
Good portraits are one of the hardest things to shoot with your camera’s kit lens. No matter how hard you try, you just won’t be able to get the images from an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens to look like the kind of portraits that you see in magazines or online.

好的人像是使用相机的套装镜头拍摄时最难的事情之一。 无论您多么努力,您都无法从18-55mm f / 3.5-5.6镜头中获得图像,就像在杂志或网上看到的肖像一样。

This is because the maximum aperture of your kit lens is just too narrow to get the shallow depth of field needed to blur the background to nothing. You need something a little more specialized. Let’s look at what makes a good portrait lens and a few affordable options.

这是因为您的套件镜头的最大光圈太窄,无法获得将背景虚化为零所需要的浅景深 。 您需要一些更专业的东西。 让我们来看看是什么使一个好的人像镜头和一些负担得起的选择。

您想要的人像镜头 (What You Want in a Portrait Lens)

Portraits are about one thing: flattering your model. No one wants a photo where they look like a bulldog with its head out a car window. When you’re shooting portraits, you want to use a lens that is going to make your subject look good, or more realistically, not make them look bad. These lenses tend to have certain characteristics.

人像是一回事: 夸奖模特 。 没有人想要一张看起来像斗牛犬,头朝车窗外的照片。 拍摄人像时,您想使用一个可以使主体看起来更好或更真实的镜头,而不会使它们看起来很差。 这些镜片倾向于具有某些特性。

焦距和肖像 (Focal Length and Portraits)

Wide angle lenses are totally out, at least for traditional portraits. Look at the photo below. This was shot as a selfie with a 17mm lens on a full frame camera. I look like something out of a Guillermo del Toro film.

广角镜已完全淘汰,至少对于传统人像而言。 看下面的照片。 这是在全画幅相机上使用17mm镜头作为自拍照拍摄的。 我看起来像吉耶尔莫·德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)的电影一样。

Instead, you want something in the normal focal length range—40-58mm on a full-frame camera, 28mm-36mm on a crop sensor camera—or the short telephoto range—70-105mm on a full-frame camera, 50-70mm on a crop sensor camera. At these focal ranges there will either be no distortion, or what little distortion there is will actually make your model look good.

相反,您需要的是正常焦距范围内的东西-全画幅相机为40-58mm,裁剪传感器相机为28mm-36mm-或短焦距范围为-全画幅相机为70-105mm,50-70mm在作物传感器相机上。 在这些焦点范围内,要么没有失真,要么只有很小的失真实际上会使您的模型看起来不错。

You can use a longer telephoto if you have one available, but to get a head shot with a 200mm lens, you have to stand about 30 feet away from your model. The photos will look good, but you’ll be shouting every instruction.

如果有可用的长焦镜头,则可以使用更长的长焦镜头,但是要使用200mm镜头进行头部拍摄,您必须离模型约30英尺远。 这些照片看起来不错,但您会大喊每一个指示。

光圈和肖像 (Aperture and Portraits)

As I mentioned in the introduction, the problem with your kit lens isn’t it’s focal length (on a crop sensor camera, somewhere between 50-55mm is a great portrait focal length) it’s the maximum aperture. To blur the background, you need to use a wide aperture and at 50mm on a crop body f/5.6 is just not wide enough (as you can see below). Even in the pretty ideal situation I’ve set up, there is still quite a lot of detail in the background objects.

正如我在简介中所提到的,套件镜头的问题不在于焦距(在作物传感器相机上,人像焦距在50-55mm之间是很大),而是最大光圈。 要模糊背景,您需要使用较大的光圈,并且在作物主体上的50mm处f / 5.6不够宽(如下图所示)。 即使在我设置的非常理想的情况下,背景对象中仍然有很多细节。

If the aperture is set to f/1.8, you get something that looks like this. Now the things in the background have gone from distracting, to just indistinct texture.

如果将光圈设置为f / 1.8,您将得到如下所示的图像。 现在,背景中的事物已经从分散注意力变为模糊的纹理。

What maximum aperture you need depends on the focal length of the lens. A longer lens will have a shallower depth of field at a narrower aperture. At f/2.8, a 40mm lens will still have a pretty deep depth of field while a 135mm lens would have a completely blurry background.

您需要的最大光圈取决于镜头的焦距。 较长的镜头在较小的光圈下将具有较浅的景深。 在f / 2.8时,40mm镜头仍将具有相当深的景深,而135mm镜头将具有完全模糊的背景。

In general, the wider the maximum aperture, the better. And unless you’re using a very long telephoto lens, you want something that’s at least f/2.8. f/1.8, f/1.4, or even f/1.2 are better.

通常,最大光圈越宽越好。 并且除非您使用非常长的长焦镜头,否则您所需要的至少是f / 2.8。 f / 1.8,f / 1.4甚至f / 1.2更好。

一些好的人像镜头 (Some Good Portrait Lenses)

While it’s nice to know what lenses make it easy to take great portraits there is one other consideration: price. I’d love to shoot with Canon’s 85mm f/1.2L which is as good as a portrait lens can be… but it costs $2000. Instead, I use Canon’s 85mm f/1.8 which costs $350. It’s 95% as good for the kind of work I do, for a fraction of the price.

很高兴知道什么镜头可以轻松拍摄出出色的人像,但还有另外一个需要考虑的因素:价格。 我很想用佳能的85mm f / 1.2L来拍摄,这和人像镜头一样好……但是它的价格是2000美元。 取而代之的是,我使用佳能的85mm f / 1.8 ,价格为350美元。 对于我的工作而言,这是95%的价格,而价格却只是它的一小部分。

In terms of affordable, good portrait lenses here are some great options.


佳能 (Canon)

For Canon, the best starting option is the 50mm f/1.8. At $110 it’s an absolute steal and will work as a good portrait lens on any crop sensor or full-frame camera. If you want to stretch your budget a little more, you could go with the $329 50mm f/1.4 if you’re using a crop sensor camera or the 85mm f/1.8 if you’ve got a full frame camera.

对于佳能,最好的启动选项是50mm f / 1.8 。 价格为110美元,绝对物超所值,可以在任何作物传感器或全画幅相机上用作出色的人像镜头。 如果您想进一步扩展预算,如果您使用的是作物传感器相机,则可以选择329美元的50mm f / 1.4,如果您有全画幅相机,则可以选择85mm f / 1.8。

尼康 (Nikon)

For Nikon, the options are similar. The $200 50mm f/1.8 will work on both crop and full-frame bodies. The 50mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.8 are a bit more expensive at around $450, but will take awesome photos.

对于尼康来说,选项是相似的。 售价200美元的50mm f / 1.8镜头可同时用于裁剪和全画幅机身。 50mm f / 1.4和85mm f / 1.8的价格稍贵一些,约为450美元,但会拍出很棒的照片。

Gear doesn’t matter…until it does. Sometimes you just don’t have the right lens to let you take certain kinds of photos. Unfortunately, your kit lens just won’t take shallow depth of field portraits. Any of the lenses I’ve mentioned, or any that meet the same criteria, however, will.

装备无关紧要,直到它起作用。 有时,您只是没有合适的镜头来拍摄某些类型的照片。 不幸的是,您的套装镜头无法拍摄浅景深的人像。 我提到的任何镜头,或满足相同标准的任何镜头都可以。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/313337/what-is-the-best-lens-for-taking-portraits/



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