

Although FreeRTOS provides software timers, these timers have a few limitations:

  • Maximum resolution is equal to RTOS tick period
  • 最大分辨率等于RTOS滴答周期
  • Timer callbacks are dispatched from a low-priority task
  • 定时器回调的任务优先级低

Hardware timers are free from both of the limitations, but often they are less convenient to use. For example, application components may need timer events to fire at certain times in the future, but the hardware timer only contains one “compare” value used for interrupt generation. This means that some facility needs to be built on top of the hardware timer to manage the list of pending events can dispatch the callbacks for these events as corresponding hardware interrupts happen.

esp_timer set of APIs provide such facility. Internally, esp_timer uses a 32-bit hardware timer (FRC1, “legacy” timer). esp_timer provides one-shot and periodic timers, microsecond time resolution, and 64-bit range.

Timer callbacks are dispatched from a high-priority esp_timer task. Because all the callbacks are dispatched from the same task, it is recommended to only do the minimal possible amount of work from the callback itself, posting an event to a lower priority task using a queue instead.


Single timer is represented by esp_timer_handle_t type. Timer has a callback function associated with it. This callback function is called from the esp_timer task each time the timer elapses.

  • To create a timer, call esp_timer_create().
  • 创建计时器,请调用esp_timer_create()
  • To delete the timer when it is no longer needed, call esp_timer_delete().
  • 删除定时器,请调用esp_timer_delete()

The timer can be started in one-shot mode or in periodic mode.

  • To start the timer in one-shot mode, call esp_timer_start_once(), passing the time interval after which the callback should be called. When the callback gets called, the timer is considered to be stopped.
  • 要以单发模式启动计时器,请调用esp_timer_start_once(),并设定触发时间。当回调被调用时,定时器被认为是停止的。
  • To start the timer in periodic mode, call esp_timer_start_periodic(), passing the period with which the callback should be called. The timer keeps running until esp_timer_stop() is called.
  • 要以周期模式启动定时器,请调用esp_timer_start_periodic(),并设定触发周期。调用esp_timer_stop()停止定时器。

Note that the timer must not be running when esp_timer_start_once() or esp_timer_start_periodic()is called. To restart a running timer, call esp_timer_stop() first, then call one of the start functions.


esp_timer also provides a convenience function to obtain the time passed since start-up, with microsecond precision: esp_timer_get_time(). This function returns the number of microseconds since esp_timer was initialized, which usually happens shortly before app_main function is called.

Unlike gettimeofday function, values returned by esp_timer_get_time():

  • Start from zero after the chip wakes up from deep sleep
  • 芯片从深度睡眠中醒来后,从零开始
  • Do not have timezone or DST adjustments applied
  • 没有应用时区或DST调整



  • esp32/include/esp_timer.h



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