20181127-1附加作业 软件工程原则的应用实例








import reclass WF():def __init__(self):self.file_name = input('please input the name of book:')self.mappings = {}self.get_words()self.console_print()self.__init__()def get_words(self):file_tail = '' if '.txt' in self.file_name else '.txt'with open (self.file_name + file_tail, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:for line in f:for i in re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','', line).replace('\n','').split(' '):if i not in self.mappings:self.mappings[i] = 1else:self.mappings[i] += 1def console_print(self):for k, w in self.mappings.items():print(k, w)print('\ntotal: %swords' % len(self.mappings))WF()





 1 import random
 2 ops = ['+','-','*','/']
 3 com = input('>') #用户输入
 4 cot = 0 #答对的题
 5 x = 0
 6 while x < 20 :
 7     s1 = random.randint(1,10)
 8     s2 = random.randint(1,10)
 9     s3 = random.randint(1,10)
10     s4 = random.randint(1,10)
11     op1 = random.choice(ops) #随机运算符
12     op2 = random.choice(ops)
13     op3 = random.choice(ops)
14     while op1 == op2 == op3:
15         op1 = random.choice(ops) #随机运算符
16         op2 = random.choice(ops)
17         op3 = random.choice(ops)
18     eq = (str(s1)+op1+str(s2)+op2+str(s3)+op3+str(s4))
19     res = eval(eq)
20     if len(str(res) ) > 5:
21         continue
22     x += 1
23     print(eq)
24     in_res =eval( input('?'))
25     if in_res == res:
26         print('算对啦,你真是个天才!')
27         cot += 1
28     else:
29         print('再想想吧,答案似乎是%s喔!'%res)
31 print('你一共答对%s道题,共20道题'%cot)


 1 from random import randint
 2 from random import choice
 3 ops = ['+','-','*','/']
 4 bra = ['(', '', ')']
 5 com = input('>') #用户输入
 6 cot = 0 #答对的题
 7 x = 0
 8 while x < 20 :
 9     s1 = randint(1,10)
10     s2 = randint(1,10)
11     s3 = randint(1,10)
12     s4 = randint(1,10)
13     op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
14     op2 = choice(ops)
15     op3 = choice(ops)
16     """括号"""
17     bra_1 = ['' , '' ,'']
18     bra_2 = ['' , '' , '']
19     i = ii =0
20     while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 \
21         or ii < i  :
22         i = randint(0,2)
23         ii = randint(0,2)
25     bra_1[i] = '(';   bra_2[ii]=')'
27     while op1 == op2 == op3 :
28         op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
29         op2 = choice(ops)
30         op3 = choice(ops)
32     eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + \
33     bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 \
34     + str(s4) + bra_2[2]
35     res = eval(eq)
36     if len(str(res) ) > 5:
37         continue
38     x += 1
39     print(eq)
40     in_res =eval( input('?'))
41     if in_res == res:
42         print('算对啦,你真是个天才!')
43         cot += 1
44     else:
45         print('再想想吧,答案似乎是%s喔!'%res)
47 print('你一共答对%s道题,共20道题'%cot)


 1 from random import randint
 2 from random import choice
 3 import os
 4 ops = ['+','-','*','/']
 5 bra = ['(', '', ')']
 6 com = input('>') #用户输入
 7 com_list = com.split()
 8 while com_list[2].isdigit() == False:
 9     print('题目数量必须是正整数')
10     com = input('>') #用户输入
11     com_list = com.split()
13 def xx():
14     s1 = randint(1,10)
15     s2 = randint(1,10)
16     s3 = randint(1,10)
17     s4 = randint(1,10)
18     op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
19     op2 = choice(ops)
20     op3 = choice(ops)
21     """括号"""
22     bra_1 = ['' , '' ,'']
23     bra_2 = ['' , '' , '']
24     i = ii =0
25     while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 \
26         or ii < i  :
27         i = randint(0,2)
28         ii = randint(0,2)
30     bra_1[i] = '(';   bra_2[ii]=')'
32     while op1 == op2 == op3 :
33         op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
34         op2 = choice(ops)
35         op3 = choice(ops)
37     eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + \
38     bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 \
39     + str(s4) + bra_2[2]
40     res = eval(eq)
41     return [eq,res]
45 eq = [];  res = []
46 while len(res) < int(com_list[2]):
47     a = xx()
48     if a[1] in res or len((str(a[1])) ) >6: #结果一样的直接就不要
49         continue
50     eq.append(a[0])
51     res.append(a[1])
53 f= open('题目.txt','w')
54 for i in range(len(eq)):
55     print('{0:15}'.format(eq[i]),end = '')
56     print(res[i])
57     xxx = 17 - len(eq[i])
58     f.write(str(eq[i]+' '*xxx))
59     f.write(str(res[i])+'\n')
60 f.close()
61 os.system('题目.txt')  #决定是否打开txt


 1 import os
 2 from random import randint
 3 from random import choice
 4 from fractions import Fraction
 5 ops = ['+','-','*','/']
 6 bra = ['(', '', ')']
 7 com = input('>') #用户输入
 8 com_list = com.split()
 9 while com_list[2].isdigit() == False:
10     print('题目数量必须是正整数')
11     com = input('>') #用户输入
12     com_list = com.split()
14 def xx():
15     s1 = randint(1,10)
16     s2 = randint(1,10)
17     s3 = randint(1,10)
18     s4 = randint(1,10)
19     op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
20     op2 = choice(ops)
21     op3 = choice(ops)
22     """括号"""
23     bra_1 = ['' , '' ,'']
24     bra_2 = ['' , '' , '']
25     i = ii =0
26     while (i ==0 and ii ==2) or abs(i-ii)==1 \
27         or ii < i  :
28         i = randint(0,2)
29         ii = randint(0,2)
31     bra_1[i] = '(';   bra_2[ii]=')'
33     while op1 == op2 == op3 :
34         op1 = choice(ops) #随机运算符
35         op2 = choice(ops)
36         op3 = choice(ops)
38     eq = bra_1[0] + str(s1) + op1 + bra_1[1] + str(s2) + \
39     bra_2[0] + op2 + bra_1[2] + str(s3) + bra_2[1] + op3 \
40     + str(s4) + bra_2[2]
41     res = Fraction(eval(eq))
42     return [eq,res]





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