Effective C# 原则16:垃圾最小化
Item 16: Minimize Garbage



protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e )
  // Bad. Created the same font every paint event.
  using ( Font MyFont = new Font( "Arial", 10.0f ))
    e.Graphics.DrawString( DateTime.Now.ToString(),
      MyFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF( 0,0 ));
  base.OnPaint( e );



private readonly Font _myFont =
  new Font( "Arial", 10.0f );

protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e )
  e.Graphics.DrawString( DateTime.Now.ToString( ),
    _myFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF( 0,0 ));
  base.OnPaint( e );




private static Brush _blackBrush;
public static Brush Black
    if ( _blackBrush == null )
      _blackBrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Black );
      return _blackBrush;

当你第一次申请黑色画刷时,Brushes类就会创建它。然而Brushes类就保留一个单一的黑色画刷的引用句柄,当你再次申请时它就直接返回这个句柄。结果就是你只创建了一个黑色画刷并且一直在重用它。另外,如果你的应用程序不须要一个特殊的资源,一个柠檬绿(lime green)的画刷就可能永远不会创建。框架提供了一个方法来限制对象,使得在满足目标的情况下使用最小的对象集合。学会在你的应用程序里使用这样的技巧。


string msg = "Hello, ";
msg += thisUser.Name;
msg += ". Today is ";
msg += System.DateTime.Now.ToString();


string msg = "Hello, ";
// Not legal, for illustration only:
string tmp1 = new String( msg + thisUser.Name );
string msg = tmp1; // "Hello " is garbage.
string tmp2 = new String( msg + ". Today is " );
msg = tmp2; // "Hello <user>" is garbage.
string tmp3 = new String( msg + DateTime.Now.ToString( ) );
msg = tmp3;// "Hello <user>. Today is " is garbage.


string msg = string.Format ( "Hello, {0}. Today is {1}",
  thisUser.Name, DateTime.Now.ToString( ));


StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "Hello, " );
msg.Append( thisUser.Name );
msg.Append( ". Today is " );
msg.Append( DateTime.Now.ToString());
string finalMsg = msg.ToString();



Item 16: Minimize Garbage
The Garbage Collector does an excellent job of managing memory for you, and it removes unused objects in a very efficient manner.But no matter how you look at it, allocating and destroying a heap-based object takes more processor time than not allocating and not destroying a heap-based object. You can introduce serious performance drains on your program by creating an excessive number of reference objects that are local to your methods.

So don't overwork the Garbage Collector. You can follow some simple techniques to minimize the amount of work that the Garbage Collector needs to do on your program's behalf. All reference types, even local variables, are allocated on the heap. Every local variable of a reference type becomes garbage as soon as that function exits. One very common bad practice is to allocate GDI objects in a Windows paint handler:

protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e )
  // Bad. Created the same font every paint event.
  using ( Font MyFont = new Font( "Arial", 10.0f ))
    e.Graphics.DrawString( DateTime.Now.ToString(),
      MyFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF( 0,0 ));
  base.OnPaint( e );

OnPaint() gets called frequently. Every time it gets called, you create another Font object that contains the exact same settings. The Garbage Collector needs to clean those up for you every time. That's incredibly inefficient.

Instead, promote the Font object from a local variable to a member variable. Reuse the same font each time you paint the window:

private readonly Font _myFont =
  new Font( "Arial", 10.0f );

protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e )
  e.Graphics.DrawString( DateTime.Now.ToString( ),
    _myFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF( 0,0 ));
  base.OnPaint( e );

Your program no longer creates garbage with every paint event. The Garbage Collector does less work. Your program runs just a little faster. When you elevate a local variable, such as a font, that implements IDisposable to a member variable, you need to implement IDisposable in your class. Item 18 explains how to properly do just that.

