 = data.split("\n")m = int(data1[0])win = GraphWin("grades", 55*(m+2), 55*(m+2))win.setCoords(0, 0, 20, m+3)win.setBackground("white")for i in range(1,len(data1)):data2 = data1[i].split()name,point = data2[0],float(data2[1])mark(win, name, point, i, m)print("Click to quit.")infile.close()win.getMouse()win.close()main()


def main():filename = input("Enter the name of the file:")infile = open(filename, "r")inf = infile.read()win = GraphWin("Students' Grade", 300, 200)win.setCoords(0, 0, 18, 12)win.setBackground(color_rgb(10, 155, 20))for i in range(11):p = str(i)n = inf.count(p)drb(win, p, n, i)win.getMouse()win.close()infile.close()def drb(window, p, n, i):u = i*1.58Text(Point(u + 1,0.5),p).draw(window)Text(Point(u + 1,1.5 + n),str(n)).draw(window)bar = Rectangle(Point(u + 0.54,1),Point(u + 1.46,1 + n))bar.setFill(color_rgb(34, 68, 255))bar.setOutline("red")bar.draw(window)main()

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