检索 COM 类工厂中 CLSID 为 {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 的组件时失败,原因是出现以下错误: 8000401a
先用骨哥 狗了一会,没解决方案,又用摆渡,也没找到方法,最后还是看微软的帮助解决了问题:




COM+ server application that uses interactive user identity fails to load
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< type="text/javascript">function loadTOCNode(){}
Article ID : 305761
Last Review : November 16, 2005
Revision : 3.0

This article was previously published under Q305761
On This Page
Steps to reproduce the behavior
< type="text/javascript"> var sectionFilter = "type != 'notice' && type != 'securedata' && type != 'querywords'"; var tocArrow = "/library/images/support/kbgraphics/public/en-us/downarrow.gif"; var depthLimit = 10; var depth3Limit = 10; var depth4Limit = 5; var depth5Limit = 3; var tocEntryMinimum = 1; < src="/common/script/gsfx/kbtoc.js?9" type="text/javascript">
< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'symptoms');
When no user is interactively logged on to the server console, if you try to start a COM+ application remotely (either through a Terminal Server session or from a remote client application), the application may fail with the following error message:
8000401A - "The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password."
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< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'cause');
This problem occurs because the default identity for the application is set as Interactive User. Interactive user refers to the user that is logged on directly to the server console. If no interactive user exists, the application fails when it tries to assume the interactive user's identity.
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< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'resolution');
To resolve this problem, change the identity for the server application to run under a particular user. To do this, on the Identity tab of the Application Properties dialog box, click This User. In addition, if it is feasible, you can ensure that a user is interactively logged on to the server console while the application is running.
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< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'workaround');
In Microsoft Windows Server 2003, work around this problem by using the /Console switch to log on to Console0. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, click Run, type mstsc /console, and then click OK. 
2. Log on to the computer.

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< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'moreinformation');
Steps to reproduce the behavior
< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(2, 'moreinformation'); 1. Create a new, empty COM+ Server application. Accept the default settings.
2. Add any component to the application. The component must not already be in another COM+ application.
3. Try to start the application remotely when no user is interactively logged on to the server console.

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< type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(1, 'references');
For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
276407 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/276407/) Rights and permissions needed by the Identity account of an MTS/COM+ package
282073 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282073/) ASP application fails if no user is logged on to the server
312497 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312497/) COM+ application under domain account fails intermittently
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• Microsoft COM+ 1.0
• Microsoft COM+ 1.5
• Microsoft Transaction Services 2.0

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Keywords:  kbprb KB305761

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