
图 5.55. The Settings Dialog, Icon Overlays Page

This page allows you to choose the items for which TortoiseSVN will display icon overlays.

By default, overlay icons and context menus will appear in all open/save dialogs as well as in Windows Explorer. If you want them to appear only in Windows Explorer, check the Show overlays and context menu only in explorer box.

Ignored items and Unversioned items are not usually given an overlay. If you want to show an overlay in these cases, just check the boxes.

You can also choose to mark folders as modified if they contain unversioned items. This could be useful for reminding you that you have created new files which are not yet versioned. This option is only available when you use the default status cache option (see below).

Since it takes quite a while to fetch the status of a working copy, TortoiseSVN uses a cache to store the status so the explorer doesn't get hogged too much when showing the overlays. You can choose which type of cache TortoiseSVN should use according to your system and working copy size here:

默认Caches all status information in a separate process (TSVNCache.exe). That process watches all drives for changes and fetches the status again if files inside a working copy get modified. The process runs with the least possible priority so other programs don't get hogged because of it. That also means that the status information is not real time but it can take a few seconds for the overlays to change.

Advantage: the overlays show the status recursively, i.e. if a file deep inside a working copy is modified, all folders up to the working copy root will also show the modified overlay. And since the process can send notifications to the shell, the overlays on the left tree view usually change too.

缺点: 即使你已经不在项目下工作了,该进程仍然持续运行。取决于你工作副本的数量和大小,它将占用10-50 MB的RAM内存空间。Windows 外壳缓存在外壳扩展dll中直接完成,但仅仅是为那些当前可见的文件夹。每次你浏览到其他文件夹,状态信息就会被重新获取。

优点: 仅仅需要很少的内存(大约 1 MB),并且可以 实时 显示状态。

缺点: 因为仅有一个文件夹被缓存,图标重载不会递归地显示状态。在大一些的工作副本下,它在浏览器中显示一个文件夹将比默认缓存模式花费更多时间。而且 mime-type 列将无效。无在这种设置下,TSVN在浏览器里就完全不去获取状态了。因此,版本控制下的文件将不会获得任何图标重载。文件夹也仅仅有个“正常”状态的图标重载,其他的不会显示,也不会有其他额外的列可用。

优点: 绝对不会占用任何额外的内存,也完全不会减慢浏览器的浏览速度。

Disadvantage: Status information of files and folders is not shown in Explorer. To see if your working copies are modified, you have to use the “Check for modifications” dialog.

The next group allows you to select which classes of storage should show overlays. By default, only hard drives are selected. You can even disable all icon overlays, but where's the fun in that?

Network drives can be very slow, so by default icons are not shown for working copies located on network shares.


排除路径 是被用来告诉TSVN 不用 在哪些路径下显示图标重载和状态列。如果你有些很大的工作副本,而这些工作副本仅仅包含你完全不想改变的库文件,从而你也不需要显示图标重载,这时该功能将会很有用。举个例子:

填写 f:\development\SVN\Subversion 将 仅仅 在这个特殊文件夹上取消图标覆盖。 你仍然可以在该路径下的所有文件、文件夹上看到图标重载。

填写 f:\development\SVN\Subversion* 将在路径以 f:\development\SVN\Subversion 开始的 所有 文件和文件夹上取消图标重载。这意味着你在该路径下的任何文件/文件夹上都将看不到图标重载了。

包含路径 也使用同样的语法。除了有些反例: 即使该路径处在某个取消图标重载显示的特定驱动类型下,或是处在上面的排除路径之下, 也依然会显示图标重载。

Users sometimes ask how these three settings interact, and the definitive answer is:if (path is in include list)

show overlays

if (path is allowed drive type) AND (path is not in exclude list)

show overlays

The include list always makes the overlays show. Otherwise, overlays are shown for all marked drive types unless the path is excluded.

TSVNCache.exe 同样使用这些路径来限制它的扫描。如果你想让它仅仅在某些特定文件夹里监视,就取消所有的驱动器类型,并仅仅包含你允许被扫描的文件夹。

排除 SUBST 磁盘

It is often convenient to use a SUBST drive to access your working copies, e.g. using the commandsubst T: C:\TortoiseSVN\trunk\doc

However this can cause the overlays not to update, as TSVNCache will only receive one notification when a file changes, and that is normally for the original path. This means that your overlays on the subst path may never be updated.

An easy way to work around this is to exclude the original path from showing overlays, so that the overlays show up on the subst path instead.

Sometimes you will exclude areas that contain working copies, which saves TSVNCache from scanning and monitoring for changes, but you still want a visual indication that such folders are versioned. The Show excluded folders as 'normal' checkbox allows you to do this. With this option, versioned folders in any excluded area (drive type not checked, or specifically excluded) will show up as normal and up-to-date, with a green check mark. This reminds you that you are looking at a working copy, even though the folder overlays may not be correct. Files do not get an overlay at all. Note that the context menus still work, even though the overlays are not shown.

As a special exception to this, drives A: and B: are never considered for the Show excluded folders as 'normal' option. This is because Windows is forced to look on the drive, which can result in a delay of several seconds when starting Explorer, even if your PC does have a floppy drive.


图 5.56. 设置对话框,图标集页面


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