NXP的imx系列芯片使用很广的芯片,这篇文章就介绍下imx 芯片 Yocto 环境的搭建,以及单独编译 uboot,kernel 的方法。

PC: ubuntu 16.04


1.1 PC软件预装


sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev

如果PC版本是ubuntu 12.04或者14.04:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html \
docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils \
libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidoc

单独对于ubuntu 12,04的,安装命令如下:

sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimage

单独对于ubuntu 14,04的,安装命令如下:

sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools
1.2 设置repo


$ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists)
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
1.3 Yocto 环境设置

设置git config 参数

$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email "Your Email"




$ mkdir imx-yocto-bsp
$ cd imx-yocto-bsp
$ repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-sumo -m imx-4.14.98-2.3.0.xml
$ repo sync

如果repo init 失败,可以参考文章:



$ DISTRO=<distro name> MACHINE=<machine name> source fsl-setup-release.sh -b <build dir>

其中distro name可选如下:

Here are the list of DISTRO configurations. Note that DirectFB is no longer supported, and fsl-imx-wayland and fsl-imx-fb are not
supported on i.MX 8.
• fsl-imx-x11 - X11 graphics are not supported on i.MX 8.
• fsl-imx-wayland - Wayland weston graphics.
• fsl-imx-xwayland - Wayland graphics and X11. X11 applications using EGL are not supported.
• fsl-imx-fb - Frame Buffer graphics - no X11 or Wayland. Frame Buffer is not supported on i.MX 8.

其machine name可选如下:

• imx6qpsabreauto
• imx6qpsabresd
• imx6ulevk
• imx6ulz14x14evk
• imx6ull14x14evk
• imx6ull9x9evk
• imx6dlsabreauto
• imx6dlsabresd
• imx6qsabreauto
• imx6qsabresd
• imx6slevk
• imx6solosabreauto
• imx6solosabresd
• imx6sxsabresd
• imx6sxsabreauto
• imx6sllevk
• imx7dsabresd
• imx7ulpevk
• imx8qmmek
• imx8qxpmek
• imx8mqevk
• imx8mmevk
• imx8mnevk


bitbake <image name>

image name 可选如下:

X-11 image on i.MX 6Quad SABRE-SD

$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 MACHINE=imx6qsabresd source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-x11
$ bitbake fsl-image-validation-imx

XWayland image on i.MX 8QuadXPlus MEK

$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8qxpmek source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-xwayland
$ bitbake fsl-image-qt5-validation-imx

3.单独编译uboot & kernel

3.1toolchain 设置


DISTRO=fsl-imx-fb MACHINE=Target-Machine bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk


3.2 编译uboot


source /opt/fsl-imx-xwayland/4.14.98/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
export ARCH=arm64


source /opt/fsl-imx-fb/4.9.98/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueab
export ARCH=arm


make clean
make imx8qm_mek_defconfig


make clean
make imx8qm_mek_spl_defconfig

对于i.MX 8M Nano EVK

make clean
make imx8mn_ddr4_evk_defconfig

对于i.MX6 or i.MX 7,在这里以i.MX 6ULL为例

git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/uboot-imx -b imx_v2018.03_4.14.98-2.0.0_ga
cd uboot-imx
make clean
make mx6ull_14x14_evk_defconfig
3.3 Use imx-mkimage
For i.MX 8QuadMax, to build imx-boot image by using imx-mkimage, perform the following steps:
1. Copy u-boot.bin from u-boot/u-boot.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/.
2. Copy scfw_tcm.bin from SCFW porting kit to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/.
3. Copy bl31.bin from ARM Trusted Firmware (imx-atf) to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/.
4. Copy the SECO firmware container image (ahab-container.img) to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/.
5. Run make SOC=iMX8QM flash to generate flash.bin.
6. If using OPTEE, copy tee.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/ and copy u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QM/.
Run make SOC=iMX8QM flash_spl to generate flash.bin.For i.MX 8QuadXPlus, to build imx-boot image by using imx-mkimage, perform the following steps:
1. Copy u-boot.bin from u-boot/u-boot.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/.
2. Copy scfw_tcm.bin from SCFW porting kit to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/.
3. Copy bl31.bin from ARM Trusted Firmware (imx-atf) to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/.
4. Copy the SECO firmware container image (ahab-container.img) to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/.
5. Run make SOC=iMX8QX flash to generate flash.bin.
6. If using OPTEE, copy tee.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/ and copy u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8QX/.
Run make SOC=iMX8QX flash_spl to generate flash.bin.


For i.MX 8M Quad EVK, i.MX 8M Mini EVK, and 8M Nano EVK, to build imx-boot image using imx-mkimage, perform the following
1. Copy and rename mkimage from u-boot/tools/mkimage to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/mkimage_uboot.
2. Copy u-boot-spl.bin from u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
3. Copy u-boot-nodtb.bin from u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
4. Copy fsl-imx8mq-evk.dtb (for i.MX 8M Quad EVK), fsl-imx8mm-evk (for i.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 EVK EVK), fsl-imx8mmddr4-evk (for i.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 EVK), or fsl-imx8mn-ddr4-evk (for i.MX 8M Nano DDR4 EVK) from u-boot/
arch/arm/dts/ to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
5. Copy bl31.bin from ARM Trusted Firmware (imx-atf) to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
6. Copy firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin from firmware-imx package to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
7. For i.MX 8M Quad and i.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 EVK, copy lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_dmem.bin,
lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_imem.bin, lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_dmem.bin, and lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_imem.bin from
firmware/ddr/synopsys of firmware-imx package to imx-mkimage/iMX8M/.
For i.MX 8M Mini DDR4 EVK, copy ddr4_imem_1d.bin, ddr4_dmem_1d.bin, ddr4_imem_2d.bin, and ddr4_dmem_2d.bin from firmware/ddr/synopsys of firmware-imx package to imx-mkimage/iMX8M.
For i.MX 8M Nano DDR4 EVK, copy ddr4_dmem_1d_201810.bin, dr4_dmem_2d_201810.bin, ddr4_imem_1d_201810.bin,
and ddr4_imem_2d_201810.bin from firmware/ddr/synopsys of firmware-imx package to imx-mkimage/iMX8M.
For i.MX 8M Quad EVK, run make SOC=iMX8M flash_evk to generate flash.bin (imx-boot image) with HDMI FW included.
For i.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 EVK, run make SOC=iMX8MM flash_evk to generate flash.bin (imx-boot image).
For i.MX 8M Mini DDR4 EVK, run make SOC=iMX8MM flash_ddr4_evk to generate flash.bin (imx-boot image).
For i.MX8M Nano DDR4 EVK, run make SOC=iMX8MN flash_ddr4_evk to generate flash.bin (imx-boot image).
3.4 编译kernnel

对于i.MX 8

make defconfig

对于i.MX 6 或者i.MX 7系列

git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx -b
cd linux-imx
make imx_v7_defconfig


4.1 烧写sdcard文件


 sudo dd if=xxxxxx.sdcard of=/dev/sdx bs=1M && sync

4.1 烧写bootloader文件


sudo dd if=<U-Boot image> of=/dev/sdx bs=1k seek=<offset> conv=fsync

Where offset is:

• 1 - for i.MX 6 or i.MX 7
• 33 - for i.MX 8QuadMax A0, i.MX 8QuadXPlus A0, i.MX 8M Quad, and i.MX 8M Mini
• 32 - for i.MX 8QuadXPlus B0, i.MX 8QuadMax B0, and i.MX 8M Nano

i.MX Linux User’s Guide
i.MX Yocto Project User’s Guide

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