
A Berlin-based web developer — who codes JavaScript for a living — decided to go an entire day without JavaScript.


Let’s face it — in an insane world where the average webpage is 2.4 megabytes — the same size as the 1993 game Doom — turning off JavaScript completely can seem like a sane thing to do.

让我们面对现实-在一个疯狂的世界中,平均网页大小为 2.4兆字节- 与1993年的《毁灭战士》游戏大小相同 -完全关闭JavaScript似乎是一件理智的事情。

Well, here are her main observations after disabling JavaScript in the browser for a day:


  • The web is really fast without JavaScript没有JavaScript,网络真的很快
  • There aren’t any ads. No auto-playing videos or “tell us your email address” pop-ups.没有任何广告。 没有自动播放视频或“告诉我们您的电子邮件地址”弹出窗口。
  • But… a lot of websites don’t work at all. Images don’t load, and forms can’t be submitted.但是……许多网站根本无法正常工作。 图片无法加载,并且表单无法提交。

Here’s what several popular websites she visited looked like with JavaScript disabled:


YouTube’s videos and thumbnails don’t load.


Netflix doesn’t load anything except for its logo in the upper left hand corner.


Amazon looks a bit odd, but it still works.


Wikipedia still works great.


You can read her full thoughts on her day without JavaScript experiment here: (6 minute read)

您可以在不阅读JavaScript的情况下阅读她当天的全部想法:( 阅读6分钟 )

这里还有三个值得您花时间的链接: (Here are three other links worth your time:)

  1. How to travel the world as a developer (8 minute read)

    如何以开发者的身份环游世界( 8分钟阅读 )

  2. Going Serverless: how to run your first AWS Lambda function in the cloud (8 minute read)

    走向无服务器:如何在云中运行您的第一个AWS Lambda函数(需8分钟阅读 )

  3. Between the Wires: An interview with core contributors to MooTools (20 minute read)

    电线之间:对MooTools核心贡献者的访谈( 阅读20分钟 )

想到的一天: (Thought of the day:)

“Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.” — Atwood’s Law

“任何可以用JavaScript编写的应用程序,最终都将用JavaScript编写。” —阿特伍德定律

有趣的一天: (Funny of the day:)

The Stack Overflow keyboard


当天的研究小组: (Study group of the day:)

freeCodeCamp Berlin


Happy coding!


– Quincy Larson, teacher at freeCodeCamp

– Quincy Larson, freeCodeCamp的老师

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如果您从这些电子邮件中获得了价值,请考虑支持我们的公益组织 。




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