《大学英语(三)》在线平时作业11.[单选题] No one had told Smith about _______ a story in the book.
    A.being      B.there being
    C.there to be
    D.there to have been
2.[单选题] It is ______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.
    A.normal    B.ordinary 
    D.regular3.[单选题] —Are you doing anything this evening?—_____________
    A.Thank you for the invitation. 
    B.How about you?
    C.I can do nothing about it.    qq 761 296 021
    D.I don’t think so.
4.[单选题] That job pays enough to ______ rent and living expenses.
    A.cover    B.choose
5.[单选题] 5. Eating too much fat can _______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. 
    A.attribute to     
    B. attend to                C.contribute to    
    D.devote to6.[单选题] Your story ______ me of the childhood I spent in a little town.
    A.suggested    B.informed 
    C.remembered     D.reminded
7.[单选题] By the time I graduate from college, I ______ English for 10 years.
    B.have learned    C.will have learned
    D.learned8.[单选题] That young man has made so much noise that he ______ not have been allowed to attend the concert.
    D.should9.[单选题] —How was your final exam?—_____________
    A.Take it easy.
    B.You are right
    C.I am not sure. 
    D. Let’s have a drink.
10.[单选题] ---- Hi, is Mary there, please?   ---- __________________.     A.Hold on. I’ll get her
    B.No, she isn’t here
    C.Yes, she lives here
    D.Yes, what do you want?
11.[单选题] A completely new situation is likely to ________ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.    A.rise
12.[单选题] —Is that seat taken?—_____________
    A.Please don’t worry.   
    B.I don’t think so.
    C.Why not?
    D.It’s very nice.13.[单选题] We are going to Florida as soon as ________ taking our final exams.
    A.we finish
    B.we’ll finish        C.we finished     
    D.we’d finish14.[单选题] I really appreciate ________ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.
    A.you to offer     B.that you offer
    C.your offering       D.that you are offering
15.[单选题] The football game will be played on ______.
    A.June six          B.six June
    C.the sixth of June
    D.the six of June
16.[单选题] He was one of the ______ men, not a visitor.
    B.native    C.local
17.[单选题] —_____________—I’d like to place an order please.    A.Can I help you?
    B.I can help you.    C.What are you doing?   
    D.Why are you doing?18.[单选题] ---- What can I do for you, madam?    ---- ____________________.
    A.I want a kilo of apples    B.You can go your own way
    D.Excuse me. I’m busy
19.[单选题] He saved the drowning child _______ the cost of his own life.
20.[单选题] — Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school?   — __________________ .    A.Well, no, you're going in the wrong direction
    B.No, don't ask me
    C. No, I don't know    D.Don't go this way


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