
docker save -o xxx.tar image1 image2 ….imagen


type manifestItem struct {Config       stringRepoTags     []stringLayers       []stringParent       image.ID                                 `json:",omitempty"`LayerSources map[layer.DiffID]distribution.Descriptor `json:",omitempty"`



// V1Image stores the V1 image configuration.
type V1Image struct {// ID is a unique 64 character identifier of the imageID string `json:"id,omitempty"`// Parent is the ID of the parent imageParent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`// Comment is the commit message that was set when committing the imageComment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`// Created is the timestamp at which the image was createdCreated time.Time `json:"created"`// Container is the id of the container used to commitContainer string `json:"container,omitempty"`// ContainerConfig is the configuration of the container that is committed into the imageContainerConfig container.Config `json:"container_config,omitempty"`// DockerVersion specifies the version of Docker that was used to build the imageDockerVersion string `json:"docker_version,omitempty"`// Author is the name of the author that was specified when committing the imageAuthor string `json:"author,omitempty"`// Config is the configuration of the container received from the clientConfig *container.Config `json:"config,omitempty"`// Architecture is the hardware that the image is built and runs onArchitecture string `json:"architecture,omitempty"`// OS is the operating system used to build and run the imageOS string `json:"os,omitempty"`// Size is the total size of the image including all layers it is composed ofSize int64 `json:",omitempty"`
}// Image stores the image configuration
type Image struct {V1ImageParent     ID        `json:"parent,omitempty"`RootFS     *RootFS   `json:"rootfs,omitempty"`History    []History `json:"history,omitempty"`OSVersion  string    `json:"os.version,omitempty"`OSFeatures []string  `json:"os.features,omitempty"`// rawJSON caches the immutable JSON associated with this image.rawJSON []byte// computedID is the ID computed from the hash of the image config.// Not to be confused with the legacy V1 ID in V1Image.computedID ID



docker save流程

Save(names []string, outStream io.Writer)
func (s *saveSession) save(outStream io.Writer) error   {for id, imageDescr := range s.images {foreignSrcs, err := s.saveImage(id)}...生成manifest文件fs, err := archive.Tar(tempDir, archive.Uncompressed)
func (s *saveSession) saveImage(id image.ID) (map[layer.DiffID]distribution.Descriptor, error) {for i := range img.RootFS.DiffIDs {        v1ID, err := v1.CreateID(v1Img, rootFS.ChainID(), parent)v1Img.ID = v1ID.Hex()       src, err := s.saveLayer(rootFS.ChainID(), v1Img, img.Created)}configFile := filepath.Join(s.outDir, id.Digest().Hex()+".json")if err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile, img.RawJSON(), 0644); err != nil {return nil, err}
func (s *saveSession) saveLayer(id layer.ChainID, legacyImg image.V1Image, createdTime time.Time) (distribution.Descriptor, error) {

生成config json文件


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