Dates in Spoken English

If you put the day before the month, use the definite article before the day and the preposition of before the month.
如果您将 day 放在 month 之前,请在 day 之前使用定冠词 the,月份之前使用介词 of。

5 October 2004 - the fifth of October, two thousand and four

If you put the month before the day, use the definite article before the day in British English. In American English, the definite article can be dropped.
如果您将 month 放在 day 之前,请在 day 之前使用定冠词 the (British English)。在美国英语中,可以不使用定冠词。

October 5, 2004 - October (the) fifth, two thousand and four

the definite article:定冠词

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