
最近发现GNotes在某些机器上安装出现空白界面问题,经过多次调试后来检查发现File.documentsDirectory此方法抛出Error #2014异常,提示功能不可用。也不明白为什么会抛出这异常,于是网上搜索了一下资料,发现有一位外国朋友跟我的情况一下(good luck!)。下面是描述内容:

Error #2014: Feature is not available at this time. at flash.filesystem::File$/initDocumentsDir()

2011-10-18 上午7:07

We have a customer that is occasionally getting this error on the startup of our AIR app:

Error: Error #2014: Feature is not available at this time.

at flash.filesystem::File$/initDocumentsDir()

at flash.filesystem::File$/get documentsDirectoryPath()

at flash.filesystem::File$/get documentsDirectory()

at licensing::LicensingManager()

at licensing::LicensingManager$/getInstance()

at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()

at MethodInfo-13695()

at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()

at mx.binding::Watcher/wrapUpdate()

at mx.binding::FunctionReturnWatcher/updateFunctionReturn()

at mx.binding::FunctionReturnWatcher/updateParent()

at _YNABWatcherSetupUtil/setup()

at YNAB/initialize()

at mx.managers::SystemManager/


at mx.managers::SystemManager/initializeTopLevelWindow()

at mx.managers::SystemManager/


at mx.managers::SystemManager/docFrameListener()

I have never heard of this error before, and what makes it worse is that it is only occasional! Do any Adobe developers have any ideas?

Best regards,



This issue should be due to that the user has his documents folder pointing (right click "my documents" -> properties -> location tab) to a folder on a remote drive that's not alway accessible. For example, pointing the folder to X: (\\orc-fs\temp) and then right-clicking on X to disconnect the drive. The applicaiton developers had better catch this error and show meaningful error message to th

原文请看: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3978972

回复内容的大概意思是,"我的文档"的位置指向了一个不可访问路径导致Air中获取失败。可以通过右键"我的文档",选择"属性" --> "位置"查看指向是否正确。我按照步骤查看了一下,果然是指向有问题,更改了一下指向后问题解决了。


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