
(1) An automatic method to determine the number of clusters using decision-theoretic rough set,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,2014,第3作者

(2) 基于优势关系粗糙集的动态容错分级决策模型,Sorting Decision Model for Dynamic Fault Tolerance Based on Dominance Relation Rough Set,西南交通大学学报,2014,第2作者

(3) Data-driven Valued Tolerance Relation Based on the Extended Rough Set,Fundamenta Informaticae,2014,第1作者

(4) REMOTE SENSING IMAGE ENHANCEMENT BASED ON WAVELET ANALYSIS AND HISTOGRAM SPECIFICATION,The 9th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology,2014,第2作者

(5) parallel attribute reduction based on mapreduce,RSKT2014,2014,第2作者

(6) Water quality prediction based on a novel hybrid model of ARIMA and RBF neural network,2014 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems,2014,第2作者

(7) An improved hybrid ARIMA and support vector machines model for water quality prediction,RSKT2014,2014,第2作者

(8) Simulation studies on electrical characteristics of conical and pyramidal field emitters,红外与激光工程,2014,第3作者

(9) In-line fiber Fabry-Perot refractive index tip sensor based on photonic crystal fiber and spectrum differential integration method ,Optics Communications,2014,第3作者

(10) Generic normal cloud model,Information Sciences,2014,第1作者

(11) Forest Cover Types Classification Based on Online Machine Learning on Distributed Cloud Computing Platforms of Storm and SAMOA,Advanced Materials Research,2014,第2作者

(12) A New Multi-Step Backward Cloud Transformation Algorithm Based on Normal Cloud Model,Fundamenta Informaticae,2014,第2作者

(13) Intrinsic fiber-optic Fabry–Perot interferometer based on arc discharge and single-mode fiber,APPLIED OPTICS,2014,第3作者

(14) 基于置信优势关系的粗糙集近似模型,Confidential dominance relation based rough approximation model,控制与决策,2014,第2作者

(15) Decision region distribution preservation reduction in decision-theoretic rough set model,Information Sciences,2014,通讯作者

(16) A new method for measuring fuzziness of vague set (or intuitionistic fuzzy set),Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2013,第3作者

(17) Intrinsic fiber-optic Fabry–Perot interferometer based on arc discharge and single-mode fiber,APPLIED OPTICS,2013,第3作者

(18) Face Segmentation Based on a Hybrid Energy Based Active Contour Model,Journal of Software,2013,第2作者

(19) 双向认知计算的p阶正态云模型递归定义及分析,p-order Normal Cloud Model Recursive Definition and Analysis of Bidirectional Cognitive Computing,计算机学报,2013,第1作者

(20) 实现稳定双向认知映射的逆向云变换算法,Backward Cloud Transformation Algorithm for Realizing Stability Bidirectional Cognitive Mapping,模式识别与人工智能,2013,第2作者

(21) MEMS Inertial Switch for Power Management of Environmental Vibration Monitoring,ICDMA2013,2013,第3作者

(22) A Divide-and-Conquer Method Based Ensemble Regression Model for Water Quality Prediction,RSKT 2013,2013,第2作者

(23) Introduction of Bidirectional Cognitive Computing Model Between Concept Extension and Intension,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,2013,第1作者

(24) Expression and Processing of Uncertain Information,RSKT 2013,2013,第1作者

(25) A stable gene selection method based on sample weighting,2013 26th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE),2013,第1作者

(26) A Formal Concept Analysis Based Approach to Minimal Value Reduction,RSKT 2013,2013,第2作者

(27) Water Quality Prediction Based on Improved Wavelet Transformation and Support Vector Machine,Advanced Materials Research,2013,第2作者

(28) Boundary variable precision dominance-based rough set approach in multicriteria sorting problems,Advanced Materials Research ,2013,第2作者

(29) 基于混合能量活动轮廓模型的人脸分割方法,Face Segmentation Based on a Hybrid Energy Based Active Contour Model,软件学报,2013,第2作者

