
1. ARC


如何使用instrument:  http://www.raywenderlich.com/23037/how-to-use-instruments-in-xcode

2. reuseIdentifier

UITableViewCell && UICollectionViewCells && UITableViewheaderFooterViews

3. set opaque to YES

4. avoid fat XIBs



5. Don't block the Main Thread


[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequet: queue: completionHandler:];

6. Size image to imageView' size



7. choose the correct collection

NSArray:        ordered list of values, Quick lookup by index, Slow to lookup by value, Slow to insert&delete

NSDictionary: key-value pairs, Quick lookups by key

NSSet:            unordered list of values, Quick lookup by value, Quick to insert&delete

8. enable GZIP compression

9. Reuse && Lazy load

仿照UITableView, 不要一次性创建所有的subView, 你只在需要的时候创建一个subView,

并把它添加到reuse queue, 这可以避免大量的消耗。下次使用的时候,你只需要reuse即可。

10. cache


对于一般object的NSCache : http://nshipster.com/nscache/

11. Drawing performance

考虑不同绘图机制的性能(UIKit,Core Animation,  Core Graphics(高效))

12. 处理Memory Warnings

有3种方式可以接收到Memory Warning

  1)applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:                      ---- app delegate

2)  didReceiveMemoryWarning                                      ---- UIViewController

  3)  UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification   -----  notificationCenter


制作你app的过程中,你应当在iOS simulator中模拟内存警告的情况,并作出应对。

13. refuse Expensive Objects

类似于NSDateFormatter, NSCalendar,这些object的初始化,设置效率都比较低,代价比较大.


          2)创建一个static variable.


-(NSDateFormatter*)formatter {

static NSDateFormatter *formatter;

static dispatch_once_t onceToken;

dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{

_formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

_formatter.dateFormat = @"EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy"; // twitter date format


return formatter;


14. Use sprite sheets

15. Avoid Re-Processing Data


16. choose the right data format

JSON  - faster to parse, smaller than XML

XML    - soap advantage

17.  background image

full size image -  [UIImage imageNamed:@"test.png"];

pattern image - [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"test.png"]];

18. reduce your web Footprint


19. Shadow Path

//Core Animation - 但是这种方式代价高昂

UIView *view = [[UIView alloc]init];

view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(-1.0, 1.0);

view.layer.shadowRadius = 5.0;

view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.6;

//effective way

view.layer.shadowPath = [[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:view.bounds] CGPath];

20. Optimize tableView

reuse cell

set subView opaque

  avoid gradients, image scale, offscreen drawing

  cache height if height is variable

use asynchronously method for cell' contents

  use shadowPath to set shadow

  reduce the number of subViews

  do as little work as possible in cellForRowAtIndexPath:

  use the appropriate data structure

  use rowHeight, sectionFooterHeight, sectionHeaderHeight to set constant height instead of delegate(效率上能理解,设计上不能理解)

21. Choose correct data storage option

NSUserDefaults   ---   small data

XML, JSON, Plist ---   expensive operation to store and parse

NSCoding(Archive)---expensive as above

Sqlite---easy to use

Core Data---   like above

22. speed up Launch Time


  PS:测试Launch Time的最有效方式:断开Xcode,单独运行你的app

23. load image

imageNamed:     首先从system cache里面查找image,如果没有找到,再从文件加载image

imageWithContentsOfFile:  直接从文件加载image,不检查systemcache

PS:对于会多次使用到的image,选择imageNamed:, 对于单次使用的image,直接从文件加载比较合适

24. Cache Images – Or Not

25. Avoid DateFormatters Where Possible


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