
Data Requirements, Data Management and Analysis Issues and Query-Based Functionalities(D2.1)(已下载)
Semantic Sensor Web 2009 (wsn)
Use of AI Techniques for Residential Fire Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks 2009(wsn)
he main objective of this project is to specify, design, implement, evaluate and deploy a service-oriented architecture and middleware which allows application developers to build open large-scale semantic-based sensor network grids for environmental management. Such architecture and middleware will enable the rapid development of thin applications (e.g., mashups) that require real-world real-time data coming from heterogeneous sensor networks, making it possible to use sensors for other environmental management purposes than those that they were originally expected to have (hence reducing sensor network deployment costs) and to combine their real-time data with historical data from other data sources, opening possibilities of improving current decision-making procedures in a variety of situations (emergencies, monitoring, etc.).
Dr Kirk Martinez(
My research involves building solutions to complex problems using a combination of electronics and computer science. 
I build sensor networks for the environment. I have also worked on imaging and retrieving cultural heritage information. Current research ranges from new WSN node hardware to Semantic Webw  and Semantic Sensor Webw research. 

Sensor Networks Research

My research on sensor networks concentrates mainly on advancing deployable systems. This not only involves designing complete systems but designing new hardware/software/algorithms where there is not an ideal solution already. By making a full system which can be deployed the theory can be fully tested. Environmental sensor networks are needed by researchers in other areas and this means the technology needs to be made more useable, reliable and robust.

  • Hardware platforms

    • Glacsweb probe - has been through three major versions
    • A powerful Gumsense platform with ARM+MSP430
    • Sun Spots
  • Communications and networks
    • two new MAC protocols have been produced in Glacsweb, latest GWMAC uses TDMA
    • a new agent-based network algorithm combined with sensor sampling strategy (Padhy 2006)
    • a radio tuned to communcations under ice has been developed
  • Deployments
    • Iceland - in the largest ice cap in Europe
    • Norway - Glacsweb systems deployed in glacier over three years
    • San Diego: Real-time remote erosion monitoring and outreach pilot In Los Laureles Canyon, Tijuana, Mexico. (funded by NOAA)
  • lab deployments of Gumsense and SUN Spots for research purposes
Padhy, P., Dash, R., Martinez, K. and Jennings, N. (2010) A utility-based adaptive sensing and multi-hop communication protocol for wireless sensor networks. ACM Trans on Sensor Networks, 6 (3). (In Press) (/WSN)
Martinez, K., Hart, J. K. and Ong, R. (2009) Deploying a Wireless Sensor Network in Iceland. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. Geosensor Networks, 5659 . pp. 131-137. ISSN 0302-9743 
Ellul, J., Martinez, K. and De Roure, D. (2009) A Dynamic Size Distributed Program Image Cache for Wireless Sensor Networks.In: The IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09), May 25 2009, Bradford. 
Martinez, K., Basford, P., J, E. and R, S. (2009) Gumsense - a high power low power sensor node. In: 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 




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