Basic Steps to Create Dynamic Modification Rule

Process: Quality Management –> Inspection Planning–> Basic data–> Sample –> Dynamic modification Rule (QDR1)

● DMR is basically used to vary the inspection scope.

● DMR can define in:

1. Task list at header level

2. Task list at characteristic level

3. Inspection setup of the material master at inspection type level.


Normal inspect(5 lots(A*)) –> skip(10lots(A*))–> Reduced inspect(1 lot(A*))–> skip(10lots(A*))

skip(10lots(R*))–> Tighten inspect(5 lot(A*))–> Normal inspect(5 lots(A*))

A– Lot Accept

R– Any one Lot Reject

Select option Dynamic modification rule is created for usage decision /At lot creation.

Assign stage, required inspection severity, enter short text and tick on Initial Inspection Stage(ISt) )/Skip stage.

Normal inspection:

Skip Stage:

Max.skip duration is in days :

This field is used in the following ways:

- To determine the current inspection stage at sample determination

- When the quality level is updated

The system first checks the number of skips and then the skip duration.

Inspection lot creation

At sample determination for a lot, if the number of allowed skips has not yet been reached, but the maximum skip duration has been reached or exceeded, the next stage in the sequence for accepted lots is taken as the current stage for the inspection lot. If this stage is another skip, then the next stage in the sequence for a rejected lot is taken as the current inspection stage. This means that the current inspection lot is due for inspection as a result of the maximum skip duration, although the quality level contains a skip as the next inspection stage.

Update of the quality level

The quality level is updated either at lot creation or when the usage decision is made. The update occurs independently of sample determination for an inspection lot (even if dynamic modification takes place at lot creation) and always occurs after the current inspection stage has been determined for the inspection lot. If the maximum skip duration has been reached or exceeded, when the quality level is updated, the system calculates the next inspection stage for the quality level of an accepted lot based on the same algorithm. This means that the following stage in the sequence for accepted lots is used as the next inspection stage. If this stage is a skip, the following stage in the sequence for a rejected lot is taken as the inspection stage for the quality level. Since this stage usually specifies an inspection, the next inspection lot is to be inspected.

Tighten inspection:

Reduced inspection:

We can assign DMR in

1. Task list at header level

2. Task list at characteristic level

3. Inspection setup of the material master at

inspection type level

We can review/change Quality level for DMR by using T.code QDL1/QDL2/QDL2

Thank You

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