vue 倒计时插件

真棒倒计时 (vue-awesome-countdown)

Countdown plug-in with high performance and high accuracy for Vue2.5.0+.

适用于Vue2.5.0 +的高性能和高精度倒计时插件。

View Demo 查看演示 Download Source 下载源

安装 (Installation)



$ npm install vue-awesome-countdown --save
# or
$ yarn add vue-awesome-countdown

...and import and use the plugin like so:


import vueAwesomeCountdown from 'vue-awesome-countdown'Vue.use(vueAwesomeCountdown, 'vac') // Component name, `countdown` and `vac` by default

用法 (Usage)

<countdown :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000"><spanslot="process"slot-scope="anyYouWantedScopName">{{ `Lefttime: ${anyYouWantedScopName.timeObj.ceil.s}` }}</span><span slot="finish">Done!</span>
<vac :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000"><spanslot="process"slot-scope="{ timeObj }">{{ `Lefttime: ${timeObj.m}:${timeObj.s}` }}</span><span slot="finish">Done!</span>

SSR(Nuxt) (SSR (Nuxt))

<no-ssr><vac :end-time="new Date().getTime() + 60000"><spanslot="process"slot-scope="{ timeObj }">{{ `Lefttime: ${timeObj.m}:${timeObj.s}` }}</span><span slot="finish">Done!</span></vac>

道具 (Props)

Prop Required Explain Type Default
startTime false Time stamp of countdown start [String, Number, Date] null
endTime when leftTime undefined Time stamp of countdown end [String, Number, Date] null
leftTime when endTime undefined Remaining milliseconds of countdown end Number 0
autoStart false Start countdown automatically Boolean true
speed false Unit: millisecond Number 1000
tag false The wrap tag name String span
Struts 需要 说明 类型 默认
开始时间 false 倒计时开始的时间戳 [String, Number, Date] null
时间结束 leftTime未定义时 倒数计时结束时间戳 [String, Number, Date] null
leftTime endTime未定义时 倒数计时结束剩余的毫秒数 Number 0
自动启动 false 自动开始倒数 Boolean true
速度 false 单位:毫秒 Number 1000
标签 false 包装标签名称 String span

数据 (Data)

The data can get it through slot-scop or methods.


Data Explain Default
state The countdown run state, the states are beforeStart, stoped, process and finised beforeStart
attrs The countdown component tag attributes {}
actualEndTime Actual countdown end time null
timeObj Look look {}
countdownTimer The countdown timer function, Do not use as much as possible. null
actualStartTime Actual countdown start time. null
runTimes Countdown run times (The onProcess methods run times) 0
usedTime The total time consuming from the countdown to the end. 0
数据 说明 默认
倒计时运转状态时,状态是beforeStartstopedprocessfinised beforeStart
属性 倒计时组件标签属性 {}
实际结束时间 实际倒数结束时间 null
timeObj 看看 {}
倒计时器 倒数计时器功能,请勿使用过多。 null
实际开始时间 实际倒数开始时间。 null
运行时间 倒计时运行时间( onProcess方法的运行时间) 0
usedTime 从倒数计时到结束的总时间。 0

timeObj (timeObj)

{"endTime": 1542634411361,"speed": 1000,"leftTime": 97019,"d": "0","h": "00","m": "01","s": "37","ms": "019","org": {"d": 0.001134247685185185,"h": 0.02722194444444444,"m": 1.6333166666666665,"s": 37.998999999999995,"ms": 19},"ceil": {"d": 1,"h": 1,"m": 2,"s": 98}

插槽 (Slots)

Slot process and slot finish will not display at the same time.


name slot-scop Position Display condition
prev component _self 1 Defined, Controllable display
before component _self 2 On before start, state === 'beforeStart'
process component _self 2 On process, state === 'process'
finish component _self 3 On finish, state === 'finished'
default component _self 3 Defined, Controllable display
名称 插槽范围 位置 显示条件
上一个 组件_self 1个 定义的,可控制的显示
之前 组件_self 2 在启动之前, state === 'beforeStart'
处理 组件_self 2 处理中, state === 'process'
组件_self 3 完成后, state === 'finished'
默认 组件_self 3 定义的,可控制的显示

方法 (Methods)

The methods can be accesse through slot-scop or $refs.


Method Explain Parameters
startCountdown restart
stopCountdown no
switchCountdown no
finishCountdown no
doCountdown no
方法 说明 参量
startCountdown restart
stopCountdown 没有
switchCountdown 没有
finishCountdown 没有
doCountdown 没有

事件 (Event)

Event Explain Parameters
onStart Functions executed at the beginning of countdown vm
onProcess Function executed when countdown is performed vm
onStop Function executed when countdown stops vm
onFinish Function executed when countdown finished vm
事件 说明 参量
onStart 在倒数开始时执行的功能 vm
处理中 执行倒数计时时执行的功能 vm
onStop 倒数停止时执行的功能 vm
onFinish 倒数完成后执行的功能 vm


vue 倒计时插件

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