看到Json表达式, 在某些特殊情况下直接存json值。  下面取json表达式某项的值。

参数: @code,@json
返回: @code 对应的值
@json='{"free":30,"first":1,"first fee":10,"per":30,"per fee":1.5}'
select dbo.UFJson('per',@json)
create function [UFJson]
@code varchar(100),
@json nvarchar(2000))
returns nvarchar(500)
    declare @codeindex as int
    declare @valueindex as int
    declare @endindex as int

set @codeindex = charindex(@code,@json)
    if (@codeindex = 0) return ''
    set @valueindex = charindex(':',@json,@codeindex)
    set @endindex = charindex(',',@json,@codeindex)    
    if (@endindex = 0) set @endindex = charindex('}',@json,@codeindex)

--格式不对 return ''
    if (@valueindex = 0 or @endindex = 0) return ''
    return substring(@json,@valueindex+1,@endindex-@valueindex-1)



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