• When deciding whether to say “yes”,imagine that you are accepting a job that you will have to do next week.Don’t agree to something just because it seems to far off that it doesn’t seem onerous.
  • Don’t let yourself get too hungry.The big man goes without eating for hours and hours at a time,so once,trying to be helpful.I bought him a big bag of granola to keep in his desk.He ate whole bag in one day and ended up sick as a dog.Lesson:eat regularly.
  • Take care of difficult calls,tasks,or emails as quickly as possible.Procrastinating makes them harder,getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy
  • If you are feeling overwhelmed,think about how you spend your time.Be honest.How much time do you spend surfing the internet,looking for things you ‘have misplaced,or doing a task that’s really someone else’s job?
  • Let yourself stay ignorant of the things that you don’t need to know
  • Go outside at least once a day,and if possible,take a walk.The sunlight and activity is good for your focus,mood,and retention of information
  • Say”Good morning”to everyone.Social contact is cheering, and if you feel that you are on good terms with all the people in your office,you will be happier each day.Also,It’s polite

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