Trump’s Totally Not Weird Way of Standing | The Daily Social Distancing Show
From The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

以下:黄色标注是Ground Truth

There’s one dollar Trump quick that hasn’t got the media attention and deserves,
There’s one Donald Trump quirk that hasn’t gotten the media attention it deserves,
and that has to be the way he stands.
and that has to be the way he stands.


Look at him, that is not how a normal humanbeing stands.
Look at him, that is not how a normal human being stands.


Like, he looks like a pengiue that got butu plants.
Like, he looks like a penguin that got butt implants.


But the question is, where did he learn to stand like thats?
But the question is, where did he learn to stand like that?


Well, we tracked down the man behind where he stant.
Well, we tracked down the man behind the stand.


My name is Agottisman Dragon and I’m a poseture expert.
My name is Augustus Mandrake and I’m a posture expert.

我叫Augustus Mandrake,是一名位姿专家。

around the acanemy of standing normaly in the way that isn’t weired.
I run the Academy of Standing Normally in a Way That Isn’t Weird.


And yeah, I taught president Trump, everything he knows about stading, every pose, every manerithm, every iconic stands.
And yeah, I taught President Trump. Everything he knows about standing, every pose, every mannerism, every iconic stance…

是的,我教过特朗普总统。 他所知道的有关步态,姿势,举止和标志性姿态的一切。

He learned from me.
He learned from me.


See that, if you want to stand normally you have to pop your ass.
You see that? if you want to stand normally, you got to pop your ass…out.

你看到了吗? 如果您想正常站立,您必须将屁股撅起来。

Ahh, if you want you head reliaent, and want you ass, and fucking Totyo. Sure, okay?
I want your head in Rhode Island, and want your ass… in fucking Tokyo. Let me show you, okay?

我想要你的头在罗德岛,想要你的屁股...在特么的东京。 让我来为你展示,好吗?

First thing is set is your ass… pop it, walk and treat you joes… Bang, president you know the states… part of that, you know what i’m here? … look my ass…
First thing you set is your ass. Pop it. Working at Trader Joe’s. Bang! President of the United States. Pop it out. See what I’m doing here? Just look at my ass. Don’t look me in the eye. Look at my ass.

您设置的第一件事是您的屁股。 弹出它。 (像)在Trader Joe's工作。 砰! 美国总统。 弹出来。 看看我在这里做什么? 看看我的屁股。 别看着我 看我的屁股。

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