




First, it is simple and effective. Second, the cost of retraining is low (changes in the category system and training set changes are common in Web environments and e-commerce applications). Third, the calculation of time and space is linear to the size of the training set (in some cases not too large). Fourth, since the KNN method mainly depends on the neighboring limited samples, rather than determining the category by means of discriminating the class domain, the KNN method is better than the other for the sample sets that have overlapping or overlapping classes. The method is more suitable. Fifth, this algorithm is more suitable for the automatic classification of class domains with large sample sizes, and those class domains with smaller sample sizes are more prone to misclassification using this algorithm.


• The estimate of the regression function can be highly unstable as it is an average of only a few points. This is the price that we pay for flexibility.

• Curse of dimensionality.

• Generating predictions is computationally expensive


KNN的python 实现:



(以k取值2和50 为例)




可以通过列举出各种K的取值来找出Test 数据集中的rmse最小值。(training 数据集中的rmse 会随K 的增大而增大)




2.1 ridge regression

第二项也称之为l2 regularisation


Solving multilinearity is one of the advantages of ridge regression. Using the ridge model can improve predicted performance. Another advantage is that the ridge model can significantly solve the over-adjustment problem by introducing a penalty term. Therefore, the unimportant features from the use of burrs to the regularization of features become infinitely close to zero, efficiently reducing the variance and improving the performance of the prediction model.


Since the coefficients of the penalty term can become infinitely close to zero but it can not be zero, there are still many features that can not be explained completely.


Python 的实现:

2.2 Lasso regression

第二项也称之为l1 regularisation

优缺点和ridge regression 相类似。

Python 的实现:



XGB boost是目前为止,对于数据分类预测最为有效的的实现方法。其准确率是在所有方法中独占鳌头的,因此具有很大的现实意义。

XGB boost的原理主要是基于决策树的分类方式。不同决策树的累加求得最后的分类。对于普通的决策树而言,首先是建立尽可能大的树,然后开始用贪心算法开始裁剪。而XGB有所不同的点在于,他新添加的每一棵树都是用了最优的添加。使得最后的结果能达到一个最优解。另一方面,XGB加入了复杂度的惩罚,即正则项,正则项里包含了树的叶子节点个数、每个叶子节点上输出的score的L2模的平方和(对于其具体的原理,理解的还不够透彻)。



1. Comparing with gradient boost, XGBoost is faster, since the weight of XGBoost is known as Newton “step”, which does not need line search, the step length has been naturally known as ‘1’.

2. Advantage in characteristics rank, since XGBoost ranks the data and set the result as block types before the training, the block data type can be used repeatedly in further boosting.

3. XGBoost dealing with bias-variance tradeoff, the result of regularization term can control the complex level, and avoiding overfitting.

总结来说,XGB 就是一种很好用的算法。




四LGB boost

LGB boost是微软公司2016推出的算法,其是在XGB算法上面的改进。主要提升了XGB算法的运行的速度,与之相对应的代价就是精度的损失。


The algorithm is similar with XGBoost, except the tree learning growth direction, when the data is small, LightGBM is to growth trees leaf-wise. The other traditional algorithm is to grow trees by depth-wise. The parallel features which is the most different with the other has been shown below (Sphinx):

1. Workers find local best split point {feature, threshold} on local feature set.

2. Communicate local best splits with each other and get the best one.

3. Perform the optimum split.


1. Optimization in speed and reducing memory usage, especially large number data training.

2. Optimization in accuracy, differ with the most tree learning algorithms, LightGBM does not grow trees by depth-wise, it grows trees leaf-wise, when the data is small.

3. Optimal split for categorical features, since LightGBM uses its accumulated values to sorts the histogram, and then benefit from this idea, the best split on the sorted histogram has been found.

Python 的实现:



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