
在用稀疏自编码器对8*8 或28*28等小图像提取特征时是可行的,但是若对大图像学习整幅图像的特征,将会非常耗时。因此需要把这种“全连接”的设计改为“部分联通”的网络。






step1:从大图像中随机提取8*8的小块–> ZCA白化–>用SparseEncoder提取出特征。

function convolvedFeatures = cnnConvolve(patchDim, numFeatures, images, W, b, ZCAWhite, meanPatch)
%cnnConvolve Returns the convolution of the features given by W and b with
%the given images
% Parameters:
%  patchDim - patch (feature) dimension
%  numFeatures - number of features
%  images - large images to convolve with, matrix in the form
%           images(r, c, channel, image number)
%  W, b - W, b for features from the sparse autoencoder
%  ZCAWhite, meanPatch - ZCAWhitening and meanPatch matrices used for
%                        preprocessing
% Returns:
%  convolvedFeatures - matrix of convolved features in the form
%                      convolvedFeatures(featureNum, imageNum, imageRow, imageCol)numImages = size(images, 4);
imageDim = size(images, 1);
imageChannels = size(images, 3);%convolvedFeatures = zeros(numFeatures, numImages, imageDim - patchDim + 1, imageDim - patchDim + 1);% Instructions:
%   Convolve every feature with every large image here to produce the
%   numFeatures x numImages x (imageDim - patchDim + 1) x (imageDim - patchDim + 1)
%   matrix convolvedFeatures, such that
%   convolvedFeatures(featureNum, imageNum, imageRow, imageCol) is the
%   value of the convolved featureNum feature for the imageNum image over
%   the region (imageRow, imageCol) to (imageRow + patchDim - 1, imageCol + patchDim - 1)
% Expected running times:
%   Convolving with 100 images should take less than 3 minutes
%   Convolving with 5000 images should take around an hour
%   (So to save time when testing, you should convolve with less images, as
%   described earlier)% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------
% Precompute the matrices that will be used during the convolution. Recall
% that you need to take into account the whitening and mean subtraction
% stepsWT=W*ZCAWhite;
b_mean = b - WT*meanPatch;% --------------------------------------------------------convolvedFeatures = zeros(numFeatures, numImages, imageDim - patchDim + 1, imageDim - patchDim + 1);
for imageNum = 1:numImagesfor featureNum = 1:numFeatures% convolution of image with feature matrix for each channelconvolvedImage = zeros(imageDim - patchDim + 1, imageDim - patchDim + 1);for channel = 1:imageChannels% Obtain the feature (patchDim x patchDim) needed during the convolution% ---- YOUR CODE HERE ----feature = zeros(8,8); % You should replace thisoffset=(channel-1)*patchDim*patchDim;fea=WT(featureNum,offset+1:offset+patchDim*patchDim);feature=reshape(fea,patchDim,patchDim);% ------------------------% Flip the feature matrix because of the definition of convolution, as explained laterfeature = flipud(fliplr(squeeze(feature)));% Obtain the imageim = squeeze(images(:, :, channel, imageNum));% Convolve "feature" with "im", adding the result to convolvedImage% be sure to do a 'valid' convolution% ---- YOUR CODE HERE ----convolvedImage=convolvedImage+conv2( im,feature,'valid' );% ------------------------end% Subtract the bias unit (correcting for the mean subtraction as well)% Then, apply the sigmoid function to get the hidden activation% ---- YOUR CODE HERE ----convolvedImage=sigmoid(convolvedImage+b_mean(featureNum));% ------------------------% The convolved feature is the sum of the convolved values for all channelsconvolvedFeatures(featureNum, imageNum, :, :) = convolvedImage;end
endendfunction sigm=sigmoid(x)sigm=1./(1+exp(-x));


function pooledFeatures = cnnPool(poolDim, convolvedFeatures)
%cnnPool Pools the given convolved features
% Parameters:
%  poolDim - dimension of pooling region
%  convolvedFeatures - convolved features to pool (as given by cnnConvolve)
%                      convolvedFeatures(featureNum, imageNum, imageRow, imageCol)
% Returns:
%  pooledFeatures - matrix of pooled features in the form
%                   pooledFeatures(featureNum, imageNum, poolRow, poolCol)
%     numImages = size(convolvedFeatures, 2);
numFeatures = size(convolvedFeatures, 1);
convolvedDim = size(convolvedFeatures, 3);pooledFeatures = zeros(numFeatures, numImages, floor(convolvedDim / poolDim), floor(convolvedDim / poolDim));numRegin=floor(convolvedDim / poolDim);
for featureNum=1:numFeaturesfor imageNum=1:numImagesfor row=1:numReginfor col=1:numReginregin=convolvedFeatures(featureNum, imageNum,(row-1)*poolDim+1:row*poolDim,(col-1)*poolDim+1:col*poolDim);pooledFeatures(featureNum,imageNum,row,col)=mean(regin(:));endendend

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