本文翻译自:What is meant by immutable?

This could be the dumbest question ever asked but I think it is quite confusing for a Java newbie. 这可能是有史以来最愚蠢的问题,但我认为Java新手很混乱。

  1. Can somebody clarify what is meant by immutable ? 有人可以澄清不可变的含义吗?
  2. Why is a String immutable? 为什么String不可变的?
  3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the immutable objects? 不可变对象有哪些优点/缺点?
  4. Why should a mutable object such as StringBuilder be preferred over String and vice-verse? 为什么像StringBuilder这样的可变对象比String更受欢迎?

A nice example (in Java) will be really appreciated. 一个很好的例子(在Java中)将非常感激。




An immutable object is an object where the internal fields (or at least, all the internal fields that affect its external behavior) cannot be changed. 不可变对象是一个对象,其中无法更改内部字段(或至少影响其外部行为的所有内部字段)。

There are a lot of advantages to immutable strings: 不可变字符串有很多优点:

Performance: Take the following operation: 表现:采取以下操作:

String substring = fullstring.substring(x,y);

The underlying C for the substring() method is probably something like this: substring()方法的底层C可能是这样的:

// Assume string is stored like this:
struct String { char* characters; unsigned int length; };// Passing pointers because Java is pass-by-reference
struct String* substring(struct String* in, unsigned int begin, unsigned int end)
{struct String* out = malloc(sizeof(struct String));out->characters = in->characters + begin;out->length = end - begin;return out;

Note that none of the characters have to be copied! 请注意, 不得复制任何字符! If the String object were mutable (the characters could change later) then you would have to copy all the characters, otherwise changes to characters in the substring would be reflected in the other string later. 如果String对象是可变的(字符可能会在以后更改),那么您必须复制所有字符,否则对子字符串中字符的更改将在稍后的其他字符串中反映出来。

Concurrency: If the internal structure of an immutable object is valid, it will always be valid. 并发:如果不可变对象的内部结构有效,它将始终有效。 There's no chance that different threads can create an invalid state within that object. 不同的线程不可能在该对象中创建无效状态。 Hence, immutable objects are Thread Safe . 因此,不可变对象是线程安全的

Garbage collection: It's much easier for the garbage collector to make logical decisions about immutable objects. 垃圾收集:垃圾收集器更容易对不可变对象做出逻辑决策。

However, there are also downsides to immutability: 但是,不变性也有缺点:

Performance: Wait, I thought you said performance was an upside of immutability! 表现:等等,我以为你说性能是不变的好处! Well, it is sometimes, but not always. 嗯,有时候,但并非总是如此。 Take the following code: 请使用以下代码:

foo = foo.substring(0,4) + "a" + foo.substring(5);  // foo is a String
bar.replace(4,5,"a"); // bar is a StringBuilder

The two lines both replace the fourth character with the letter "a". 这两行都用字母“a”替换第四个字符。 Not only is the second piece of code more readable, it's faster. 第二段代码不仅更具可读性,而且速度更快。 Look at how you would have to do the underlying code for foo. 看看你将如何为foo做底层代码。 The substrings are easy, but now because there's already a character at space five and something else might be referencing foo, you can't just change it; 子串很容易,但现在因为在第五空间已经有了一个字符而其他东西可能引用了foo,你不能只改变它; you have to copy the whole string (of course some of this functionality is abstracted into functions in the real underlying C, but the point here is to show the code that gets executed all in one place). 你必须复制整个字符串(当然,这些功能中的一些被抽象为真正底层C中的函数,但这里的重点是显示在一个地方执行的代码)。

struct String* concatenate(struct String* first, struct String* second)
{struct String* new = malloc(sizeof(struct String));new->length = first->length + second->length;new->characters = malloc(new->length);int i;for(i = 0; i < first->length; i++)new->characters[i] = first->characters[i];for(; i - first->length < second->length; i++)new->characters[i] = second->characters[i - first->length];return new;
}// The code that executes
struct String* astring;
char a = 'a';
astring->characters = &a;
astring->length = 1;
foo = concatenate(concatenate(slice(foo,0,4),astring),slice(foo,5,foo->length));

Note that concatenate gets called twice meaning that the entire string has to be looped through! 请注意,连接被调用两次意味着整个字符串必须循环通过! Compare this to the C code for the bar operation: 将其与bar操作的C代码进行比较:

bar->characters[4] = 'a';

The mutable string operation is obviously much faster. 可变字符串操作显然要快得多。

In Conclusion: In most cases, you want an immutable string. 结论:在大多数情况下,您需要一个不可变的字符串。 But if you need to do a lot of appending and inserting into a string, you need the mutability for speed. 但是如果你需要做很多追加和插入字符串,你需要速度的可变性。 If you want the concurrency safety and garbage collection benefits with it the key is to keep your mutable objects local to a method: 如果您希望并发安全和垃圾收集带来好处,关键是将可变对象保持在方法的本地:

// This will have awful performance if you don't use mutable strings
String join(String[] strings, String separator)
{StringBuilder mutable;boolean first = true;for(int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++){if(!first) first = false;else mutable.append(separator);mutable.append(strings[i]);}return mutable.toString();

Since the mutable object is a local reference, you don't have to worry about concurrency safety (only one thread ever touches it). 由于mutable对象是本地引用,因此您不必担心并发安全性(只有一个线程会触及它)。 And since it isn't referenced anywhere else, it is only allocated on the stack, so it is deallocated as soon as the function call is finished (you don't have to worry about garbage collection). 并且由于它没有在其他任何地方引用,它只在堆栈上分配,所以一旦函数调用完成就会释放它(你不必担心垃圾收集)。 And you get all the performance benefits of both mutability and immutability. 并且您可以获得可变性和不变性的所有性能优势。


Once instanciated, cannot be altered. 一旦实现,就无法改变。 Consider a class that an instance of might be used as the key for a hashtable or similar. 考虑一个类,该实例可以用作哈希表或类似的键。 Check out Java best practices. 查看Java最佳实践。


Immutable means that once the object is created, non of its members will change. 不可变意味着一旦创建了对象,其成员就不会改变。 String is immutable since you can not change its content. String是不可变的,因为您无法更改其内容。 For example: 例如:

String s1 = "  abc  ";
String s2 = s1.trim();

In the code above, the string s1 did not change, another object ( s2 ) was created using s1 . 在上面的代码中,字符串s1没有改变,另一个对象( s2 )是使用s1创建的。


"immutable" means you cannot change value. “不可变”意味着你无法改变价值。 If you have an instance of String class, any method you call which seems to modify the value, will actually create another String. 如果你有一个String类的实例,你调用的任何似乎修改该值的方法实际上会创建另一个String。

String foo = "Hello";
<-- foo here still has the same value "Hello"

To preserve changes you should do something like this foo = foo.sustring(3); 为了保留变化,你应该做这样的事情foo = foo.sustring(3);

Immutable vs mutable can be funny when you work with collections. 使用集合时,不可变对可变性可能很有趣。 Think about what will happen if you use mutable object as a key for map and then change the value (tip: think about equals and hashCode ). 想想如果你使用可变对象作为map的关键然后改变值会发生什么(提示:想想equalshashCode )。




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