You should promote local variables to member variables when they are reference types (value types don't matter) and they will be used in routines that are called very frequently. The font in the paint routine makes an excellent example. Only local variables in routines that are frequently accessed are good candidates. Infrequently called routines are not. You're trying to avoid creating the same objects repeatedly, not turn every local variable into a member variable.

The static property Brushes.Black, used earlier illustrates another technique that you should use to avoid repeatedly allocating similar objects. Create static member variables for commonly used instances of the reference types you need. Consider the black brush used earlier as an example. Every time you need to draw something in your window using the color black, you need a black brush. If you allocate a new one every time you draw anything, you create and destroy a huge number of black brushes during the course of a program. The first approach of creating a black brush as a member of each of your types helps, but it doesn't go far enough. Programs might create dozens of windows and controls, and would create dozens of black brushes. The .NET Framework designers anticipated this and created a single black brush for you to reuse whenever you need it. The Brushes class contains a number of static Brush objects, each with a different common color. Internally, the Brushes class uses a lazy evaluation algorithm to create only those brushes you request. A simplified implementation looks like this:

private static Brush _blackBrush;
public static Brush Black
    if ( _blackBrush == null )
      _blackBrush = new SolidBrush( Color.Black );
      return _blackBrush;

The first time you request a black brush, the Brushes class creates it. The Brushes class keeps a reference to the single black brush and returns that same handle whenever you request it again. The end result is that you create one black brush and reuse it forevermore. Furthermore, if your application does not need a particular resourcesay, the lime green brushit never gets created. The framework provides a way to limit the objects created to the minimum set you need to accomplish your goals. Copy that technique in your programs..

You've learned two techniques to minimize the number of allocations your program performs as it goes about its business. You can promote often-used local variables to member variables. You can provide a class that stores singleton objects that represent common instances of a given type. The last technique involves building the final value for immutable types. The System.String class is immutable: After you construct a string, the contents of that string cannot be modified. Whenever you write code that appears to modify the contents of a string, you are actually creating a new string object and leaving the old string object as garbage. This seemingly innocent practice:

string msg = "Hello, ";
msg += thisUser.Name;
msg += ". Today is ";
msg += System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

is just as inefficient as if you had written this:

string msg = "Hello, ";
// Not legal, for illustration only:
string tmp1 = new String( msg + thisUser.Name );
string msg = tmp1; // "Hello " is garbage.
string tmp2 = new String( msg + ". Today is " );
msg = tmp2; // "Hello <user>" is garbage.
string tmp3 = new String( msg + DateTime.Now.ToString( ) );
msg = tmp3;// "Hello <user>. Today is " is garbage.

The strings tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3, and the originally constructed msg ("Hello"), are all garbage. The += method on the string class creates a new string object and returns that string. It does not modify the existing string by concatenating the characters to the original storage. For simple constructs such as the previous one, you should use the string. Format() method:

string msg = string.Format ( "Hello, {0}. Today is {1}",
  thisUser.Name, DateTime.Now.ToString( ));

For more complicated string operations, you can use the StringBuilder class:

StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "Hello, " );
msg.Append( thisUser.Name );
msg.Append( ". Today is " );
msg.Append( DateTime.Now.ToString());
string finalMsg = msg.ToString();

StringBuilder is the mutable string class used to build an immutable string object. It provides facilities for mutable strings that let you create and modify text data before you construct an immutable string object. Use StringBuilder to create the final version of a string object. More important, learn from that design idiom. When your designs call for immutable types (see Item 7), consider creating builder objects to facilitate the multiphase construction of the final object. That provides a way for users of your class to construct an object in steps, yet maintain the immutability of your type.

The Garbage Collector does an efficient job of managing the memory that your application uses. But remember that creating and destroying heap objects still takes time. Avoid creating excessive objects; don't create what you don't need. Also avoid creating multiple objects of reference types in local functions. Instead, consider promoting local variables to member variables, or create static objects of the most common instances of your types. Finally, consider creating mutable builder classes for immutable types.


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