Excel Charting Utility赠品 (Excel Charting Utility Giveaway)

Last week, you had a chance to win John Walkenbach’s new book – 101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks & Timesavers, thanks to Katie Mohr at Wiley. Thanks for all your comments – those were great tips!

上周,得益于Wiley的Katie Mohr,您有机会赢得John Walkenbach的新书– 101 Excel 2013 Tips,Tricks&Timesavers 。 感谢您的所有评论-这些都是很棒的提示!

And the winning entry, chosen in a random draw, in Excel, of course, is:


  • Neil, with comment 22.

    尼尔 ( 评论)22 。

Congratulations Neil! After Katie sends an email to Neil, he has 24 hours to claim the prize. If not claimed, we’ll go to the next name in the randomly sorted list.

恭喜尼尔! 凯蒂(Katie)发送电子邮件给尼尔(Neil)之后,他有24小时领取奖金。 如果没有声明,我们将转到随机排序列表中的下一个名称。

本周赠品– Excel Chart Utility (This Week’s Giveaway – Excel Chart Utility)

This week, you’ll have a chance to win Jon Peltier’s time-saving and feature-packed Excel Chart Utility, which includes a Waterfall chart builder, along with 7 other custom chart types. If you build charts, this tool can save you countless hours.

本周,您将有机会赢得Jon Peltier的省时且功能丰富的Excel Chart Utility ,其中包括Waterfall图表生成器以及其他7种自定义图表类型。 如果您构建图表,此工具可以为您节省大量时间。

For example, to build a Waterfall chart, you just select your data, click the Waterfall Chart command on the Ribbon, set a few options, and click OK, and your waterfall chart is ready. It even works if the total values are negative, as you can see in the example below.

例如,要构建瀑布图,只需选择数据,单击功能区上的“瀑布图”命令,设置一些选项,然后单击“确定”,即可准备好瀑布图。 如下面的示例所示,如果总值为负数,它甚至可以工作。

图表工具及更多 (Charting Tools and More)

In addition to the 8 custom charts, there are 6 useful charting tools.


There is a data tool too, and 3 general tools, to make your Excel work easier.


You can see how well the Excel Waterfall Chart builder works, in this short video.

在此短片中,您可以看到Excel Waterfall Chart构建器的工作情况。

进入赠品 (Enter the Giveaway)

Jon Peltier has kindly provided a copy of his Excel Chart Utility for this giveaway. If you’d like a chance to win this awesome add-in, make a comment below.

Jon Peltier已为此赠品提供了他的Excel Chart Utility的副本。 如果您想赢得这个很棒的插件,请在下面发表评论。

  • In your comment, tell us which of the utility’s features you’d use most often, and why.

    在您的评论中, 告诉我们您最常使用哪个实用工具的功能,以及为什么

  • Include your email address, so Jon or I can contact you if you win. Your contact information won’t be publicly visible, and it won’t be used for any other mailings.附上您的电子邮件地址,以便乔恩或我能在您获胜时与您联系。 您的联系信息将不会公开显示,也不会用于其他任何邮件。
  • NOTE: Deadline is extended to Monday, August 5th at 12 noon, Eastern time. (PREVIOUS DATE: The deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at 12 noon Eastern Daylight Time.)注意:截止时间延长至东部时间8月5日,星期一。 (上一日期:截止日期为2013年7月31日(星期三)东部夏令时。)
  • One entry per person.每人一次。
  • NOTE: Winner will be announced on Tuesday, August 6th. (PREVIOUS DATE: The winner will be selected in a random draw, and announced here on Thursday, August 1st.)注意:获奖者将于8月6日(星期二)宣布。 (上一日期:优胜者将随机抽取,并于8月1日(星期四)在这里宣布。)
  • The winner will have 24 hours to claim the prize, and if not claimed, another name will be selected.优胜者将有24小时领取奖金,如果没有领取,将选择另一个名字。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2013/07/25/excel-charting-utility-giveaway/



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