
" CPIC服务器发送屏幕&P1 &P2(终止)"
(&P1 =节目名,& P2 =屏幕号)


  • 在射频识别客户端:呼叫功能远程错误



  • 两个遥控系统之间或一个遥控系统内的遥控通信。可能会出现以下错误:
  • 如果您在后台进程中运行调用程序,而服务器程序试图输出屏幕或列表,则无论用户类型如何,通信总是会中断。确保RFC服务器程序始终在对话过程中运行。
  • 如果在对话过程中运行调用程序,该操作会导致通信终止,因为用户没有足够的授权。RFC连接中的用户不是DIALOG类型。检查用户配置文件(交易SU01或工具-→管理,用户-→用户维护-→用户、后台或BDC时,一旦调用的功能模块试图显示屏幕或列表,它就会终止。如果目标系统是内核版本为3.0E或更低版本的R/3系统(您可以使用事务SM51中的“发布信息”功能来检查这一点),就会出现这种情况。
  • 如果RFC通信是在R/3系统和外部程序(如C或Visual Basic程序)之间进行的,则无论用户类型如何,当输出屏幕时,通信总是中断。这种情况的例外是如果外部程序有一个SAP图形用户界面。有关更多信息,请查阅系统日志(事务SM21)或错误消息“屏幕输出不连接用户”。您也可以参考转储分析(事务ST22)。


  • 在两个遥控系统之间或一个遥控系统内进行遥控通信的情况下,您可以通过以下方式解决问题:
  • 如果在后台作业中运行调用程序,则必须修改被调用的功能模块,使它们不显示任何屏幕或列表。
  • 如果在对话过程中运行调用程序,请使用用户类型为“对话”的RFC用户。
  • 如果RFC通信是在R/3系统和没有带SAP图形用户界面的RFC的外部程序之间进行的,您必须更改调用的功能模块,使它们不显示任何屏幕或列表。

SYSTEM_FAILURE: "Screen displayed without connection to user".

In a remote function call, one of the following messages is displayed for the RFC exception SYSTEM_FAILURE: 
"CPIC server sent screen &P1 &P2 (termination)" 
(&P1 = program name, &P2 =screen number) 
From Release 3.0F: 
"Screen display without connection to user."

ABAP runtime error

    ,,Long text : ,,"CPIC server sending screen ... (termination)"
    ,,Long text: ,,"Screen display without connection to user."

Cause and conditions

The system tried to display a screen or list using an RFC connection. 
This error can occur in the following circumstances:

  • RFC communication between two R/3 Systems or within an R/3 System. The following errors can occur:
  • If you run the calling program in a background process and the server program tries to output screens or lists, the communication is always broken, regardless of the user type. Make sure that the RFC server program always runs in a dialog process.
  • If you run the calling program in a dialog process, the action leads to the communication being terminated because the user has insufficient authorization. The user in the RFC connection is not of the type DIALOG. Check the user profile (transaction SU01 or Tools -→ Administration, Users -→ User maintenance -→ User, background, or BDC, the function module called will terminate as soon as it tries to display a screen or list. This occurs if the target system is an R/3 System with a kernel of Release 3.0E or lower (you can check this with the 'Release info' function in transaction SM51.
  • If the RFC communication is between an R/3 System and an external program such as a C or Visual Basic program, the communication is always broken when a screen is output, regardless of the user type. The exception to this is if the external program has a SAP GUI (RFC with SAP GUI). For further information, consult the system log (transaction SM21) or the error message 'Screen output without connection to user'. You can also refer to the dump analysis (transaction ST22).


  • In the case of RFC communication between two R/3 Systems or within an R/3 System, you can solve the problem as follows:
  • If you run the calling program in a background job, you must modify the function modules called so that they do not display any screens or lists.
  • If you run the calling program in a dialog process, use an RFC user with user type 'Dialog'.
  • If the RFC communication is between an R/3 System and an external program that does not have RFC with SAP GUI, you must change the function modules called so that they do not display any screens or lists.

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