(30) A Novel Method for Elimination of Inconsistencies in Ordinal Classification with Monotonicity Constraints,Fundamenta Informaticae,2013,通讯作者

(31) Shape circularity measure method based on radial moments,Journal of Electronic Imaging,2013,第2作者

(32) Granular Computing Based on Gaussian Cloud Transformation,Fundamenta Informaticae,2013,通讯作者

(33) Generic radial orthogonal moment invariants for invariant image recognition,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2013,第2作者

(34) Preface. Fundam. Inform.,Fundamenta Informaticae ,2013,第3作者

(35) 基于最大粒的规则获取算法,模式识别与人工智能,2012,第2作者

(36) Attribute Reduction Using Extension of Covering Approximation Space,Fundamenta Informaticae,2012,第1作者

(37) Preface,Fundamenta Informaticae,2012,第1作者

(38) 基于概率的有序信息系统,计算机科学,2012,第2作者

(39) 人脸特征约束的三围表情合成,计算机应用研究,2012,第2作者

(40) Generalized Approximations Defined by Non-Equivalence Relations,Information Sciences,2012,通讯作者

(41) 智能车技术探讨,计算机科学,2012,第1作者

(42) 基于WinCE Wavedev2驱动的音频通道切换算法,计算机工程与设计,2012,第2作者

(43) 相关性粒子群优化模型,软件学报,2011,第2作者

(44) 粒子群优化算法的概率特性分析及算法改进,控制与决策,2011,第2作者

(45) 属性序下的增量式Pawlak约简算法,西南交通大学学报,2011,第2作者

(46) 基于粗糙集的加权朴素贝叶斯邮件过滤方法,计算机科学,2011,第2作者

(47) Correlative Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-objective Problems,Advances in Swarm Intelligence(ICSI),2011,第2作者

(48) An improved variable precision model of dominance-based rough set,In: Sergei O. Kuznetsov, et al.(eds.),2011,第2作者

(49) 基于多分类器融合的语音识别方法研究,重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2011,第3作者

(50) 邮件系统中的兴趣漂移混合模型,计算机工程与设计,2011,第2作者

(51) 基于Laplacian坐标修正的sqrt(3)细分法,计算机科学,2011,第2作者

(52) 一种改进KNN个性化邮件过滤的方法,重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2011,第2作者

(53) ,A Novel Emothion Recognition Method Based on Ensemble Learning and Rough Set Theory,International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence,2011,第2作者

(54) 一种基于局部特征融合的表情识别方法,重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2011,第3作者

(55) 时空关联规则挖掘算法及其在ITS中的应用,计算机科学,2011,第3作者

(56) 集值信息系统中基于证据理论的规则提取,重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2011,第2作者

(57) 基于有限射影几何的细粒度数据完整性检验方法,电子学报,2011,第3作者

(58) 一种动态学习对象的粒子群优化算法,计算机工程,2011,第2作者

(59) 基于认知的人脸识别方法研究,计算机工程与设计,2011,第2作者

(60) 知识不确定性问题的粒计算模型,软件学报,2011,第1作者

(61) A Statistical Two-step Method for 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image,Chinese Journal of ElectronicsChinese Journal of Electronics,2011,第2作者

(62) The Uncertainty Measure of Hierarchical Quotient Space Structure,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2011,2011,第2作者

(63) Disjunctive set-valued ordered information systems based on variable precision dominance relation,In: Sergei O. Kuznetsov, et al.(eds.) ,2011,第1作者

(64) Rough set based uncertain knowledge expressing and processing,In: Sergei O. Kuznetsov, et al.(eds.) ,2011,第1作者

(65) 有限域上高效的细粒度数据完整性检验方法,计算机学报,2011,第2作者

(66) PSO模型种群多样性与学习参数的关系研究,电子学报,2011,第2作者

(67) Particle Swarm Optimization with Novel Processing Strategy and Its Application,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,2011,第2作者

(68) Spatio-temporal Similarity Measure for Network Constrained Trajectory Data,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,2011,第2作者


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