

Interview questions

What is the difference between the 1. linked list and the array?

2. to prepare a list sorting algorithm. Explain why you would choose to use this method

3. write an array sorting algorithm. Explain why you would choose to use this method

4. write code that directly implements the function of the strstr () function.

5. write reverse string program, requiring speed optimization, optimization of space.

6. how do I find the link in the list?

7. gives an algorithm for shuffling and stores the cards in a plastic array.

8. write a function to check if the character is an integer, and if so, return its integer value. (or: how can you write a function from strings to long lines with only 4 lines of code?)

9. gives a function to output all the permutations of a string.

10. please write the implementation of malloc () memory allocation function, the same code.

11. gives a function to copy two strings, A and B. The last few bytes of the string A overlap the first few bytes of the string B.

12. how to write a program that puts an ordered integer array into a two fork tree?

13. how to print two tree node data at the top layer by layer? Please programming.

14., how to drop a list of orders (that is, reverse order, pay attention to the boundary conditions of the list and consider the empty list)?

In addition:

First, the individual choice questions: (12 questions, 2 points per subject, 24 points)

1. which of the following is not the standard data type of C++? (D)

A. int B. char

C. bool D. real

In which grammar structure can the 2. break keyword not be used? (C)

A. for statement B. switch statement

C. if statement D. while statement

How many kinds of inheritance are there in the 3. kind? (B)

A. two kinds of B., three kinds

C. four kinds of D., six kinds

What is the role of the 4. extern keyword? (D)

A. declares external links, and B. declares external header references

The C. declaration uses the extended C++ statement D. to declare external member


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