

1. 早期C. Koch与S. Ullman的研究工作.


C. Koch and S. Ullman . Shifts in selective visual attention: Towards the underlying neural circuitry. Human Neurobiology, 4(4):219-227, 1985.

C. Koch and T. Poggio. Predicting the Visual World: Silence is Golden. Nature Neuroscience, 2(1):9–10, 1999.

C.Koch是加州理工大学Koch Lab的教授,后文的侯晓迪师从C. Koch进行博士研究。

2. 南加州大学iLab实验室Itti教授及其学生Siagian等的研究工作.

见http://ilab.usc.edu/publications/. 主页提供iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit。Christian Siagian博士期间的主要工作是生物学启发的机器人视觉定位研究(Biologically Inspired Mobile Robot Vision Localization).

L. Itti, C. Koch, & E. Niebur .A model of saliency based visual attention for rapid scene analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20(11):1254-1259, 1998.

L. Itti and C. Koch. Computational Modelling of Visual Attention. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2(3):194–203, 2001.

L. Itti, & P. Baldi . Bayesian surprise attracts human attention. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 19:547-554, 2005.

C. Siagian, L. Itti, Comparison of gist models in rapid scene categorization tasks, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008.

3. Caltech 的J. Harel研究工作.

Koch Lab的J. Harel在2006年提出基于图的视觉显著性检测. 有Matlab实现。http://www.klab.caltech.edu/~harel/share/gbvs/

J. Harel, C. Koch, &P. Perona. Graph-based visual saliency. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 19:545-552, 2006.

4. Caltech 侯晓迪博士的研究工作.

他是上交硕士,后去加州理工大学读博。他提出的频域残差法(Spectral Residual)让人认识到数学的美。

X,Hou &L,Zhang. Saliency Detection: A spectral residual approach. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007, pp.1-8.

Xiaodi Hou, Jonathan Harel and Christof Koch: Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions (PAMI 2012)

同时推荐他出演的电影“The PHD Movie”:




5. 复旦大学Chenlei Guo, Liming Zhang的工作.

他们在频域残差法(Spectral Residual)的基础上提出相位谱(Phase Spectrum)方法。

Chenlei Guo, Qi Ma, Liming Zhang: Spatio-temporal Saliency detection using phase spectrum of quaternion fourier transform. CVPR 2008

Chenlei Guo, Liming Zhang: A Novel Multiresolution Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Model and Its Applications in Image and Video Compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19(1): 185-198 (2010)

6. 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院EPFL的R. Achanta研究工作.

R. Achanta, F. Estrada, P. Wils, & S. Süsstrunk, Salient region detection and segmentation. International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 2008, pp.66-75.

R. Achanta and S. Süsstrunk, “Saliency Detection for Content-aware Image Resizing,” in IEEE International Conference on

Image Processing, 2009.

R. Achanta, S. Hemami ,F. Estrada,& S. Süsstrunk, Frequency-tuned salient region detection. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009, pp.1597-1604.

R. Achanta and S. Süsstrunk, Saliency Detection using Maximum Symmetric Surround, ICIP, 2010.

7. 西安交通大学TieLiu在微软亚研院的一些工作.

Tie Liu, Jian Sun, Nan-Ning Zheng, Xiaoou Tang and Heung-Yeung Shum. Learning to Detect A Salient Object. In Proc. IEEE Cont. on Computer Vision and pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2007.

Tie Liu, et. al. ,Video Attention: Learning to Detect A Salient Object Sequence, ICPR 2008.

8. 瑞典KIT的Boris Schauerte的研究工作.

B. Schauerte, R. Stiefelhagen, "Predicting Human Gaze using Quaternion DCT Image Signature Saliency and Face Detection". In Proc. 12th IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2012. (Best Student Paper Award)

B. Schauerte, R. Stiefelhagen, "Quaternion-based Spectral Saliency Detection for Eye Fixation Prediction". In Proc. 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),  2012.

9.  以色列理工大学(The Technion),CGM Lab,L. Zelnik-Manor研究组的工作.

D. Rudoy, D.B Goldman, E. Shechtman and L.Zelnik-Manor, " Learning video saliency from human gaze using candidate selection ",  To appear in CVPR, 2013.

R. Margolin, A. Tal, and L. Zelnik-Manor, " What Makes a Patch Distinct? ",  To appear in CVPR, 2013.

R. Margolin, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal " SaliencyFor ImageManipulation ",  The Visual Computer, June 2012.

R.Margolin, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal " SaliencyFor ImageManipulation ",  Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2012.

S. Goferman, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal " Context-AwareSaliency Detection ", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(PAMI), 34(10): 1915--1926,Oct. 2012.

M. Holtzman-Gazit, L. Zelnik-Manor and I.Yavne, " Salient Edges: A MultiScale Approach", ECCV 2010 Workshop on Vision for Cognitive Tasks.

S. Goferman, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal. Context-Aware Saliency Detection. CVPR 2010.

10. 美国西北大学Ying Wu研究组的工作.

Xiaohui Shen and Ying Wu, "A Unified Approach to Salient Object Detection via Low Rank Matrix Recovery", in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)(Oral), 2012.

11. 清华大学程明明(Ming-Ming Cheng)相关工作。

SalientShape: Group Saliency in Image Collections. Ming-Ming Cheng, Niloy J. Mitra, Xiaolei Huang, Shi-Min Hu. Technical Report TR-120624, GGC Group, Tsinghua University.

Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection. Ming-Ming Cheng, Guo-Xin Zhang, Niloy J. Mitra, Xiaolei Huang, Shi-Min Hu. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR2011.

12. MIT Graphics Group, Tilke Judd的研究工作.

Tilke Judd, Understanding and Predicting Where People Look. MIT PhD Thesis of Computer Science, 2011.

Tilke Judd, Frédo Durand, Antonio Torralba, A Benchmark of Computational Models of Saliency to Predict Human Fixations.

currently under review, also available as a 2012 MIT Tech Report.

Tilke Judd, Frédo Durand, Antonio Torralba, Fixations on Low-Resolution Images,Journal of Vision 2011.

Tilke Judd, Krista Ehinger, Frédo Durand, Antonio Torralba.Learning to predict where people look,International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2009.

Judd提供了一个Saliency Benchmark. 并且总结了相关数据集。


13. 大连理工大学卢湖川(Huchuan Lu)老师研究组的工作。

Yulin Xie, Huchuan Lu, Minghsuan Yang, Bayesian Saliency via Low and Mid Level Cues, IEEE Transaction On Image Processing, 2013.

Chuan Yang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu, Minghsuan Yang, Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking, CVPR 2013.


CVPR2015 3篇显著性区域检测都是卢湖川教授的工作(链接:点击打开链接):

1)Na Tong, Huchuan Lu, Minghsuan Yang.Salient Object Detection via Bootstrap Learning(感觉效果还不错)

2)Yao Qin, Huchuan Lu , Yiqun Xu, He Wang, Saliency Detection via Cellular Automata

3)Lijun Wang, Huchuan Lu, Minghsuan Yang, Deep Networks for Saliency Detection via Local Estimation and Global Search

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