
In China many people regard reading as learning, for them reading is mean that
one can learn more knowledge, go to a better university and have a high-paid job.
But reading is not just those things.
For example, Reading gives you more chances.
A famous writer called Long Yingtai once said:
My child, I ask you to read and study hard, not because I want you to compare your achievements with others, but because I want you to have the choice in the future, choose a meaningful work with time, instead of being forced to make a living. If your work is meaningful to you, you have a sense of accomplishment. If your job gives you time and doesn’t deprive you of life, you have dignity. Achievement and dignity, give you happiness.

And Reading is like touring, through the words and phrases, we can see a colorful world created by the author. When we read a travel notes, we can see the beautiful views, feel different cultures, when we read a history book, we are like traveling back to that time, seeing the heyday of peace, seeing people become destitute and homeless.
Yang Jiang once said
When I was young, I thought without reading I cannot understand life, but later I found that if I didn’t understand life, I couldn’t understand a book, The meaning of reading is probably to use what you feel in life to read and what you get from reading to live. If you don’t read, you only live once. If you read, you live thousands of times

And Reading can improve your temperament
We have kept reading for the past few years, and we will keep reading in the future. We have read many text books, novels, fictions and magazines. We learn knowledge, learn how to make friends with others and what is happening in the world. Maybe we will think, those I read does not help me in daily lives. But remember that those we read will become a part of ourselves, as the saying goes, multi-skills are not pressure, the more we read, the more strength and powerful we will be. No matter how delicate the vase is, it will be broken one day. And no matter how beautiful the face is, it will become old one day. Only the books you read and the words you write will accumulate in your body and become your wealth.

And Reading can broaden your views.
People always say that if a person don`t renoad, he will think the world before his eye is very beautiful, and if a person read some books, he will know some dark sides of the world, and will hate this world, but if this man keeps reading, he will find that behind these things, there are always more beautiful things waiting for him, Yes, If you read more books, you will find that the world you have never noticed before is so vivid. Read more books, you will find that in the boundless knowledge of the sea, no matter how big the trouble, is just a drop in the ocean.

Above all, we have known some reasons why we need to read.
So now it is a time to start debate.

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