Overview 概述

The OpenAI API can be applied to virtually any task that involves understanding or generating natural language, code, or images. We offer a spectrum of models with different levels of power suitable for different tasks, as well as the ability to fine-tune your own custom models. These models can be used for everything from content generation to semantic search and classification.

OpenAI API 可以应用于理解或者生成自然语言,代码或者图像。我们可以提供适用于不同能力级别的任务的模型,也可以调优你自己的模型。这些模型可以用于任何语义搜索分类的内容生成。

OpenAI has trained cutting-edge language models that are very good at understanding and generating text. Our API provides access to these models and can be used to solve virtually any task that involves processing language.

OpenAI 有一个训练过的擅长理解和生成文字的cutting-edge语言模型。我们的API 就是提供给你使用这些模型完成任何有关语言处理任务的入口。

Introduction 核心概念简介

The completions endpoint is the core of our API and provides a simple interface that’s extremely flexible and powerful. You input some text as a prompt, and the API will return a text completion that attempts to match whatever instructions or context you gave it.

Completions (语义完整的回答)是我们API的核心,提供了简单但是非常灵活并且强大的接口。你可以输入一个段文字作文 prompt (提示性质的问题),API会返回匹配你任何提示或内容的回答 Completions。

Prompt Write a tagline for an ice cream shop.

Prompt 给我的冰激凌店写句广告语

Completion We serve up smiles with every scoop!

Completion 每一勺都都有一个微笑

You can think of this as a very advanced autocomplete — the model processes your text prompt and tries to predict what’s most likely to come next.


Start with an instruction 从一个提示开始

Imagine you want to create a pet name generator. Coming up with names from scratch is hard!


First, you’ll need a prompt that makes it clear what you want. Let’s start with an instruction.


Suggest one name for a horse.


Not bad! Now, try making your instruction more specific.


Suggest one name for a black horse.


As you can see, adding a simple adjective to our prompt changes the resulting completion. Designing your prompt is essentially how you “program” the model.


Add some examples 加一些例子

Crafting good instructions is important for getting good results, but sometimes they aren’t enough. Let’s try making your instruction even more complex.


Suggest three names for a horse that is a superhero.


This completion isn't quite what we want. These names are pretty generic, and it seems like the model didn't pick up on the horse part of our instruction. Let’s see if we can get it to come up with some more relevant suggestions.


In many cases, it’s helpful to both show and tell the model what you want. Adding examples to your prompt can help communicate patterns or nuances. Try submitting this prompt which includes a couple examples.


Suggest three names for an animal that is a superhero.


Animal: Cat


Names: Captain Sharpclaw, Agent Fluffball, The Incredible Feline


Animal: Dog


Names: Ruff the Protector, Wonder Canine, Sir Barks-a-Lot


Animal: Horse




Nice! Adding examples of the output we’d expect for a given input helped the model provide the types of names we were looking for.


Adjust your settings 调整你的设置

Prompt design isn’t the only tool you have at your disposal. You can also control completions by adjusting your settings. One of the most important settings is called temperature.

提问设计不是你唯一的手段。你还可以通过你的设置调整你的回答。一个最重要的设置就是 temperature 温度。

You may have noticed that if you submitted the same prompt multiple times in the examples above, the model would always return identical or very similar completions. This is because your temperature was set to 0.


Try re-submitting the same prompt a few times with temperature set to 1.

你可以把temperature 设置成1,再试几次。

See what happened? When temperature is above 0, submitting the same prompt results in different completions each time.


Remember that the model predicts which text is most likely to follow the text preceding it. Temperature is a value between 0 and 1 that essentially lets you control how confident the model should be when making these predictions. Lowering temperature means it will take fewer risks, and completions will be more accurate and deterministic. Increasing temperature will result in more diverse completions.


For your pet name generator, you probably want to be able to generate a lot of name ideas. A moderate temperature of 0.6 should work well.


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