
To Create an Unmanaged Application

Follow these steps to implement an unmanaged application.

To implement a C++ application

  1. Include <NuiApi.h> in your source code.

                    #include <NuiApi.h>
  2. For standard definitions, include windows.h and ole2.h in your source code.

  3. To use the NUI API, include NuiApi.h, which is in %KINECTSDK10_DIR%\inc. NuiApi.h includes NuiCamera.h and NuiSkeleton.h also.

  4. To use the Kinect Audio API, include NuiSensor.h, which is in %KINECTSDK10_DIR%\inc.

  5. Link to Kinect10.lib, which is in %KINECTSDK10_DIR%\lib\x86 (for 32-bit apps) or %KINECTSDK10_DIR%\lib\amd64 (for 64-bit apps).

  6. If you are using player index information, specify both NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX and NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_SKELETON in the dwFlags parameter to NuiInitialize.

  7. The C++ header files are installed in the path contained in the environment variable: KINECTSDK10_DIR, and include the following files:

  • NuiApi.h - Aggregates all NUI API headers and defines basic initialization and access functions. Use these functions to enumerate devices and access multiple devices. This is the main header file to include in your C++ project; this file includes NuiImageCamera.h and NuiSkeleton.h.

  • NuiImageCamera.h - APIs for image and camera services for adjusting camera settings and opening reading data streams.

  • NuiSkeleton.h - APIs to enable skeleton tracking, get skeleton data, and transform skeleton data for smoother rendering.

  • NuiSensor.h - Audio APIs including the ISoundSourceLocalizer interface, which supports beamforming and source localization.


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