题目地址:Fizz Buzz Multithreaded - LeetCode

Write a program that outputs the string representation of numbers from 1 to n, however:

If the number is divisible by 3, output “fizz”.
If the number is divisible by 5, output “buzz”.
If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, output “fizzbuzz”.
For example, for n = 15, we output: 1, 2, fizz, 4, buzz, fizz, 7, 8, fizz, buzz, 11, fizz, 13, 14, fizzbuzz.

Suppose you are given the following code:

class FizzBuzz {public FizzBuzz(int n) { ... }               // constructorpublic void fizz(printFizz) { ... }          // only output "fizz"public void buzz(printBuzz) { ... }          // only output "buzz"public void fizzbuzz(printFizzBuzz) { ... }  // only output "fizzbuzz"public void number(printNumber) { ... }      // only output the numbers

Implement a multithreaded version of FizzBuzz with four threads. The same instance of FizzBuzz will be passed to four different threads:

Thread A will call fizz() to check for divisibility of 3 and outputs fizz.
Thread B will call buzz() to check for divisibility of 5 and outputs buzz.
Thread C will call fizzbuzz() to check for divisibility of 3 and 5 and outputs fizzbuzz.
Thread D will call number() which should only output the numbers.








CountDownLatch 主要用来解决一个线程等待多个线程的场景,可以类比旅游团团长要等待所有的游客到齐才能去下一个景点;而 CyclicBarrier 是一组线程之间互相等待,更像是几个驴友之间不离不弃。除此之外 CountDownLatch 的计数器是不能循环利用的,也就是说一旦计数器减到 0,再有线程调用 await(),该线程会直接通过。但 CyclicBarrier 的计数器是可以循环利用的,而且具备自动重置的功能,一旦计数器减到 0 会自动重置到你设置的初始值。除此之外,CyclicBarrier 还可以设置回调函数,可以说是功能丰富。




class FizzBuzz {private int n;private int currentNumber = 1;private final Object mutex = new Object();public FizzBuzz(int n) {this.n = n;}// printFizz.run() outputs "fizz".public void fizz(Runnable printFizz) throws InterruptedException {synchronized (mutex) {while (currentNumber <= n) {if (currentNumber % 3 != 0 || currentNumber % 5 == 0) {mutex.wait();continue;}printFizz.run();currentNumber += 1;mutex.notifyAll();}}}// printBuzz.run() outputs "buzz".public void buzz(Runnable printBuzz) throws InterruptedException {synchronized (mutex) {while (currentNumber <= n) {if (currentNumber % 5 != 0 || currentNumber % 3 == 0) {mutex.wait();continue;}printBuzz.run();currentNumber += 1;mutex.notifyAll();}}}// printFizzBuzz.run() outputs "fizzbuzz".public void fizzbuzz(Runnable printFizzBuzz) throws InterruptedException {synchronized (mutex) {while (currentNumber <= n) {if (currentNumber % 15 != 0) {mutex.wait();continue;}printFizzBuzz.run();currentNumber += 1;mutex.notifyAll();}}}// printNumber.accept(x) outputs "x", where x is an integer.public void number(IntConsumer printNumber) throws InterruptedException {synchronized (mutex) {while (currentNumber <= n) {if (currentNumber % 3 == 0 || currentNumber % 5 == 0) {mutex.wait();continue;}printNumber.accept(currentNumber);currentNumber += 1;mutex.notifyAll();}}}


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